Monday, June 3, 2013

Killrock to end soon....but it would rock on.

The tale of Killrock is coming to an end soon, but the 1st Rangers lived. In the break from writing Elf Book 3 ( Yup, its as Book 2 was done sometime back. ) I decided to take a recipe change. I spent the weekend writing a shorter tale of the Rangers. Excerpts here.

The canopy referred to the ceiling of leaves and tree branches, it had  formed into a closely spaced forest trees at about 100-130 feet above the floor then the lower sparse canopies are multiple leaf and branch levels. They are named as the understory, and lower to that was the shrub layer, made up of shrubby plants and tree saplings. The line of vision was between 5 to 10 feet either side. That was the general description of the plants, an assorted numbers of smaller plants and creatures reside below the canopy. Those are the creepy ones as most of them have been registered as dangerous to touch and worse to be bitten by it.

If you are expecting large predators that ran on two limbs, then the option would be closer if they have narrower body and higher gravity point with elongated neck that ends with long fangs. That was not all, there was also the ones which cling to the ground or any surfaces to move with stealth across it. There was also the ones in flight with short wing span for the rapid descent towards the prey. The badass lots were the insects; they bite and the wounds become fatal, until your body stopped responding to the medicines.

But the good part, was we have the antidotes now if we take it in time.

Basilus looked at the squad who have taken battle position. He can appreciate the hours of training to honed their skills but he was more concerned on how to find the General. The area they are in was unknown; meaning zilch in intelligence. They are concerned with the unknown enemy.

"Marc, take point. Pete would hold the flank. Single file." Basilus looked at his squad. "Mira, looked at topside. We don't want any piggy backs."

Its a blend of action, with some detective works, and its a shorter tale ( 10K words ) and it spurred me to do another tale ( now at 3k words ). The one above is named Battle at Nimrest; tropical jungle scenario. The second one is Battle at Lavarock; need I explained more.

It would be in soon intertwined with Oz, the remake of the tale.

Oops before I go. Have a look at the next event here. This is a favor to someone who asked me to looked at the website. Do give it a go and run for health.

Me in a marathon? Probably but I am more into writing

Did I show you this?.....


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