Monday, June 3, 2013

2315 hrs Day Two Killrock Part 1.1

1. The Command Center
General Manning made it back to the Command Center and read the casualties report. His division was down to less than half the numbers but the there are still the five CT's running with the three Juggernauts.
"Major Ferdinand, the only reason we are winning was because of our superior firepower and the surprise flanking move. The later is over now." General had left the Scouts there but they can only the Draconian from flanking them. His 1st Company was down to a hundred Rangers backed by the 2nd Company at half strength. They fighting at the south was that intense as the north where the 2nd Company had held against the superior numbers.
":Move the 4th Company to assist the 2nd Company. And pushed the armored to assist them." Genera Manning called up the orders. "We would battle at dawn."
"General, I read Officer Moss report." Captain Dieter interjected in with his report. "The Draconian are here not for the colony or the metals. They are here as the ruins of Khun-Ta could be their ancient God. We are on their sacred land."
All the officers looked at the Intelligence Commander. The later placed the e-pad in front of the General. He point to the new comms message given by Central Command.
"General, I could asked you to withdraw on the grounds of the Rule 23 in the Rules of Conduct. We have withdrawn from battles on such condition. We would not waged battle on sacred grounds. Its our way saying to the others, we would not destroyed their heritage."
"I would be damned if I am to retreat now. I lost my Rangers out there." General Manning slammed the pad down when he read the latest comms orders. "Remove this officer from my sight. Shoot him if need be."
"General, I protest." Captain Dieter shouted back. "I could have you court martialed for this conduct."
All the officers looked at their Commander. General Manning look up and smiled.
"It won't be the first time. We all agreed to those rules with the ones which we have battled but these Draconian are not our previous foe. They are new and more to it; they do not fight by any rules. If they don't do that way, I would entertained them their way. " General Manning then motioned to his Rangers to removed the Intelligence Officer.
"Gentlemen, if we are going to win, we may need to strike in more decisively. We are outnumbered and the Draconian armored have not been effective but they got some hidden and revealed until now." General Manning looked at the few officers around the table. "I got some orders for you this evening."
The officers of 1st Rangers worked hard that night.
So were Basilus and his Squad. They were given new orders.

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