Saturday, June 8, 2013

0450 hrs Day Two Killrock Part 1.2

1. The Lone Vampire.

Basilus had the Vampire driven to what appeared to be the Draconian Storage Area. It was not heavily guarded as the troopers are all in front lines and there were only a few crates unopened there. There were a few sentries there but they are all grouped in the center discussing some thing. As the Vampire near the place, Mira and Marc rolled the armed projectile on the ground towards the Command Center as the Vampire moved in a circle. Then it swerved off and the snipers took their skills on the projectile. The projectiles hijacked from the earlier site exploded and caused considerable damages at the Storage Area.

"Pete, rig the pedal." Basilus told the Ranger. "We are getting off soon."

Pete set the console on auto and then joined the rest to climb out the tank. The tank was headed towards the Draconian line and Mira left a projectile behind with a timer on it.

"Run for it!" Basilus shout to his squad when Draconian saw them, and started firing.

They ran to the hole which they had came in and descend back into the tunnel. There they met Landi who was holding the flank.

"Your squad are the last to come back." Landi motioned to them to get back into the tunnel. "The barrage started."

2. The Northern Line.

The Rangers had activated their Helm to affix the filter on when they fired on the crates. They fired it to break open the crates and container which activated the gas while the fans at the rear of the Rangers start whirring. The strong wind it generated blew the gas towards the Draconian line.

"Gunner, switch to APDS. We are hunting Vampires now." Captain Haus relayed the order to the gunners. They all looked at the three Vampires on the line at a distance of four hundred metres. The Apache gun took out one Vampire before they can reversed out of sight using the wind as cover. The Cochise guns on the Juggernaut also lashed out and caught one Vampire on the track before it was caught by Poppins with the main gun on the turret.

"Gotcha!" Duncan shouted in joy. Crazy Mac not wanting to left out charged out at the Draconian with all guns firing.

"Mac! Get back in line. We are supposed to retreat now." Duncan called in the crazy Tank Leader but Mac was beyond listening. He was closing in at the Draconian line before the tank tracks was blown apart by the solitary Vampire. The projectile hit the tracks; exploded and tile the tank on its side.

"Mac!" Duncan shouted out on the comms, but Mac was not answering. Duncan can see the tank dropped back on its track but its was not moving. He then saw the crews climbing out and running back to the line. He count the crew but missed out on the gunner and Mac. Then he saw the turret moved and then the gun released off another projectile. Once it fired off the projectile, the CT exploded from within.

"Damn!" Duncan buried his face on his hands. He knew Mac for years and was once tank crew together in another CT. He then looked down at the driver. "Reversed but keep those guns firing."

He saw the poison gas was drifting around the Draconian line. They have taken advantage of the surprise.

3. The Southern Line.

The ten Tigers came roaring towards the Power Plant alongside with three Vampires. The Tigers stopped and Draconian Troops came rushing out but there was no Rangers in sight. The Draconian Troops starts to dispersed around and looked at the crumbled power reactor but there were no Rangers. Just then, one Draconian saw the familiar box, and screamed out its threat. At that moment, the explosives on the water pipelines went off and sprinkled onto the scattered ores. It activated the poison gas on contact and there were two big fans brought over from the Mines began blowing the gas towards the Draconian.

It was like in the Northern line, the Draconian are swamped by the poison gas. They tried to run but many were caught in the open space. Some tried to get into the Tigers but the vehicles are without filtration system. One of the Tigers managed to be driven but it soon crashed into the other stalled Tigers.

Of the three Vampires, only one made it out in a hasty reverse. As it reversed out, some Draconian Troops were seen to get a ride but the tank was not stopping. They either get thrown off or left hanging with whatever hold they could grab on. The Vampire did not get far when the Rangers fired the Eagles on the retreating Vampire but the tank managed to swerved it hull to get away.

Major Moshe held back the Rangers until the gas dispersed. They are not taking chances on the gas at this concentration level.


4. The Command Centre..

General Manning saw the result and gave the new order.

"Tell all fronts to move out and frag the Draconian."

The clock reads 0630hrs then.


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