Sunday, June 30, 2013

Tawa Incident 1.2

Prelude to Zero

12 hours ago

I was standing in my windbreaker over my casual when I noticed my laces on my left shoe undone. I would had bent down but I felt an exposed haunch pose would attract private intrusion; not that I fancy one after an afternoon pour on the Anglo Saxon isle but I can’t walk with untied laces. As I was tying my laces, I did get a drench on my face, courtesy of a Japanese Model. Not exactly my choice of bukkake but it wet the front of my pants. I stood up hoping to let the moisture dripped its own course, when I realized I was looking at a set of legs. If I got my arithmetic right, she measured forty inch to the top of her hose.

"Mr.Blake, I presume." The sweet voice invaded my ears to vibrate the drums there to play the lullaby, "Humpty Dick'. I looked to the lady dressed in a three piece business suit complete with the scarf to cover her cleavage. The skirt barely covers the top of the hose but who's peeking. Her hair was rolled into a bun and pinned up by the hairpins with the round rimmed frame on her perky nose.

"Hehe?" I am sure it her although she was dressed like a stewardess.

"Yes, I am." She placed her dainty fingers to twitch her nose. I knew I should had changed my socks but who does in these rainy days. "Please follow me. I would lead you to the person in charge."

I followed her as we walked up the front door of this three floors North London shop; all plain with the coat of whitewash of dull colors. The sin on the side of the door reads as "UNIVERSE DELIVERIES". Their motto below was 'we deliver where others can't.'

She pressed the door bell and answered to the white box below the sign; "This is Cherry reporting".

Cherry? The last time I heard that was with a French lass somewhere between the two continent in the underground train tunnel. Her name was Cherie and she told me 'Mon Dieu, with you; I felt like it was first cherry liaison but this time more stars appearing in the skies.

The door opened by remote and we walked in. Its a long white tunnel of over twenty five paces. I want to touched the walls but she told me not to.

"Its vibration sensitive. You could trigger the alarm." I was tempted but we came to the other end of the corridor. There was a red phone booth there. You find many of them on the London streets. "We need to make a call. Please step in."

We managed to squeeze in and I find myself looking at the ads on the walls of the booth. 'Call me for a Milk run'; the picture of those udders would had made a pimp out of the Bull. Or the next one was more devastating; 'Dry Gin Deep Down.'. The picture was of a volcano close up with lava gushing out.

"Dial 007' My host spoke to the mouth piece and the phone booth vibrate before descending down seven levels. I knew then the number meant something; license to go under, I guess. We soon stepped out to what may be perceived as a normal office in downtown. There are the cubicles and people inside it with a false sense of security. If they only looked up to the ceiling, they would had seen the camera looking down at them. My host sweep me through the walkways to the designated office. When I said sweep, she had to sweep me ahead as I was trying to catch glimpse of what they do here. We are talking about an office in downtown London and you wondered if they played DOOM or WARCRAFT. No, they don't; their screen are all live vids of landscape of some foreign land.

"Is that the who's President wife?" She was sunbathing topless and this guy was glued to his keyboard keying in the weather. I am disappointed; when I retire, I would petition for his position.

Soon I was ushered into the designated room.

"Penny Worth, this is Blake. Jon Blake." I know all secretary looked alike; pardon me stereotypes would be more appropriate but this one was different. She was dressed like a previous Prime Minister I knew but she holds a Walther PKK in her shoulder holster.

"Treacher.... I mean Good morning, my name is Jon." I introduced myself. The secretary placed her index finger on my lips, and looked at my host.

"He can't go in there dressed like that. It would make our profession a mock to the others. Get him changed in that room." I was pushed into a changing room filled with matching dark blue suits and shoes.

"Match him on the Size Seven. It should fit. I doubt they made any of it on Bond Street. " I heard her and felt insulted. I shouted back Eight would be a perfect hit, although I am Seven half. They dressed me up in the blue suit with polished dark shoes, before they pushed me through the door marked M.

"Hello, Blake. My name is M or Madam to those who does not know me." I looked at M, and cringed. For one M was not only a lady but a monstrous built one with a size 12 for her shoes. Later she told that's only thing was the shoe  which she could buy at the shops. The rest are custom fitted to her frame; If Humpty had a sister; this one fits the 'egg' down to the 'yolk'.

"Blake, please allow me to introduce you to Private Secretary to the Prime Minister, Sir Arthur Malloy IV." I looked at the man dressed in tweeds as if he was in a country retreat. His short cropped hair looked like a greased out mop with the matching curled up mustache. He took off the unlit cigar from his lips with the short fingers, and shook my hand with the right hand.

"Nice to meet you, Blake. For the record, I have never heard or seen you." The man smiled as his eyes drew like paint brush from my head to my toes. I am sure he diverted at the waist to go around to reached the back of my thighs before emerging above the knees.

"Yes, Blake. We have never met you before. You don't exist in this office or outside." M looked to Hehe, and asked if I signed the green declaration.

"What declaration?" It was written all over my face and I was twirled around by Hehe. She grabbed my right hand and twisted my palm to open up my fingers. Then she my placed my thumbs on the inkpad and then pasted on the folder she was holding. I wanted to asked her what did I signed but I was twirled back to the two dignitaries.

"Good, you signed it." M's face beamed like the floodlights on Dodger Park and then looked at me. "Welcome to UNCLE, Blake. UNCLE stands for Undisclosed Near Calamity Leverage Equation. When such calamity happens, we placed them back into perspective."

"You mean that I am not in MI6. I been dud." Then I saw the expression on M's face. "But I am happy to be here. Do you offered pension too?"

"No, its a Ten Million Pounds payoff if you die." M' paused. "That would be after tax deductions and after I had removed all your expenses to cover the collateral damages. But now we need to get back to the mission. You would accept this mission, and if you ever caught or died in the process, we would not process your obituary here. As far we are concerned, you are incognito to us."

I nodded at her and smiled.

In the next hour, I was brief on the next calamity that would befall on the world. The mission sounds like the Moon Landing in 1969. I mean her voice; it drags on and on, and then makes a remarkable statement like "Blake, are you awake. This mission is essential to the nation. Its one small act for you, but to us its one major action for the nation"

"Uh-huh," I nodded. I am honest to said that I did fell asleep during the briefing. Who wouldn't if you are looking at M talking. Regardless of my condition. she drawled on like a broken record.

"We have information that someone would block the Sun in 60 hours. Your mission is to figured out who is doing that, stop it and destroy the satellites." M looked down at me. "We know from Intel that they have modified 24 existing satellites up there but they need another 24 more. So your mission is to get that project canceled."

"And if I failed?" I had to asked.

"We don't accept failures; we just retard the failures for their own good. A simple lobotomy of the brain was what we normally do." M did sounded serious on it. Then she smiled again.

"Your call sign is Tawa 2012. We ran out of double zero prefix, and we lost the last database. So we just give you a new one, Tawa 2012. Good luck then."

Soon I was cleared for the mission and needed to undergo security protocols. Penny Worth got me to sign a stack of disclaimer and non-disclosure plus the reading of the will to donate all my belongings to her.

"Jon darling, for whatever it was worth, I can assure you I make every penny count." I trust she would. Next I was sent off to see the Technical Section. This was managed by Z, with a capital note. Z was the man you see if you want to come back alive. His contribution was named as operative life saver when he equipped everyone with the needed gadgets.

Z as he was named; never did disclose his true identity, looked like a man I seen before; afro gray hair style and thick eye brows but this one a real genius. He speaks very softly and likes to licked at his upper lips with his tongue. Today he was wearing an apron over his white coat while wielding a chopper. There was a rifle with a long telescopic barrel on the table.    

"Two Zero Twelve, nice to know you. Hope you would come back again. We get rather depressed when guys like you don't make it back. We hate to received our gadgets back by courier just because you guys did not use it properly." Z chopped the long telescope barrel with the chopper. The chopper broke into two on contact with the barrel. "Good, good."

"Heinrich, sent this telescope to Hong Kong. It would do to stop any Triads who wants to chop up the survelliance agent there." Z passed on the unit to his counterpart, and walked with me.

"Marge, how is the new bra coming along?" Z asked a lady colleague of it. She nodded to him and unzipped her shirt. Inside she was wearing a standard full cup but this one comes with a difference. She pulled back the cups and reveal a set of guns. The shots from the bra-gun took down the mannequin bottom half to shreds.

Z gave her the thumbs up.

"2012, for you I got a special." He held up the G-String for me. It fits into this ring and when you need it, just pop it out. Its made from the finest Kelvar and should stop any bullets." I already felt assured. Then Z passed me a small pouch.

"Use this in an emergency." I looked in and saw three seedlings in a small box. "It named as beans."

I never knew now beans can be used in emergency. Z read my thoughts and continued on.

"Instruction at the back of the box." My regret was not reading it then.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Tawa Incident 1.1

                                  Another reason the World needs Jon Blake to save the day.
Jimmy Loong
Dec 2012


24 hours ago

"That's a Dream Catcher sign." I looked at her tattoo on the left side of her back; exposed by the large open sleeve of the shirt.

"Yes, it is. I had it etched on sometime back. Its the one spot where everyone close me would put their arms around. There I would capture their dreams; I let the good ones come in while the icon takes off the bad ones. From it, I I know you are one fated for me."

I just met this lady in the mall, and we started chatting over a cup of tea. Then she invited me to her place and I took the offer.. Now behind the closed door of her apartment, naturally we are to have sex, but here she is telling me a tale on her tattoo.

"Pardon me, Hewitt.." I did recall she told me her name was something to that sound. I am not sure now; pardon me, I was looking for a laid and not laid down for a lecture talk.

"Its Hehewuti; in the language of the American Hopi, it means Lady Warrior Spirit." She turned to face me and now I began to remember what was that attracted me to her. It was her heritage looks of the Great American with the sharp features of the people of the Plain. She was unlike any of the others who came in the glassy looks or classed down in the designing looks for females. This rare beauty was the one qualities which I spent my hour sipping tea with her talking about life. Funny, she sounded off with a lot of cliques, but I admit, I was more focused on her other attributes.

"You are not Paul Gauguin," I did let out that my name was that; a pick up stunt someone taught me. It was either that or McKartney. I know its a lie, but it drew on their attention. That's was what I needed then. " Your real name is Tawa: Spirit of the Sun."

"Hehe, I think I would drop the plans for the next round of tea. I just remembered I have an appointment with my doctor. You know the one they called a shrink." I got up from the settee and picked up my jacket. She pushed me down with both hands causing me to land back on the settee. Then she sat astride me on my lap and leaned over to looked at me in the eye.

"Place your hands on my waist." I mean if she is going to skip the introductions, and talks on spirits, I am in the spirits to proceed on. Her eyes are leveled with mine as her pouting lips are within my reach. I raised up both my hands and placed them on her waist.

"Higher nearer to my breasts." Wow! This is becoming my kind of an evening. I did as she told me and moved those fingers up like the slow train to Piccadilly. Soon I had my palms on her rib cage and the surge came on strong. I felt myself being dragged into her; no, not her as in here, but into her world. Soon I was standing next to her on the plains of the ancient land. We are both clad in the tanned leathers of the buffalo; me in long legged pants with an apron on the front, while she was a plain smock that reached to her knees. My chest was painted in the different shades and my hair was loose to the back flowing with the wind that blew it to the right side. She was like before with her waist length hair flowing behind her. On her neck was a necklace of rare stones and beads.

"Welcome back Tawa, Sun sprit of the Hopi People. Your name has been drawn to save your people in the coming crisis." I stood there and looked at where she points her hand at. I can see the great dark clouds that convene on the horizon. "The Bad Spirits are back to reclaim your people and land. And above it all, to cast the world into darkness."

"We plead with you to come back, and battle them for us." The lady that was standing next to me now prostate on her knees. I looked back at the approaching darkness and heard the calls of the land creatures.

I nodded to her request.

Then I am back in the apartment and the lady was still astride me.

"Could you be kind to boil some water in the kitchen. I do reckon I need a cup of tea would be ideal now." She got up from my laps and walked to the kitchen. I could had sworn she had clasped me too hard as I can now feel the arteries now beginning to expand again. I stood up and straighten my clothes; well, we ain't going to remove them, so I might as well be proper then. Then was the time, the apartment door was kicked in.

"Nobody moves, or you would be lying dead with more holes in your body." I looked at the new intruder; another fine specimen of the adonis features with tanned looks. He may be dressed casual but the gun he's holding was not; its a monster in his hand.

"Wrong address perhaps?" I tried to act funny but inside me I was flexing my muscles and joints. I could take this goon down in three seconds, but my lovely companion intervened. If you are expecting a flying tea pot, I would suggest you stick to British Intelligence.

"Ituha, put your gun away. He is a ....friend." My would be laid me down friend cautioned off the adonis. "Look at what you done to my door? That's coming out of your pocket."

She then looked at me.

"Pardon him. He is Ituha or its meaning Sturdy Oak. He's also my boyfriend." Ouch, that hurts; a blow beneath the belt for sure. "He's also my personal guard. My father hired him to protect me."

Well, Adonis placed his long barrel gun back into the holster under his suede jacket and offered to shake my hand.

"Ituha, but you can call me Itu."

"Blake. Jonathan Blake. Everyone calls me Sunny. I guess I am always the starlight of the party." He shook my hands; firm grip and well toned muscles. I like that in a man.

"Staying for tea?" He asked me and motioned to the table. There are three cups laid out now.

"I guess so. I like my tea stirred and not shaken." I took my seat across the lady of the house. This would be a long day.

An hour later, I was recruited by them to see their boss tomorrow. Just before I was getting kicked out of the apartment, I was trying to coax them that a threesome would be just as fine with me involved.

"Hehe, what about me? I am Tawa, the Sun Spirit." I looked at Hehe and she smiled. She grabbed my face and smiled.

"I needed you to be recruited so I weave a web for you. I am the Spider and you are in my web now. Play with me or I may consume you. They nicknamed me the Black Widow not for reputation but for my ability. The tattoo contains a chemical which made you hallucinate. Welcome to the world of espionage. "

I being sucked in.

A new tale: Tawa Incident

This is a new one.....

I wrote this over one week; a blend of magic ie. Native American Indian and some JB flicks spoof. Its a JB spy tale with some twist.

Who's JB?

Its Jonathan Blake, aka 009 at your service.

"Martini, forget the shake and stirred; just plunge it on hard...."

Read on..... and be intoxicated.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

OZ: a remake of the tale 1.12

12. Kalidah Pursuit

"Cat, if you know of a good prayer, please do it now." Scarecrow barked to the cat who was fleeing faster on the glass limbs of his. We been pursed by Kalidah.


Kalidah are a fierce creature of Oz. They are as tall as Droid and have a body frame of what be termed as a brown bear with a tiger for the head. The Kalidah have been pursuing them for over two days and night now. It was all started that morning when we thought the that we had little to worry on.

It was a serious misrepresentation.

Surprising Scarecrow did not speak much on the last incident involving the crows. More to it, the droid is also avoiding her. He seems to be distracted or intentionally evading her.

"Droid, can we talk?" I paced up with the droid. I did not wait for a reply. "What did happened at the field with the crows?"

"Nothing that concerns our journey. I just happened to be there to rescue her." Then the droid paused in reply. "Intruder alert."

The discussed plan for these emergencies were to grouped together on the side of the yellow brick road; Droid would be point with Scarecrow and Dorothy in the back while Toto handles the rear. No one included the Cat.

"I would be back soon." That's the cat reply.

It was Scarecrow who sensed their presence.

"We need to get away. We are in grave danger." She pulled us to the cover in the nearby treeline. Once we are hidden behind the trees, I asked Scarecrow as to what would had scared her so much.

"Its the Kalidah." Scarecrow whispered the name. "The Kalidah is a fearsome creature. One with the killing instinct of the Tiger with the strength of the Bear."

"No creature would harmed you if I am around." Droid spoke up to Scarecrow which the later placed her hand on the droid axe.

"I know you would." She whispered to him. "I am not afraid anymore."

Dorothy smiled at the two which she think may had something good going on. Then Scarecrow reached with her hands to anyone to keep quiet. She then point to the road which now have two new travelers.

The Kalidah stop at where we used to gather. They are sniffing for our scent; trying to picked up our tracks. Then one of them raised its head to catch the faint smell it got.

"I smell something, brother." The Kalidah asked of its kin. "Its not a common scent. Its not Munchkins. Its not of those diggers Nomes. I am baffled."

It stooped down to place its paws on the dark surface there. Its some sort of oily content; slick and dark in the shades.

"Kalin, why are we concerned on how they smell? The Witch wants them captured or to return with their heads." The younger Kalidah laughed out loud. "It did not say much on the body which we can feed on."

"Bulim, your ever unfilled appetite would be your undoing." Kalin roared to his brother. "They go that way."

The Kalidah took to our tracks while Scarecrow pulled us to run. Droid held back as rear guard while we took our way. further in to the trees looking for more cover. We came to a raging river with a narrow bridge across it.

"We can cross it and raised the bridge before they arrived." Scarecrow and myself ran across, while I held onto Toto. I looked back and saw the droid standing there.

"The bridge can't hold my weight. I would stay here to protect her." Droid replied. "Scarecrow, take care."

"No, Droid. We can figure a way for you to come over." Scarecrow replied back. She walked in circles to think. Then she stopped. "Dorothy, I need your help."

Suddenly Droid was attacked by the Kalidah. The two creatures pounced on the droid from both sides, causing it to fight on its two side. The droid swung its axe but the creatures seem to know more of the blade as it evaded it well. When the droid was attending to one of the creatures, the other would sneaked in for an attack.

"System alert. Circuit 345 compromised." The droid took immediately action to protect its rear joint on the left wheel. The creature claws are sharp and able to leave it marks on the surface of the droid. The droid stepped back and re-assess its position. It called for some hard actions. The droid punched in its code to fire up the phaser from its fingers. The blasts pushed the creatures back and the droid took the opportunity to retreat to a safer distance.

"System, adjust the power levels to compensate for the damages." The droid felt the compensation on its system, and then regain its battle advantage. It fired a concentrated fire on an overhead branch and bringing it down on the creatures. The droid ran for the river banks and caught glimpse of Scarecrow.

Meanwhile Scarecrow told me her plan and it was a risky one. I could lose more than Droid. I walked up to Toto and spoke to her.

"Toto, I am in need to help Droid. I also fear if you failed, then you may be in danger." Toto looked at me and yelp out. She can sensed my fear and beginning evolving. Toto changed into the griffin and flex her wings. She flew up and over to the other side.

"Droid balance yourself on one wheel and hold onto Toto. She would carry part of your weight to cross over." Once I told it, I ran to the river banks and held my hands in prayer. The droid did as per request and stepped on the bridge while Toto flew on top of it, holding part of the weight. They made their way slowly, and was making slow progress.

Toto kept on flapping her wings while carrying the heavy droid.

Suddenly, we saw the Kalidah. They found us and rushing over. More to it, above them hovering in the sky was the Witch of the West. Toto immediately started reacting on the presence of the Witch. She almost dropped the droid.

"Toto, I am here. Do not fear her." I shout out to her. I then reached down to pick up the stones at the river bank. I threw the stones at the Witch. I know it cannot reached her but it felt good. Scarecrow did the same.

Toto on seeing me, began regaining her confidence and pulled hard on the droid. They are starting to make progress on the bridge. The next threat was the Kalidah.

"Kalidah, get over there." The Witch of the West command the creatures. "I need to return."

One of the stones thrown by Scarecrow chipped the saucer and the Witch is retreating. Meanwhile the droid is slowly making progress. As it made the crossing, the Kalidah stood at the other bank.

"Kalin, do we cross?" Bulin placed a leg on the bridge and test its strength. Since the droid went on the bridge, it has weaken the bridge.

"Kalin, the bridge is not going to take our weight." Bulin withdrew his leg and stood there. He sees Kalin stepping into the river and then pulled back its leg.

"The current is swift, but we can still managed on it. I think we can swim through. After all, we are part Tiger." Kalin replied. Without waiting for his brother, Kalin jumped into the river. It swam, and tried to beat the current but the current begin to build up. Kalin find itself losing in the current and began drowning.

"Help me, Bulin." Kalin roared in desperation. "I am drowning."

Bulin ran to the river banks and on seeing the strong currents. It paused and then decided to hold back on its rescue. It turned to run back to the yellow brick road.

" tiger without stripes..." Kalin was swept beneath the water.

Meanwhile on the opposite river bank, Droid and Toto reached the safety of the land. Droid stepped both its lower limbs on the ground, and was hugged by Scarecrow. I walked to the bridge and looked opposite. The yellow brick road lies over there and I am here. Without the yellow brick road,. I would not reached Emerald City.

"Dorothy, there is something you need to see." Scarecrow point to me at the nearby horizon. I can see the top of the towers from afar. They are all emerald in shades. "We can still make it there. Once there, we would find a bridge to cross over."

Scarecrow held my hand.

"If there is no bridge, we would find the way." Scarecrow smiled. "I am a smart person to think of something by then."

We all laughed including Droid whose laugh sounded more like a machine sputtering loud noises.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

It had been a long year ......

I be direct; I have been writing at every free moment I had in the last one year of my life, churning out the tales for the blog, and have six uncompleted tales in my listing. I would come to that soon, but I may take a break from writing to ease the pain in my back. Nevertheless with my break in writing, I have loads of unpublished tales, so dismayed not as this blog would keep on posting.

Why the break? I need time to recoup some other priority of life, and also to gather in more inspiring thoughts. Lately, I have been to the library ( something of late in years which I had forgotten ) and started reading again. Soon, I would be back to write on new tales. Maybe take the tales into a different platform a Gothic version of Sherlock Holmes, or a world of science with the fantasy intertwined Star Trek adventure, or just a simple Western gunfight. Or re-tell the origin of Odin, and Thor. I had found the old Nordic verses long tale and its translation. Its very intriguing and yet mysterious.

Till then, if anyone got any ideas, comment back to me. Cheers

Oz: The remake of the Tale 1.11

8. Bees Trial.

 Droid stopped us on our track on the yellow brick road to let a train of rat sized ants crossed over. Its not that we feared the ants, but they are carrying their queen in a pallenquin. So I guess you respect that convoy of royalty; after all she is the Queen. Even the Witch would had stopped for her, but she is not here.

But the bad news was there came a horde of man eaters the sized of a house cat; that one ain't an issue as that was the size of them back home in Kansas. The ants fought the ant eaters but they are losing the battle. It was time to even the odds. I went in first with new set of dressing; I looked like a misplaced cheerleader doing the hula there.

I ran up and jumped up into the flight with a kick that landed one of the ant eaters over on its back. The ants did the secondary task of ending the threat. I was not stopping then, as I hit out at another ant eater with a kick on its rear limbs to shake it up. I reached down and pulled it up by the limbs and swing it towards a tree trunk. The ant eater dropped down dazed before it was set on by the ants.

I saw Droid getting to it, but his method was crude. It just swung the axe on anything that move and move on. It did not matter that the creature was an ant or an ant eater; dead or maimed, it only wanted to slash. Scarecrow ran up to the droid and stopped his maniac killing.

"Its okay, they are not threatening me anymore." Scarecrow consoled the droid who now stopped the slaying. The droid lowered it axe and then it emit out a low humming sound. Scarecrow held its right upper limb to her face. It rested there on the cheek and did not move.

Toto had evolved when she saw me fighting but she kept vigil on the ants and ant eater. It did not used its blue flame on the creatures.

Just as it started, it also ended fast. The surviving ant eaters have retreated and the ants are finishing off the last of the injured ant eaters. The Queen was unharmed and she motioned to her pallenquin carrier to move towards us.

"Thank you, young Munchkins." The Queen spoke. "I am ever thankful for your assistance. If you ever need my help, just call on me."

I thanked her and they moved on to their new home. Scarecrow walked up to me and whispered.

"Its rare we get to see the Queen, and more rare to save her. The whole nest would be appreciative of our help." Scarecrow smiled at me. "You are one unique girl."

We both laughed.


It was not fine much later when we saw a dead hornet on the yellow brick road. If the ants can be size of a rat, you would expect the same but this one different. The size of the bees are the normal size of a baseball you would find in Kansas, but their sting is abnormally long. I won't compared it to Hicks but its long for its frame.

Its dying as part of its wings were damaged and there were scratch marks on the insect. I reached down to assist it, but I was pulled back by Scarecrow.

"Look up there." Scarecrow point to the tree tops. There is a swarm of hornets bees buzzing towards us. You can't count bees, but you can said they numbered more than fingers on my hands. And her's too.

They landed at the injured bee and then some of them attended to it. Soon they were flying off leaving a small squad behind. The squad numbered ten of them and there was four of us. Cat gone AWOL since the battle started.

"You would come with us to explain the near extermination of our General" The leader of the hornets spoke to us. "If you refuse, we would be forced to bring you down."

I nodded and the rest put down their arms.

The Hive was built onto the side of a nearby hill. Its big as it covered more than a quarter of the hill side. Its a set of pock marked surface there but these openings have hornets flying out. We were escorted in to the Main Chamber and then we met the leader. Its the leader of the Elite Hornets Guards. They are responsible for the protection of the hive.

"One of you knocked down my General." The leader spoke out. "For that, you would stand trial."

"Hey, we did not touched your General." I stood up to the leader hovering near my nose. "You can't placed us on trial for a crime we did not commit."

"NO! I can. I ain't got anybody else to submit it for. So all of you would do. Its called circumstantial persecution. So move a muscle, my squad would you down with more stings that you can afford to be stung." The leader squeak out but I made my voice louder.

"Your name, soldier." I shouted. I learned that when some military unit came to our farm once before. The officer addressed his men in that manner. So I learned fast.

"Captain Bizz, First Squad." Then the hornet froze in its flight. "How come I am answering to you? Who are you?"

"Colonel Gale...... First Marine. So stand down, Captain." I shouted back.

The hornet drew back and then its went buzzing in the air before it flew back.

"First Marine ain't listed with us." The Captain shouted back. "Attack them."

I don't know what happened but I reacted in the only manner I knew; I screamed out loud. My vocals carried out my vocal sonic boom towards the advancing hornets. It blew them off their flies to land on their sting.

Ouch, that must \had hurt.

My vocal sonic boom cleared them off well. I then ran to the hornet which I believed to be the injured captain. I picked it up by its wings and raised it to the level of my eyes.

"You can understand my orders now, soldier."

The hornet sting slacked down to a whimper. I liked that attitude.

"There would be no more fight, Colonel Gale." The voice came to me by a hornet assisted by two others. "I am General Goney. I thank you for saving my furs and wings."

"General, we did...." I wanted to explained, but the General stopped by buzzing away.

"It was not your group that did me in. It was the Winkies. So we would battle them but not today." General Goney replied. "You have our debt towards you."

I dislike debts. I hardly get to collect them.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Rest In Peace, Watson

I took out my pipe and reached for my tobacco; Carreras’ Craven Mixture was the name, brought in from London by my store. I took a pinch of the tobacco and shielded it from the icy wind of the Highlands. I got it lighted the pipe and raised it to my lips. After two puffs., the body was all relaxed despite the cold weathers of the Highlands. It had been my home from London for two weeks then. The home in London was once shared with a housemate and good friend; Sherlock Holmes. Since his retirement, I had continued on but soon find myself dreading to stay there.

All alone on the loft upstairs living hall, with my eyes peeled to the scenes below whenever a shadow passed the window below, or my ears pinged to the wooden stairs for the familiar sound. A life of familiarity blended in; breakfast at nine, followed by reading the mails, papers and whatever that needed my attention; lunch by noon, and then to the Gentlemen' Club, before I take the walk back after supper. I had my odd hours filled with queries for Holmes expertise; solved a few with his uncanny methods, but sadly I failed in the major ones as I hardly moved from the comfort of my unit. I was never Holmes equal; up and running looking for clues, and well, he was never myself too; the man of surgical precision.

We were a world apart in skills despite our friendship and partnership in crime solving. In his world. I was only his observer and guard, but never the equal. How often have you heard he said; my dear Watson solved it by himself. Never a whisper, even if I did, who cares. They all want Holmes and not the good Doctor by his side.

Well, it took me three years to realized that. The irony of it was it came not from the clients but Holmes own brother, Mycroft; the seven years senior brother who had lost his brother and then seek me as the alternative. He was disillusioned with me carrying on his brother's work; came that day.

"Elementary, my dear Watson, to yourself." I hated that statement. It make me second in the class towards him. "You are not of his class. Even Sargeant Brady at the local precinct had better skills than you." That was an up close personal under the chin punch. It hurt as much with the physical blow I had seen it done often by Holmes. The manner of words that was voiced out placed was depressing but reality sunk in.

"Do us all a favor. Don't dilute his image." Mycroft was direct to his point. "I am terminating the lease on 221B. Let it rest with its rightful tenant."

It took me two weeks to get here and settled into the Highlands for sometime; a reminiscent of my Afghan days I guessed where I had once true comradeship and adventure. I had leased a small cottage overlooking the hills and forsaken the company of humans since then. But that day was a rare one when I saw Mycroft walked up the path. You can't mistaken the man for his strides are quite similar to Sherlock but unlike his esteem brother tends to bow his head down. I stood there awaited for the man.

"Watson, my dear friend. You are a difficult to one to trace. Why retire to here?" Mycroft stood besides me to gather his breath. "Wonderful scenery but a tardy too cold for me. London suits me better. Smog, fogs and Gentlemen' Clubs."

"I have in the cottage, some good Highlands brandies if you wished to indulged in them." But Mycroft politely refused my offer.

"Watson, I came bearing bad news. Holmes is dying." Mycroft spoke out without emotions; he was a veteran politician and well versed in holding his expression in any circumstances with those back stabbers. "He had two request of you."

"One, you are to retired from the detective works. He feared for your life and above all, you are not like him." Mycroft looked sheepishly at me. "He had you tailed and counter measured the threats against you on some cases. In his own words, Holmes spoke of this to me. He's worried about you; endangering yourself."

"Mycroft, I had retired from it. I am now staying in recluse here. All alone. No more wives, and no more ...patients. No more cases." I replied to the man who towered over me in height and now in confidence. Beneath in me, was a lonely man with little needs of the world, except maybe to see the hills like when I was younger.

"Best with it, my old friend. We ain't in our prime and climb in the new hill is ever more tiresome and beyond my strength alone." Mycroft spoke up as he heaved in his breaths. The air on the Highlands are refreshing but the man in front of myself have too little of it in London.

"His second wish was your notes. There were cases which you had recorded that may be on concern to him. He does not wished those papers released to the public. They are of utmost importance ........"

"I have been an officer of the HRM best, and I know what importance means. Those papers are in my case at my Aunt's Glover home. You may picked them up on the mention of my name. I had left instruction to the household." I had interjected into Mycroft statement, as I knew his other purpose was the personal notes of Holmes. I had kept them with me, on the promise of the man to hold them until he called for them. If Holmes had requested now, then let it be returned to its rightful owner or estate management if he was dead.

"Thank you, Doctor Watson. I was also told to tell you that your army pension have been raised to full month pay." With that Mycroft turned his back to walked the path off my hill. I did not watched his departure but took my strides back to my cottage. I went in there and sat by the armchair before the fireplace. I reached for my side pocket and extracted out the letter I received three days ago.

"My dear Watson. It took me three years to come to realization that the one arch enemy of mine had been yourself. You had bought my confidence and trust, and in that, continued to poisoned me with these aches. I may had being driven by ego to think I was the best but you had override me in every aspects. Moriarty deemed worthy then may had been only your shadow that graced the rank but you are the deserving one. For once in my life, my deductive approach had eluded me; shadowed or manipulated by yourself perhaps, I am still baffled how you did it. You were my friend and yet you did the unthinkable. I hoped you die well. Once your friend, Holmes."

I had got the letter from the Storekeeper whom I had patronized only twice during my stay. It was a long walk so he bring the stuffs to me. He claimed it was dropped by someone earlier that day. After reading the letter, I had awaited his presence but he did not arrived. For three years, I had kept the leased on the unit and dread the day he would stepped up there, but he did not then. When I got news he was dying, I left London to come here. I did not want to be there for his funeral. I wanted to be away so that there would be no link between us. Not until his letter and then Mycroft appearing.

I had my own reply to him; the note I was leave at his obituary. I took out the letter I wrote.

"Elementary, my dear Holmes. In the words of Shakespeare: All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts. Meet that man, Holmes. Since your retirement and now demise, the play would come to an end. Never could I had continued without one like you to stand peer with me on that stage. Your once trusted friend, John Watson."

My eyes rested on the highlands, and smiled. Its sure feels like the old days in Afghan. Nothing like the good soils to be covered over on death. Hardly anyone to trampled over but aged with with the elements of the land.

"Rest in peace, Doctor John Watson." I muttered to myself ,the identity I stole from a young officer then on the hills of Afghan. His naked body left for the vultures while I left for London to assumed his name sake. 


A fictional tale on the dark side of Doctor Watson; he set a hill task to be the friend and aide of a legendary person. He lived a life of lies to be with his victim; till death do they part. He partake in the lies; married thrice, and always coming back. He once nurtured the sick man of his obsessions, and yet he struck it back to him so that the addiction would be his bane. He may had suffered the violins shrieks or took solace in it to planned his next move on the player. Perhaps the revolver he carried had drawn its target more time than he had ever pulled the trigger. None was to escalate the death of the legend; for its was his plan that the victim would only knew at the last days of life.

When it was all over, the Doctor reverted to his real self, he seek out the hills for his own last days.  His real passion besides the chameleon he had assumed. None would ever know of his real reasons to kill Holmes, but only his real self. A true professional devoted to the task till the end; that was Holmes salutations to him, as even Moriarty might not had that perseverance.



Saturday, June 22, 2013

Oz: The remake of the tale 1.10

8. Scarecrow Stand.

It was night when we decided to rest in a makeshift shelter just off the yellow brick road. Droid as usual offer to stand guard while we all rest. Scarecrow made a small fire there for the coming cold night draught. I have on my new pantsuit but I put on my dark jacket and curled in my legs to rest. Toto, my adorable furry ball was at my lap adding in more warmth. I looked at Scarecrow who curled herself on her new overcoat of the dark skin from the predator which Droid killed.

"Scarecrow, where are we?" I asked her.

"It looked like a farm field but I am not sure. When we reached here it was near dusk and the skies did not helped much. Maybe cat knows." But we cannot find the cat. Its probably gone off hunting for mice. I smiled and laid my back on the shelter.

I was awaken by some shouting in my ears. I opened my eyes to find the droid standing before me.

"Scarecrow missing. I did not detect her leaving here, or any one coming near us. At dawn, I find her missing." The droid was showing some anxiety on the missing companion. That did not occurred to then, but soon I recalled later. I pulled myself up and told droid that she could had wandered off.

"Wandered off? She could be compromised." I was momentarily taken aback by droid concern. I offered to search for her.

"Cat, did you see her?" The cat purred and used her claw to flick at the mice he taken liberty of last night.

"It must happened at my meal time." The cat purred back. "I would help you find her once I ingested the last morsel."

Our search proved fruitless.

"She can't go that far." Droid expressed its concern. Unknown to them, Scarecrow was not far from their last search boundary. She is bounded spread eagled on a high pole hidden by the planted crops. The crops are a breed of the corns that grew back home in real Kansas.

"Help! I am here. Droid! Dorothy" Scarecrow shouted out loud.

"Meow," Scarecrow heard the purr and looked down. Its not Cat but a creature that looked like a winged creature. If you considered one that meows instead of a chirp.

"I am El of the Birdie; we are a breed that is local to this area. We feed on the fields but we feared the feline, so we imitate their calls." The creature purred to shows its stealth moves.

"So why take me instead? I am not taking part of your ritual."

"So you know why we placed you there? I am surprised that with your gender limited knowledge, you might not know." The Birdie snide back. "You are only a female, but we lack Munchkins since the Witch' death."

"I know your ritual. So you grab the only Munchkins to satiate the Crows feeding." Scarecrow laughed out. "You are all a pathetic lot."

All around her, among the crops; more birdies appeared. There are dozens of them, and they were hiding here. If they are found in the open by the time crows come, they would be dead. Its a ritual to string up the Munchkins on the stand to scare them off. If the crows see the Munchkins in the field, they would leave it. They cannot tolerate the Munchkins presence.

There was a catch; the crows would killed the Munchkins before leaving.

The birdies all chirped their word of thanks before disappearing.

"The crows are coming." The birdies chirped out.

Scarecrow looked to the sky and saw the dark swarm coming. She then start her last rites chant as a Munchkins.

Demon calling us in
Vesting us with fear in our thoughts
Backed with morbid feelings

Our prayers ignored and unheard
With the faith we hold on inside
I embraced the true faith
Take my naked body but leave my soul
For the true faith that would take me.

I find myself in the land of salvation
I see myself among them
I am them and forever unbounded
By the restraint of the body.

"Aargh!" She fell.

The pole collapsed and she find herself on the ground faced down. She can hear the swarm approaching but they are not attacking her. Some one or something is helping her. She can't move her head as it was set in tight but she can hear the fight. Crows are dropping as she can feel them dropping. It was like hours when she could feel the calmness settling in.

She felt herself lifted out and then she saw the carnage. There was Droid standing there with his battle axe dripping body liquid. All around them were dead crows. A crow here is unlike those of Kansas'; here they grow them bigger and instead of claws on their feet, they have fingers with claws. Their beck are longer and curved down like the parrot. They used that to tear off strips of flesh.

The crows here are flesh eater.

"Droid, can I be released first?" Scarecrow spoke up as she spit out the mud in her mouth.

The droid cut her bindings and pulled up the Munchkins. For once, Scarecrow hugged her metallic companion. She let off her emotions on the metal chest plate of the droid.

Then the cat appeared with a birdie in his jaw. He dropped the dead birdie and smiled.

"I dislike them imitating my kind."

Droid looked at the cat and then walked away. It did not go far but paused at the edge of the field. It looked at the yellow brick road and ran a diagnostics in its system.

"System, replay the battle."

The image showed from the viewer of the droid was it moving rapidly on its triangular tracks. Its sensor picked up the pole and the person on it. It stopped as it soon it reached the pole. It was looking up to the pole from behind the Scarecrow. It then saw the incoming threat and the droid did the only thing it was programmed to do.

It pushed the pole down and stood over it. It stood over Scarecrow and then swivel the battle axe. In its right hand, it activate the mini phaser on the finger tips. Then it spread out its hands to welcome the crows.

"None may touched her except me" The droid send out the signal by signal to the crows. But the crows came, and the battle axe swing without stopping while the mini phaser fired without the need to aim. Where it was needed, the droid used its body as shield to block the crows. It even used its lower limbs to kicked if need be.

It was not a coordinated fight but a brawl.

"System, end replay." The droid paused. "Erase the record."

Thursday, June 20, 2013

1512hrs Day Three Killrock

1512 hours Day Three Killrock

 1. The last to leave.

 General Manning was the last to stepped off Selvan VII on the last shuttle to the Frigate "Adonis" in orbit over Selvan VIII. Just as the shuttle entered the landing bay; the Frigate "Adonis" fired its three space cruiser TP1 torpedo at the planet surface near the colony. It was aimed at the underground spring near the Settlement. Those water spring were detected before and kept secret until now. The explosion opened up a large geyser which sprout up high to create a series of streams which flowed on the surface; it also triggered off the contamination with the ore and poison gas was released. The area of over a hundred fifty kilometres were out of bound.

 The 1st Ranger Division was down to less than ten percent of their original strength but in two months, they were back at full strength with volunteers and new recruits. Duncan was promoted to command the new Armored Section, but Basilus was removed his promotion when he punched the Colonel who told he was sloppy.

 Basilus ended back with his squad. He locked in the greave on his right wrist and then test its reaction to his signal from the implant in his wrist. The blade appeared instantly from the greave and then rotate anticlockwise. He then signaled it to retract and pulled on his left greave. This one does not have a blade but it housed the communication unit and onboard personal sensor for information. He then slipped on the shin and thigh guards before pulling on his chest plate which was colored camouflaged to match the color of the terrain they are landing. There was a processor which they can input in the codes and it would react on the surface it encountered.

 The breast plate also covered their dark gray uniform donned beneath it. The insignia of the Scouts are on their left sleeve; and its showed a Kerrin Wolf leaping upwards with the fangs bared. The wolf was one of the feared predator for its relentless and silent attack. The wolf was known to prey on even larger creatures and hunt in a pack.

 The breast plate slipped on over the head would given him cover for his front and back. He strapped on the waist belt which holds the PL450; personal handgun with a mean impact power, on his right side of his belt; the half metre length serrated rectangle blade with a short hilt. His other blade was in his right boot with its six centimeter gut cutter. It has a curved end like a partial hook. He later slipped on the ammo bandelier with the extra ammo clips and various grenades onto his back.

 Next he picked was the standard issue PH375 with the extended ammo clip of sixty rounds before he donned on his metal helm with the sides that curved in to cover his cheeks and upper neck. It has the comms builtin to the right side which reads from the greave unit and the mini processor on the left which feeds the greave. The processor powers the display on the visor which covered his eyes and nose. Last component to be put on was the metal gloves with the metal studs.

 The Squad Leader punched in the code on the right shoulders and the all the components of the suit come alive. The visor gives out the reading on all components are in working order. He then looked at the members of his squad which are in dressing up like him but some of them would be carrying specialized weapons like the PH750 or the blasted PH500 short barrel shotgun. 

 He walked up to Ranger Mira Torre and help her to slip in her chest armor. Their eyes locked for a second before he grabbed Ranger PH750 rifle which was on the floor. Pete was at the rear adjusting his gear before locking them in. Then finally he looked at the ten new recruits in his squad. There were two whom he knew.

 "Welcome to Squad Five, Sargeant Duncan." Basilus shook the ex-tank leader. "And you too, Corporal Jimmy."


Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...