Friday, April 9, 2021

Weekend Special Short Tales California 2.2 Chapter 16



Marcus rushed to upon Esmeralda but she had declined to see him. He had brought the healers from the City to attend to her and kept her in the assigned chamber at the basement with an Enforcer outside. He had requested that she be guarded and no one was to enter the chamber except him.

“Marcus, are you mad? You had her brought back when we have so much trouble keeping her out.” Captain Phoebus did not mince his words. He had confronted the Archdeacon in the chamber. “And now she attempted suicide.”

“She did not do that. She may have slipped on the balcony. Have the Caretaker look into it.” The Archdeacon said. “And Captain Phoebus. I am the Archdeacon in the Dome. Do respect that honorary title.”

“I don’t give a damn on your rank, Marcus. Your guest did the unthinkable. If not for the droid, she will be laid to waste on the yard, and I will have the City Enforcers here to investigate.” The Captain hit back hard. “You of all the persons here should know the risk involved.”

“Do not bring in the past to the present. I am the Archdeacon and I will …. Do what is needed. Now leave me.” The Archdeacon looked at the Captain. “Or I will have you removed from the Dome.”

“One day, Marcus. You will regret those words.” Captain Phoebus took his leave of the Archdeacon. He met the Caretaker who was leaving the basement.

“I heard the droid saved the girl.”

“I am not sure of how you define save. The droid was there when she landed. It communicated for assistance. It’s in their program…” The Caretaker explained but was snapped at.

“Don’t mock me, Caretaker. I will get to the core of that droid and then you will pay for it.” Captain Phoebus threatened the other. The Captain then walked off. The Caretaker watched the Enforcer walked off and then proceeded to the balcony. He was to clean the area but instead he saw the Elite member standing there. He turned to leave but was stopped by the other.

“Caretaker, I would like a word with you.” Pierre Gringoire was still in the three piece suit had approached the other. “I hear of an incident with the gypsy girl. Is she hurt?”

“I am not sure. I was not there then.” The Caretaker replied.

“I was told that the droid saved…”

“You meant it was there when she fell. It did what it was programmed to do. It communicated for assistance.” The Caretaker had taken on the wordings to explain the situation.

“Yes, I was advised but there were some tales that the droid was in the fall too. It may have saved her life.” The Caretaker laughed at the words.

“I do not think so. The E Series are work droids and for it to perform any tasks of that nature is not within its program. I am sure you are mistaken.”

“Tell me, Caretaker. Where is the droid?” Pierre raised the query.

“E-05 is undergoing some works. Do you intend to question the droid?” The Caretaker took on a personal stance on the droid. It mocked the Elite. “I am sure it will tell more.”

“No, I am not. I will leave it to the Enforcers. I was merely asking.” Pierre knew that he was challenged there. He felt the insult when it came from a commoner like the Caretaker.

“Your name Caretaker and ID?”

“Me? I am … Antonio Debar. My ID is RD27877-AF. I am the Caretaker…”

“That is all I needed, Antonio. I will keep that for my conversation with you for the records.” Pierre then excused himself. In fact, Pierre was meeting the Archdeacon.

“I have to know if Esmeralda is fine.” Pierre raised the concern to the Archdeacon.

“She is recovering. The balcony can be slippery at times.” The Archdeacon looked to the Elite member. “She …”

“Can I see her?” Pierre did not hide his eagerness to see her.

“Not yet. She is still recovering but once she is fine, I will call on you.” Pierre was told.

“Marcus, we had a deal. I would like it fulfilled.”

“And I will but give me time. I have to speak to her. She need time to …. Think.” The Archdeacon replied.

“I will give you till dawn tomorrow. I will have her or you will lose it all.” Pierre then dismissed himself from the chamber. He had moved on and his way back to the City, he had contacted the Chief of Enforcers.

“Raoul, I have sent you a ID file. Please run the recognition for me. I am sure that person may not be who he claimed to be.”

The news of Esmeralda fall had traveled fast and soon reached the attention of the Voivode. The elderly lady reaction was shocked and told the Community to get ready to get Esmeralda back.

“She is one of us. And we will get her back.”

“Voivode, are we to challenge the Enforcers with force?” That question was raised.

“Yes, if we are to do that, we will.” The Voivode gave the consent. “I want twenty men to go with me. The rest will assist in the breaking of the campsite. They will move out at dawn tomorrow with the families to the next location. Go with care and be prepared for any eventuality.”

“As for the twenty who will follow me, break out the weapons. I want all the guns cleaned and ready for action. We will bring Esmeralda back tomorrow.”

The news of the Community action broke out fast and another nearby Community joined in.

“We are the Stravos and your fight is ours.” Twelve men from the Stravos Community had joined the Voivode. “We are twelve and the others will accompany your people along with ours to the next city.”

The Voivode was formerly from Stravos before she married Stefan.










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