Friday, April 2, 2021

Trojan War Chapter 46


The siege on Troy



King Menelaus' trouble was not over yet then. He was met by Hector in his private chamber. The latter was accompanied by Polydorus.

“My King, we bring grave news,” Hector said. “Polydorus was in patrols on the borders. He reported that the Archaeon fleet is en route towards Troy. They are going to do the final attack on us.”

“Then have the fleet of ours to meet them.” King Priam told the warrior. “You hold the first half at Troy Two and while I command the other. We will fight them to the death.”

Hector worked out the numbers he had always commanded.

“Two Mothership, five destroyers, and ten frigates. I am up against their First Task under Agamemnon. That will be a fleet of Archaeon fleet of ten motherships, and twenty-five destroyers, fifty frigates, and a thousand stealth fighters. I will be outnumbered.”

“And only the single mothership held the new loads of projectiles moved from Troy Three,” Polydorus added in. “Your fleet of two Mothership, with no destroyers and four frigates, and three thousand stealth fighters here? I will defend with Chariots.”

“And you will be faced by the Second under Palamedes. He took over from Achilles. A combined fleet of nine motherships, twenty destroyers, and forty frigates with over four thousand fighters from the Argos, Babylon, and the Macedonian.”

“What of their last task force that was under Odysseus?” King Priam asked. “I remember that he held the combined fleet of the Dardanes, Cretan, Phoenicia, Carthaginian, Parthians, and Barbicans... The Dardanes will be keen to hit us after losing their destroyer.”

“He guards the home planets in case we sneak behind.”

“And the Telemon have withdrawn?” King Priam inquired. “
“He was close to Achilles too.”

“No, they are still here. Telemon is the missing fleet. I have no news of the twelve frigates fleet.” Hector sighed.

“Let me hunt them, my King.” Polydorus requested then.

Unknown to the Trojan, Odysseus had switched command from the Third Task to the Second. He had requested to be on the forefront and placed Patroclus as his second in command.

“Patroclus is a famed warrior and once stood with Achilles in battle. I valued him to fight with me there.” Odysseus shunted the stare of Palamedes. “I asked of this to win the battle for Achilles. Patroclus is my next to Achilles.”

King Menelaus had listened to the leader. He wanted to ignore the request but he valued more of Odysseus than Palamedes. More to it, he was afraid to lose another leader like Achilles. If lose Odysseus, he may lose Agamemnon.

“I will consent.” King Menelaus agreed. “You will win this war for me.”

The insult remained on the emotions of Palamedes. He was sent back to cover the worlds while others get the accolades of victory. He had returned to the mothership of the task to gather his belongings. He was surprised to see Odysseus there.

“I have not moved my belongings out. Give me some time.” Palamedes had ignored the new commander.

“Palamedes, I had come over to confer with you. I,” Palamedes cut off Odysseus.

“I am not keen to talk about what happened in your world.” Palamedes knew that Odysseus still harbors anger on the incident there. “I did not want to hurt your ..”

“Hurt? You could have killed him.” Odysseus reminded Palamedes. He then pacified his emotions. “That is the past. I am here to tell him I am not taking your victory. I am pushing for it. And I will win.”

“Winning? Was it all about that? Do you know the Trojans? Or any of them before the war? I knew some and they were decent people. I stayed there once at Troy Five. I…”

“Palamedes, I do not care if you are a Trojan. I just want to end the war.” Odysseus hits back. “Now get your things out and I will return.”

That ended the reconciliation of two leaders.

That would have repercussions but not all were to be reconciled.

“Odysseus, your report is ready.” The one who handed to Odysseus was an Intelligence Officer named Sineon. He was Macedonian.

“Tell me what you have.” Odysseus looked at Sineon. He had a dislike for the Macedonian but he was the best at what he does with his skills. And then Odysseus felt he needed the extra edge. The sabotage of the fleet had raised concerns. He had narrowed it to their own who may have worked for the Trojans. It was not easy to conclude when you have eleven worlds with numerous races and species in there.

“Intel is what I need.” Odysseus had worked on that need. He had decided to work with the discard of the Intel teams.

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