Friday, April 16, 2021

Trojan War Chapter 51


The end of Troy


Zeus stood before the two Kings summoned by hologram to his Hall. He had dressed for the occasion befitting the God and Supreme Commander. Both the Kings were in their armor and held the swords favored by the Kings.

“I came to stop the war.” Zeus did not blunt his words. “I will negotiate peace now.”

“We…” King Menelaus was cut off.

“Archaeon, you might think that victory is within yours but you forget I am still the Supreme Leader unless you want to rile on my wrath.” Zeus exerted his influence. “I will…”

An aide of the Supreme leader barged into the Hall.

“I am sorry, Zeus but we have an issue that cannot be overlooked.” The aide looked at the God. “It’s …”

“We will continue our discussion later, Kings. Any of your fleets moved into the attack will suffer the consequences of meeting mine.” Zeus cautioned the two Kings.

The holograms were called off and Zeus turned to his aide.

“Give me the slightest reason why I will not have you killed,” Zeus told the aide.

“Hera had rebelled against your order. She brought with Ares and Athena along with Hephaestus and … Aphrodite is on the borders only.” The aide reported to the God.

“And why Aphrodite sitting on the fence?” Zeus pondered.

“Do I call on the others, Zeus?” The aide asked.

“Yes but put them on the borders. I will take my fleet to meet the rebels. Nobody questions Zeus of his command.”

Then Zeus recalled his order.

“Send my fleet on them. They are to be defeated. I have other matters to attend to.” That was Zeus' renewed call. The aide returned to the post that he was assigned and Zeus called on Poseidon with the hologram.

“Brother, can I have your trust in this war?” Zeus looked to the image of Poseidon. “Before you addressed me, Poseidon who is my brother by birth, listened hard. On that, I am still your brother who once freed you of the imprisonment by our father.”

“I am here….brother,” Poseidon replied. “I am honored bound to you on that.”

“Hera, the one who shared the womb of Gaia is one of her tantrums against me. This time she may have accomplished more damages than before. I need...”

“I gave the …. the mycellion to them. I was not coerced by Hera but I did…” Poseidon was cut off.

“You did it to spite me then. You disliked me for being the Supreme God. You still harbor that feeling ever since I rescued you then. Was it that important, Poseidon?” Zeus looked at his brother. “I gave you freedom.”

“No, my brother. You gave us enslavement towards you, and yet you lived on the legacy of Uranus.” Poseidon replied. “I saw it when …”

“Gaia was the one who did all this. From Uranus to Cronus and now us.” Zeus sighed. “Gaia, you are here. I know. Show yourself.”

The image of Gaia appeared next to Poseidon. She had not aged but her sight was disabled. She walked towards Poseidon and held her right hand to his left shoulder.

“Hello, my filial son of my son. It’s I, Gaia your mother.” The lady sight was not available but her instinct told her that Zeus was before her. “Tell me, son. How did you know?”

“Every time Hera revolted against me, she used the children of mine. It was the precedent that you set with Uranus and then with Cronus. I was not sure and I attempted many times to accept or deny it but the former was forefront in my mind. I narrowed it down to Hera initially reliving your legacy and then realized that it was your own doing.”

“I had my aides checked on you at Tartarus. You had said that you will stand by Uranus' side but you were not. You left him and hid out at Poseidon. I wondered why and did more checks. I finally found it. You knew of the mycellion. You knew of its qualities and needed it to survive.”

“Pardon my term. Not survival but your everlasting existence as the First Gods. Why, Gaia? I was the filial son.”

“You were but you have something that Uranus and Cronus have. The balls to do the task … the way I wanted.” Gaia replied.

“Cronus did as you asked. I did as you asked. What do you want?” Zeus asked.

“The respect that we all deserved. You are like them.” Gaia turned towards Poseidon. “The two of you are brothers yet you stood yourself higher than him. The two of you set yourself higher than the others; Gods and Goddess. Not one you are ever equal. Hera revolted you and your first reaction was to quell it. Have you asked her why did she revolt?”

“Why must I? I am the …” Zeus defended his action.

“Your action speaks for itself. You still think of us as below you, as the men did to the women. Hera was trying to enhance the role of the women. She found that role in the Amazons and the Thracians who took their time to share that role, and Queen Belladina is the example.”

“If the Thracians can do it, why won’t you let the others do it?” Gaia sighed.

“We have a …” Zeus tried to explain.

“A rule that you who are men maintain to keep your dominance over all living species including their mothers.” Gaia inserted the words.

“Gaia, I did not mean it that..”

“No, you implied it and that is the reason Hera revolted.” Gain gave the final words. “All of this is the works not of one man but mankind.”

“Tell me how can I end it?” Zeus swallowed his words once he uttered it.

“Called the truce with Hera,” Gaia told Zeus. It was the aide return to barge in.

“Zeus, your fleet is under attack by Hera accompanied by Athena and Ares.” The aide reported back. “Poseidon and Artemis are aiding you with Apollo on the route too.”

“Tell the others to stay away or I will take away their ranks. I have someone else to lead my fleet. ” Zeus gave the new warning. “I will meet the Trojans and Archaeon once more.”



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