Friday, April 9, 2021

Story Write Compilations Volume I Stories 49

 Marja, I will never leave you alone again.


Author's Note:

The Balkan War gave me inspiration for this piece. The contest showed fossils of two dead people embraced in death. I gave them the tale of a father and his daughter.





The shelling had been incessant through the night and till this morning dawn. I just got in from my stint at my post in the barricade with the others to safeguard the city from the invaders. I came to the door of my destination and I checked the hidden marks for any signs of intrusion. There are none as the piece of paper still stays embedded between the door and the wall. I am relieved as none has come in when I am away. I knocked on the door with my knuckles giving the correct signals.


The door opened and I am greeted by the warmth of the room. It's not the wood stove which still burned till now, but the feeling of the fact I am back in my home. Our home to be exact, as its the home I built with Marja, my daughter. She is my only living love as her mother was gunned down in cold blood by some overzealous soldiers as she is of the other beliefs. I laid my rifle by the door and closed the door with the latch in place. It's dark inside despite the woodstove but darkness welcomes safety when I am away. I drag open the thick blanket that served as a curtain. I then turned to face my daughter of twelve years of age. But the sight that greets me was not of her.


"Mama Rosa, how did you come in?" Mama Rosa is my neighbor and she has been here before but only when I am in and she met only me all the time. She is a widow with a surviving son staying with her. He was injured in the battle and is today without his right arm as a result of it. Mama Rosa comes to me for some of the medicine which I helped her to get from the Medic for her son. He is still suffering from his wound and in great pain. She is a think frail lady with a spine bent due to her advanced age.


"I came in on her calls. She is unwell and she needed her comfort." Marja is ill and I know not of it. I ran to her hidden place behind the cupboard and there she lay sleeping soundly covered in the pieces of cloth we do for the cover. "I heard her cries and I knocked. She opened on hearing my voice and I assisted her."


"Mama Rosa, thank you. I did not tell as ......she is my daughter with my wife. She is blind and she is not safe in this city alone. She is...." I tried to explain myself to the older lady as she bends over the wood stove to stoke the fire beneath the metal container we used for our cooking.


"I have cooked some herbs for her. Give it to her. Whoever she is and what she believes in matters, not to me. To me, she is a child and needs help. You should have told me she was with you. I would have cared for her. Your silly war matters not to me. It's the ranting of the fools which draw our young ones to kill or be killed. If they are so good at their rhetoric, asked them to take the same line as my son's." Mama Rosa lost three sons in this war and the last one is sitting at home without his arm. "I am seventy-five and I have seen them all. The fights, the quarrels, the bitching, and even the segregation in the lines, but yet we find times then to help each other in times of need. I helped to deliver some babies when the doctor is away, but today those babies are killing mine. Who's to blame? Not me and not you but the ones who talk on the box. They rant and shout their voice and we sent our children to their death. If victory would end the war, why are we still fighting new wars every time after the victory."


Mama Rosa is at the door now. "I am going back to my house. I do have a son who requires my help." She left without asking if I want to say anything. If I have, it's not words that I can speak as the empty feeling in me could not be translated into words. I take the arms to the cause as my home is threatened by them, but if I would look at them, I could be seeing my wife's cousin there doing the same for his cause. It's silly when you think of it; we fighting for a cause when if we have thought it out, the real action to be taken is to discuss the matter on the table. But as Franco put it; the time to talk is over and we need to teach them how we feel. I believed him then but now I am not sure. My wife, Fatim did not feel the same then. She feared for her marriage and her love. She is of the other side and we are to be separated by the ideals of beliefs. She did ask me who do I uphold first; family or beliefs. I could not answer her as love both and could not hate both. But the next day, she was shot dead for her belief and I am left holding my only child then of eight years in my arms.


"Papa, are you back?" I hear my love and I went towards her. I took her extended hand and pulled her gently up from the bed. I hugged her and I can feel the heat on her body. She is having a high temperature and she may need medicine. I remembered the concoction in the container which Mama Rosa told me. I asked Marja to sit there while I get the hot concoction for her. She nodded to my request while I got up to walk towards the stove. I took it off the stove as its boiling over. We are not with luxury but we have some bare essentials. I found the small metal bowl which I poured the concoction into.


"Drink this, darling. Mama Rosa boiled this for you. It would do you good." Marja did as she was told. She did not flinch as the concoction may taste bitter or worse, but she obligingly drank it all. She is my good girl and I would do all I could to protect her. Marja then crawled back to her cot and slept the day away. I did what I could during my free time' cleaning the place and writing my diary of the events that affected us for the last four years. Since that day, I ran with Marja with the refugees to the safer cities and lived on the handouts. When I called for duty to protect my people, I would entrust her to the ones who I believed would take care of her. But I am back daily and it not the next to see her. It was fine until one of her guardians tried to trade her for food rations. I was in time to rescued her from the predicament and I killed the bastard who tried to violate her. It was also my need to run from my own and be a fugitive in the war. We traverse the countryside and live off the land. There times I want to leave her to die in a barrage of shells or a heated battle scene but my love for her could not bear to see her be killed in such a manner. She may not know as she sees nothing in her eyes but I can hear her cries for me. Tell me which parent can be allowed their child to die in such a manner. I am not an animal but her father and rightful guardian. Since then, she never left my side in any events until we reached here. Here I am, I find new refuge but also my role as defender of the city. I constructed her haven and moved to my post with a heavier heart. It needed for me to get those food and medicine rations to be shared with Mama Rosa.


But I told Marja to be brave in her lone hours as I am obliged to be away. But I will be back when she calls. I gave her my promise that I would never leave her alone for too long. A promise I kept for over six months now. She is a brave girl as she knows in her heart, I am also doing this to protect her although she knows not from what. She waited for me those months in the confines of her haven until she hears my knocks. When I return here, we would eat the food I brought back and she will tell me about her day. She would tell me of her friends who comes to play and shared their tales with her. She has one of her favorite; Rapunzel the rat who will tell her of his exploits to raid the pantry or the kitchen for food. There is also Rick the Roach who will tell her of his dream to build the biggest roach nest. She has other friends who will come for tea like the cheesy Cat, but she disliked his manners at the table. Most times, I end up sleeping while she is whispering to my ears.


But today, I am all alone and watching her sleep.


Then there is the knock on the door. This is most unusual at this time. I moved the cupboard back to hide her haven and see if everything is in its place. I ran to the door which the knockings are getting impatient. I unlatched it to open the door and see it's my commander, Alex.


"Micheal, we will need to retreat immediately. The tanks are coming in and they are shelling all the buildings. It's a big push and we need to run. Our new line is at the Train Station. See you there." Alex left me at the door as I can see scores of people running for the new line. I closed the door and went over to the cupboard. I pushed open the cupboard and see my sleeping darling. I touched her forehead and it still hot. I considered my options.


I made my decision.


I heard the voices from the haven which I am hiding with my daughter. I held her close to me while holding my rifle to shoot at anyone who will discover our hiding place. There are two of them.


"It's empty. Okay set it here and move on."


"Yes, sir."


Set what? I asked myself but I dare not move as I may wake up Marja. If she makes any noise, the soldiers outside may hear us. I held her closer to me and whispered in her ears.


"It will be fine. I am here."


"I know, Papa. Thank you." She replied to me in her low whispers.


It was not a long wait when the explosion came and the walls came down. Our death was swift and painless as the building collapsed onto us with a big force.


"Papa, I see Mummy. Can you see her?"


"Yes, Marja. I can see her. We are one family again. We are safe forever now."



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