Friday, April 30, 2021

Arthur II Book III Chapter 25




“The Black Knight rides.” The word spread like wildfire then over the land and soon reached the ears of Arthur at Camelot.  He was seated on the podium; sadly without the presence of Guinevere who had said she was unwell. He was at the renewed jousting tournament with the knights. The missing notables were the Green Knight, Percival, and even Galahad and the elusive Lancelot. Even Lamorak was missing that day. He knew that Belvedere and Kay were back at Gurnion.

“Bring forth the Black Knight. We lack champions today.” Arthur called out.

“I am here, my King.” Lancelot behind the helmet lowered his lance. He saw the Queen was not in attendance.

“I am Arthur, and may I know your name?” Arthur asked.  He eyed the knight from head to toe, and even to the horse, but some marks will reveal his identity.

“I am the Black Knight and shall remain named as such.” Lancelot's voice was veiled by the helmet. “I see no knights worthy of my challenge and I will make my way out.”

“No knights? None worthy of you. I find it insulting towards me.” Arthur roared at the Black Knight.

“Then ask them to step forth. The Green Knight?”

“Sir Percival?”

“Sir Galahad?”

“Or the famed Sir Lancelot?” The Black Knight called the names. “Are they at rest or away? If they are away, then I will be myself.”

The Black Knight pulled at the rein of the horse and Arthur spoke.

“I will challenge you, Black Knight. Faced me in the joust.” Arthur roared. “Bring my armor and my lance.”

“My King, you have no lance.” Merlin over to whisper to Arthur. “And you…”

It was concerned of Merlin for Arthur had never taken a joust in the tournament except in training.

“What? No lance? Who will loan me the lance?” Arthur looked to the other knights. Several squires ran forth with the lance balanced on the shoulder.

“I have a few to make of my choice.” Arthur picked up one. “Shall we joust?”

The Black Knight rode to the end and turned his horse while Arthur wore his armor; newly minted and latched on tight with the treated leather throngs. His head helmet was a rounded piece with a cone top and the pummel of fleece stood at the top. His face view was the narrow slit for the eyes and at the mouth. Arthur’s horse was brought to him and he mounted.

“Bring my sword. I always ride with Excalibur.” Arthur looked at the Black Knight. “Where is your sword?”

Lancelot had Arondight wrapped in silk and kept at the hut where he donned the amour.

“We are to joust and not battle on the field. I have not my sword with me.” Lancelot replied.

“Bah! So be it. I will still wear mine.” Excalibur was given to Arthur and he wore it on his waist. He weighed the lance in his right and the familiar shield of his as the Prime. He rode to the other end and lined up to face the Black Knight. He kicked at the horse to gallop it with the lance leveled towards the other. Lancelot in his Black Knight armor rode forth. The shields deflected the lances but they do not break them.

The two knights went for the second attempt and Lancelot impacted his lance on Arthur but the King was still on the saddle. Lancelot had broken at the tip of the lance.

“I will like to have the loan on a lance.” The request of the Black Knight was not met by any. Arthur looked to the other and offered his.

“You may take mine. I will acquire another.” Arthur’s lance was given to the Black Knight while he took on another.

“This round, we will decide the champion.” Arthur roared. He rode hard at Lancelot who held back his horse before he galloped forward. They met in the middle and no lance had impacted.

“Bah! It looked I need to do it right this time.” Arthur charged at the Black Knight who held back his horse and the galloped ahead. The lance impacted Arthur’s shield but it also pushed him off the saddle. Arthur landed on his back and was rushed to by the concerned knights and one worried druid. The Black Knight lowered the broken lance and sat there on the saddle.

“I am fine.” Arthur was pulled up to his feet. He removed his helmet and looked at Lancelot

“We will battle with a sword.” Arthur drew out Excalibur.

“I hold no sword today and I won’t take any to be loaned to me. The sword is an extension of my body and it cannot be replaced by another. Farewell, my King. We may joust at another day again.”

The Black Knight dropped the damaged lance and rode off. Arthur was fuming with anger and returned to the castle. 

“Was he hurt?” Guinevere asked the servant who rushed to tell her.

“I don’t think so. Maybe his pride.” The servant implied with sarcasm. “The King is in the Hall.”

Guinevere took to meet the King there. He was seated on the new chair at the round table but around him, there were no other knights He had his removed armor tossed to the side while he nursed his wounded pride with the goblet of mead.

“My Lord, are you well?”

“I am fine but not my …. arse. Darn armor pricked me there.”

“Perhaps I can soothe it for you, my King.”

“Soon. Now I am wondering where my knights are. A table prepared and none are here.”

“Sire, you are needed back at the castle.” Belvedere heard the call by his servant but his head still heavy from the mead drinks and then the brawl with the locals with him ended in the barn.

“What gives?” Belvedere rubbed his eyes and then his jaw. He had succumbed to the poisonous mead that he had cautioned his men many times.

“It’s the King. He was …”

“What happened to Arthur?” The mention of the name sobered him up. “Pull me up and hand me the bucket of water.”

Once Belvedere has drenched himself from the cold water, the half walked and ran to the castle. He saw Galahad and Gaheris ahead of him on horses had ridden into the castle.

“Bastards!” Belvedere cursed out. When he reached the Hall, Arthur was not there. He asked the servant of the King.

“The King had retired with the Queen.”

Belvedere saw then the other two brothers.

“Where were you two?”

Galahad was to reply when Gaheris snapped out.

“We don’t answer to you, Belvedere.” Gaheris was displaying insubordination to the other.

“Stand down, Gaheris. We were in the settlement. We came as soon as we're told.” Galahad stood in between the two.

“You are with the Legio…” Belvedere was cut off.

“We are no more with the Legion. We are now knights. And even as part of the Legion, we are Equities and answer to the Decurion.” Galahad reminded Belvedere. “We shall not fight here and be seen by the servants.”

Galahad pulled Gaheris away leaving Belvedere seething in anger. Outside of the castle, Gaheris pulled his arm from Galahad.

“I will kill him one day.”

“You will not. If he dies because of you, I will hunt you myself.” Galahad told his brother. “Family or none.”

“Then we are no more family.” Gaheris walked off. “Find Gawain yourself and keep him near to you, Brother.”

Merlin saw the breakup and was to try to make amend for them when he saw the Queen approaching him.

“I heard the Black Knight was at the tournament. Did you meet him? Do you know where he is?”

“I don’t, my Queen. Why are you in rush to know?”

“The Black Knight was with my father when he died. It was rumored that he killed my father’s killer and then it was said he was the one who killed my father. I need to meet him. Only he can tell me the truth.”

“If the truth is known, would you want to hear it then? What if…”

“If the Black Night kills my father, then I will have him die for it. I will find my champion to kill him.”

“Who may that be? Arthur was hurt by the knight himself.” Arthur spoke plainly.

“Lancelot will be the champion.” The Queen walked off then.

“If only things were not that complicated,” Merlin muttered to himself.



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