Friday, April 23, 2021

Arthur II Book III Chapter 19




Arthur dismissed the Legion emissary to address him at Camelot. He had met the person in private while the knights waited outside the Hall. They have come on his call and yet he won’t see them yet. The emissary soon left and the knights were called in.

Arthur looked at the ones that walked in and recalled their names. He knew the ones that he was expecting and was disappointed by the missing. He even saw Lord Ban and Bors there; he recalled not calling them but they have been contributing to the bursar in coins and efforts in maintaining peace. He was keen to see the fabled Green and Black knight but none turned up. He was surprised to see Young Meleagant there’ like Lord Ban and Bors, he came on his own accord.

Nevertheless, Arthur held an audience of fifty or with the tables moved to the sides.

“I don’t see Gawain and where is also Percival?” Arthur looked at Galahad and Gaheris.

“We don’t know of Percival, Arthur,” Galahad replied. “Of Gawain, he had ridden some time off to the far-flung lands in search of…. Adventure.”

“Your brother rides alone? This is new to me.” Arthur laughed at Galahad. “I thought the three of you were inseparable.”

“Perhaps once we were. We have …. Not now. Even Gaheris will ride one day to find his own.”

“And you will. I was told that a tavern lady awaits you with bared bosom.” Arthur’s words drew laughter from the knights except for Galahad who looked downwards with a forced grin. Even Lamorak put up a forced smile.

“We came as you have asked. May you tell us?” Lancelot looked at Arthur. The later brushed off the knight’s request and spoke of his travel. He told the knights that he was happy that the raiders are defeated and the land at peace.

“We must be on our guard from any renewed raids and the Picts. The latter is still at our borders.” Arthur was stern at the knights. “I was told in my absence that the training seems to have lacked. My hard-earned and tedious organized tournaments have been left to neglect.”

There were then murmurings among the knights with downwards look.

“We shall resume soon,” Arthur commanded. The knights roared to the announcement. Then Arthur spoke of the emissary from Londinium with the message from the Legatus of Legio VI Victrix.

“Rome is under the threat of barbarians and Gaul is on the revolt once more. The Senate has called for several Legio are drawn back. The Legio VI Victrix is recalled to the Hadrian Wall with the peace that prevailed on the land above it. The Cohorts are withdrawn there except the Ninth and ourselves. Unlike the Ninth, we are to be independent and self-sustained. We will have to maintain our coins from taxes on our land. It will be tough but we must prevail.”

That announcement dampened the mood in the Hall. Lancelot was to speak when the Hall was alarmed by the rush in by the Queen, Lady Guinevere.

“Lady Igraine is missing. I cannot find her.”

Later at the chamber, Arthur stood there with his trusted knights of Lancelot, Lamorak with Galahad and Gaheris. The druid was there looking at the broken bedding with Guinevere.

“What do you seem druid?” Arthur asked.

“I don’t know. It looked …. She may have died here or …” The droid searched for words.

“Died? How she did die? You are hopeless.” Guinevere was distraught at the loss and was hoping that Lady Igraine was still alive.

“How can you tell if she died? There are no bloodstains…” Guinevere snapped at the druid.

“Prepare yourself, my Queen.” The druid displayed the scorpion stinger. The Queen collapsed onto her knees and it was Lancelot who stops her fall.

“Summon the servants!” Arthur called out but did not move to assist. He then looked at Merlin.

“I want answers, druid. Whoever can reach her, can do it to me too. Or to the Queen.” Arthur walked off while the servants attended to the Queen. Lancelot took his leave too. He held the two tasks.

“Show yourself to me, Lady Vivianne.” Lancelot stood at the lake. “I have…”

“I am here, Lancelot. And the answer to your question is yes. I used Arondight to kill Lady Igraine.” Vivianne appeared at the surface of the lake. She was in her white gown and with the wave of her right hand; Arondight was returned the waves that carried the sword on the belt to Lancelot.

The knight picked up the belt and lashed it on his hips. He felt the familiar weight of the sword on his waist. He then looked at the lady.

“Why did you kill her?”

“Lady Igraine is a witch. She was to be with Morgause and Morgan to form the trinity of three. If they are joined, their power will increase and we will be challenged.”

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?’ Lancelot asked.

“I would …I could not. I know you like Guinevere and if you did know, you may not loan me Arondight.”

“I ….” Lancelot is lost for words. He cannot bear to see harm done to the other two for he was also close to them. He was in pain to see the events that were unfolding. If Guinevere ever knows that her foster mother was killed with Arondight, she may never forgive him. Just as she ever knew that he saw the Black Knight killed her father, and did not prevent it she won’t forgive him. Or even the fact that Utter Pendragon was involved in his father’s death.

“I can read your pain Lancelot but she…”

“Don’t ever read my thoughts, Vivianne.” Lancelot was upset. “What is mine remains mine?”

“I am sorry. I won’t do it again.” Vivianne felt the scorn in Lancelot.

“I …” Lancelot felt miserable to tell off the other who had guided him. He wanted to apologize but the words will not come out.

“Lancelot, I should caution you. She is not yours to take and hold. She is …”

“I know who she is. She belonged to Arthur, but I ….  Love her.” Lancelot said those words that were in his heart.

“No, you can love another. Elaine is a better…”

“Leave out my thoughts. I will not have you in me.” Lancelot was upset. “I …”

“You don’t love Elaine…. yet. But you may if you get to know her. Love is …fluid. It flows like the water in the stream. In a flood or on a break in the stream, you could flow elsewhere.” Vivianne told the knight. It was her words from her heart. She had the druid by her stream but he diverted to another. She knew what it felt like to see the water flowed away. She was hurt before. She took a new vow to forget it all. She submerged her emotions into her mind.

“I must go now.” Lancelot turned away and rode off on his horse.

“May you forgive me, Lancelot? I had to do what was needed.” Vivianne slipped back into the lake.

Young Octavia did not leave the Hall like the others. He remained there to await the Queen or anyone who will tell of her health. He had heard of her collapse and the servants have attended to her. He wanted to help but he was not a knight and above all, he was not Arthur.

The servant approached the Young Meleagant with coins.

“She is in her chamber. She rests there.”

“What happened?” The voice of the servant extended with the left hand weighed with coins.

“Lady Igraine is dead. How she died was unknown and we fear it was by sorcery.”

“You have a druid here.” Young Meleagant questioned the role of the druid.

“We know naught. All we have to know that Arthur has called for the double sentries in the castle.” The servant then rushed off when he saw the arrival of Lamorak. The latter approached the young Meleagant there.

“Meleagant, we are in need to clear the castle of any persons not needed here. Please do leave.”

“How is the Queen? I heard she fell.” Young Meleagant pressed on.

“She is fine. It’s only a small issue.” Lamorak looked over the shoulder of the younger man where he saw Arthur.

“You best be leaving, Meleagant,” Lamorak told the young man.  “I have to attend to Arthur.”

Young Meleagant left Camelot then and rode back to his villa. He was as usual escorted by three guards. He rode past the old temple which was then burned down, but his mind lingered on the old man there.

“Young Master, we need to ride. It’s still a long ride back.” Young Meleagant nodded and then he saw the druid was nearby. He rode over to meet the druid who was standing at the burned site.

“Druid, what are you doing here?”

“I am just wandering around. Do you know this place?”

“It’s on my land. I knew that an old temple was here but we burned it down.”

“And of the occupants?”

“I think they left. We held no use for them.” Young Meleagant then rode off without a word. The druid stood there and with his mind, he studied the ruins. He could not see much so he used his skills to call on the free spirits there. One appeared then. It was frail-looking and wore only a loincloth devoid of any hair on its body.

“Have you any mead?” The spirit looked at the druid. “Who are you? Are you a druid? Are you…”

“Halt your tongue, discard.” Merlin snapped at the free spirit. “I sought the presence of whom that was here.”

“I will not tell. It was evil. It took the form of a …. I will say no more.”

“Speak or I will cast you to the lower levels …”

“And what levels have I not been to? I have been to all of it. Save your threats and give me mead.”

Merlin tossed the container with mead. He was prepared for it. The spirit drank it. Once it was satisfied, the spirit revealed the events there.

“The young man sought the monk here which was not who it was. He wanted to see the lady and was shown what his mind wanted to see. He was fooled by the fake monk. When he was not served, he rebelled and desecrated the place.”

“Who was the fake?”

“It was one named Morgause Le Fay.”


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