Friday, April 9, 2021

Trojan War Chapter 48



Achilles had felt remorse to join the war against the Trojan. He had left the Archaeon fleet on his conflict with Agamemnon. He was aggrieved that the other was a tyrant when it came to owning the spoils of war. He had not returned to Lycomedes which he told the others but sheltered to some remote moon.  

“Are you still buying drinks or waiting to toss off?” Achilles then dressed in the tatters and shoeless, yet he was able to nurse the goblet of wine at the odd tavern in the remote part of the moon. He looked up and saw the burly Macedonian staff dressed in the apron over his dirty unlaundered clothes and had his hair short on the top. He was tall standing there.

“I will have another.” Achilles tossed the credit tabs to pay for his drink. “Make it a double.”

“Why? You lost a friend. As if you have any?” The Macedonian laughed. That remark enraged Achilles and with his buried frustration, he lashed out with a punch at the Macedonian in the midriff. The latter keel over but his plight was to bring forth four more to the table. They hold no talks and rushed at Achilles. The four had Achilles pushed to the flooring and in his anger, Achilles reverted to his golden armor. He kicked out at the attackers, and then stood up.

“I am Achilles and I will not be bullied by any of you.” Achilles faced off his attackers.

“Achilles?” The five Macedonians stepped back. It was then Odysseus stepped into the tavern.

“Achilles, I had you tracked for days. Do you know Patroclus had died in your name?” Odysseus stepped aside to allow the five Macedonians to leave the tavern.

“Patroclus? When was this?” Achilles shook his head to clear his head. “I was here and devoid of any of the news on the war. And the war I was to be of no part.”

“Patroclus had taken your place and due to his inexperienced, I had him to place back at home but he sneaked off and tried to win the battle for me. He called on Hector for a personal duel”.

“The fool! He was not my equal.” Achilles snapped out. “Fool!”

“He was a fool. He had admired you and took the risk to fight in your name.” Hector sighed. “Achilles, there are many that will do like him for they all wanted to be Achilles but all of them cannot be him.”

“Neither could Patroclus.” Achilles cut in. “Who took him up for that role?”

Odysseus pushed the question aside and hit out at Achilles.

“Achilles, you have degenerated to the level of an imbecile. This war will always be yours to partake.” Odysseus looked at Achilles. “I have looked you up to stop the war from spreading. You can end it faster if you return with me.”

“How? By killing more? That will end the war but it will serve no meaning to all.” Achilles replied in anger...

“No, by removing the warring factions. Both ours and theirs.” Odysseus told Achilles. “Rejoin me,”

“Was it what you told Patroclus? Don’t reply to me. What must I do?” Achilles asked.

Hector stashed his armor and weapons. He realized that in his anger, he had battled Achilles. He was not an enemy of the other but rather protector of his worlds. He had little choice but to take up defense. When he realized that he had killed the so-called then Achilles and it was Patroclus, he felt remorse.

“He who learns must suffer,” Hector muttered to himself the ancient sayings. “Patroclus had learned it the hard way. It ended his life.”

That was why he sent the body back with full military honor. The body was accompanied by a stealth fighter as part of its funeral pyre.

“Hector, we have received a request. It’s Achilles.” The pilot relayed the message and then repeated himself. “It’s Achilles. He is the real one.”

Hector stood at the same spot where he met the fake Patroclus. He was dressed as before and his challenger was not there. He stood there and then saw the shuttle landing. Hector knew Achilles mostly by news and hearsays but he never actually met the other. Or perhaps at some gatherings but they barely talked.

Maybe now they will.

“Hector of Troy, I have come to put right the challenge that was mocked by another.” Achilles appeared in a similar golden armored suit. He held the same broadsword retrieved from Patroclus' funeral pyre.

“I …” Hector was cut off by Achilles.

“You came to challenge Achilles and I am here.” Achilles told Hector off. “Your earlier approach with Patroclus was you thought it was me. Well, I am here now.”

“You are short of one weapon, Achilles. I will fight you without my shield.” Hector tossed his shield “I will fight you with this.”

Achilles' reply was the rush at Hector. The other held the curved sword with the right hand and then at the last moment, he jumped aside to the right but Achilles had moved his approach. He shifted the sword to the left and turned his body sideways to deliver the right kick at Hector. The kick threw the Trojan to the rear and Achilles followed on with the sword at Hector’s chest.

Hector rolled to the side to avoid the thrust and then crouched up. Achilles had stood a distance away and then faced Achilles. He rushed at the other with the curved sword from the right side and then twisted his hand to cut the sword on Achilles onto the latter left shoulder.

Hector’s move had the sword impacted on Achilles suit but that move had Achilles slash with his sword at Hector’s right leg. It impacted there and impaired Hector’s movement. Achilles followed through with a thrust on Hector on the other’s left ribs.

Hector fell backward and was set on by Achilles. The latter was lost in this rage and cracked the headpiece of Hector’s. Once the headpiece was damaged, Hector was to suffer the same fate as Patroclus.

“Die, Trojan.” Achilles called out.


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