Friday, April 16, 2021

Trojan War Chapter 52



The truce was called by Zeus and Troy was compensated with a huge shipment of the mycellion to rebuild their defenses. King Menelaus was upset but he was not ready to defy Zeus.

“The Olympians are in a war among themselves.” Achilles told the King. “I am not agreeable to concede to the Trojans.”

“We cannot be battling the Olympians or what is left of them. The worlds are tired of the prolonged war.” Odysseus gave his words to the matter. “But to concede defeat is shameful.”

“I have heard all your views, and I concur. I will fight this war but not that current way. I will give them the Trojans a victory but it will be ours in the end.” King Menelaus gave his view.

Meanwhile, the one who started the war was in a discussion with Aphrodite. The Goddess had approached Paris in the chamber assigned to him.

“Are you mad to return to Troy after what I rescued you?” Aphrodite turned to Paris.

“I must. Even the truce may be called on, I am to battle on. I owed it to Helen.” Paris replied.

“You are a fool, Trojan,” Aphrodite said. “As all men are…. Most times.”

“We are all fools after all.” It was the turn of Apollo who appeared then. “I heard that you are to perform the heroic act and most times, it’s the bold move but at all times, the stupid act that only men were capable of.”

“Thank you for the man’s affirmation.” Paris then approached the armor that he last wore in battle with the King.

“You will need a new suit.” Apollo had the new suit brought forward, and then he handed over the new weapon.”

“The newly constructed bow of mine, not on loan but given to you as a gift.” Apollo presented the new suit in the shade of crimson red. “Red is the shade of our aggressive mode.”

“Thank you, Apollo. I will use it.” Paris smiled.

“I will get a shuttle..” Aphrodite offered her aid but Apollo cut to it.

“Use mine. It’s faster and pardons me saying this …but God’s speed.”

 God’s speed was what the battle was happening with the Zeus fleet taking on the combined fleet under Hera.

“Zeus, you have double the fleet complement.” Hera voiced towards Zeus. She counted double the standard numbers of the ships. She held the triple numbers with the supporting Ares and Athena.

“Double the numbers with twenty-one mothership, twenty-nine destroyers, with twenty-five frigates and two thousand fighter crafts, and yet the bastard had equipped his with twice our numbers.” Hera cursed. “He had it all hidden in the worlds he visits. He is full of deceit.”

“Zeus is not here. He has assigned me to manage the fleet.” The voice belonged to Heracles. “And please don’t bitch about it. Call off your fleet and we can all bitch another day.”

“There will be no accord of peace… as long as I lived,” Hera called out. “I will not bow to any man.”

It was the same for the survivors of the Frontier.

“Leader Telephus on the bridge.” Queen Belladina heard the hail and turned on her seat on the Thracian’s mothership. She turned her body to look at the approaching leader.

“Welcome to the new Bitch One. All we in accord with our objective?” Belladina greeted the leader.

“The Mysian fleet will guide you.” Telephus reply to the Queen. “The journey to Sanctuary will not be smooth. I have not been there but viewed it from the drone craft I sent in. It went in but unable to return. It was damaged.”

“Where is this place? Sanctuary?” The Queen asked.

“It’s in a wormhole. On route to a new galaxy or shall I say a new Frontier.” Telephus replied. “However not all the ships you have in tow will make it there. We need to consolidate to the able ships. That maybe half the number but we will keep the numbers.”

“Bitches formed up to protect the fleet.” The Thracian destroyer and three frigates got into formation around the consolidated fifty-three ships with the Telemon single mothership and ten frigates forming the rear fleet.

“Sanctuary will be our next Frontier.” Queen Belladina announced to the fleet.

There were not alone.

“The war may end for the Archaeon but not for me.” Ajax the Lesser called on his fleet of twelve frigates. “We will battle on with the remnants of the Frontier. Follow their warp ion trail. If it’s to Tartarus, I will still go.”


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