Friday, April 2, 2021

Weekend Special Short Tales California 2.2 Chapter 14



Marcus held the connector to keep the data connection secure. It was the fault of the worn-out connector that he and Rival had used for some time then. They were younger then and credits don’t grow on the trees.

“Can you rush it? Father is waiting.” Rival looked to his brother who was more of the hardware guy while he does the software side. He looked at the data downloaded and saw it was working albeit too slow. He then used the organizer which he converted into a mini server and used that to update the needed routines.

“Are we done?” Rival heard his brother. He was already tethering at the edge of saying something stupid but held his emotions to focus on the program. It was not his fault but their father had given them outdated equipment and archaic programs to work on. The old man had said that the path to Excellency was to walk on the hard paths to feel the pain.

“Yes, it’s almost there.” Rival updated the last line to the routine and saw the speed of loading increased. He was elated that he had done the task.

“Let us go now,” Rival called when the upload was done. He unplugged the connector and stored the organizer. Rival was to stand up when the lights shone on him. He knew they were caught. It was Marcus who rushed like a bull at the one who had discovered them. Marcus was still a teen then and within seconds, he was subdued and given a broken nose.

It did not end there.

Stefan arrived to bail the two boys out but he had enough for one. He offered to bail out Rival and left Marcus in detention. He had told his elder son to be strong and powerful. Marcus was sent to the Reformed Academy to be a better person. He had learned hard there and earned respect from his peers during his stay there for ten years. Meanwhile Rival had joined the Truands to be educated on the street.

Stefan had died since then when he was killed by the authorities and their mother had forgotten the two sons until Marcus Luiz appeared at the Community some years back. He was carrying a young baby girl.

“Mama, I have a favor to ask of you. Take care of her. She is your grandchild.” It was a simple request. The Voivode had declined.

“You left me at a young age, and your brother joined the Truands. Now you bring back your blood to me.” The Voivode had looked at her long-lost son. “I cannot accept her.”

“She is our blood. Her mother is dead. She …killed herself after birth.” Marcus had lied. He was the one who killed her when he found out that she has his child. He could not bring himself to kill the child and decided to bring her there.

“I am a part of the Dome now. I got acceptance some years back. I cannot be seen with the child. I will be banished.” Marcus pleaded with the mother. “It will destroy both of us.”

The Voivode had remained firm on her decision but the baby cried for her feed. Her maternal instinct kicked in and took hold of the baby.

“She stays for the time but you must take her away.” By then, the baby girl was handed to a family without a child to take care of. That time was to be over a long time.

That long time was not all the mother had to endure. Without Stefan and Marcus, Rival had joined the Truands in their criminal activities. He was away from home but the authorities came to look for him in the Community.

“Rival is no longer with us. Leave us alone.” The Voivode shooed them off.

All was great for Rival till some years ago when he fumbled on the task. The head of the Truands had lost a team of programmers and analysts on the raid because of Rival’s mistake to leave a trail that led them there. Rival had met the Head at their hideout He was presented before the High Elders of the Truands.

“You caused a major dent to my operations.” The leader of the Truands called the King, had accused Rival. The head of the Truands wore a mask that resembled the double horn goat head and the snort. He wore a dark cloak over his uniform. “I have lost my best team due to your error.”

“It was … an unforeseen error. I had tried to rectify it but was too late.” Rival had heard the team at the data center was raided.

“You will learn that the Truands do not accept mistakes.” The King of the Truands shot Rival in the chest with the blaster he had drawn from the holster at the waist belt. He was to deliver the next shot when a member of the Truands stopped him.

“King, I asked that you do not shoot him here. Not yet. He has yet to reveal the works he had done. We need it to be continued by another.” The other was a member of the seven in the Council of the High Elders who makes and enforcing the rules in the Truands.

“Rival must…” The King had insisted but the other stood in defiance.

“He will die but before he does, we need the programs. He had carried on his father’s legacy and it’s needed.” It was how Rival then wounded was carried back to the data center where he was posted. He was asked to handover the programs.

“If you do so, I may be able to spare your life.” The Elder told him. They were alone there at the center. “Give me the key programs but not the entire works. The old backups will suffice.”

“I don’t understand.” Rival had said.

“You will continue your work on the programs but not here. You will be sent to a new place, held in disguise and you will continue your work there on your own. No one will need to know but when the time comes, I will seek you out.”

“Why are you doing this?” Rival had questioned.

“I have my reasons.”

Rival handed the codes which were the key codes.

“Now go. I will not be watching you. So, be careful. And take this. I will remember you if we do meet.” It was then how Rival escaped the Truands and his refuge was the Dome where he met his brother.

“Who sent you?” Marcus had asked.

“I don’t know. He gave me this.” Rival handed over the doll. It belonged to their mother. “He will come for it.”

The mother made three for their father and the two sons. Marcus still has his. Rival had lost his sometime back.

“The past will be your future undone in time, the pain inflicted will be yours to feel,” Marcus muttered the guilt in his heart.

“I have no intention to repay it in this life. Seek me out upon my death.” Marcus denied his retribution.



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