Monday, April 5, 2021

Arthur II Book III Chapter 13




Jaseth sat by the campfire for in his journey, he held not castles or home to seek shelter. He had sought his shelter in the temples and monastery but in recent events, he had avoided these places.

“I am ready.” Jaseth heard the lady’s voice at his rear.

“So is our supper. I hope you do like the pheasant meat better.” Jaseth had turned the roasted bird over the fire.  The lady laughed while she sat down opposite him. She had changed into a simple knee-length tunic with the belt around her waist and her feet covered in straw sandals.

“You are pretty,” Jaseth said. They have been together for a few days, sharing the same fire and meals with both of them talking and laughing. The lady had no issue of sleeping under the star although Jaseth had built a shelter for her. She had asked him questions on him but seldom has she spoken of herself.

“I have to wash my other gowns and left this to wear.” The lady who called herself Morgan Le Fay explained herself. “It’s not often that I traveled far. And long.”

Morgan has a horse of her own and her bags were on it. She does hold some weight there and like most ladies needed her private moments. Jaseth found himself drawn to her like the moth to the fire. He felt the amulet on his neck vibrating but he dismissed that as she was a witch. She said so herself when they met.

“I have scouted the area today. We are clear of any goblins that may harm you.”

Morgan had told Jaseth that she was being pursued by a trio of goblins and feared for her life. He had never met goblins but he felt the lady despite her role needed protection. Jaseth offered her a piece of the pheasant meat which she gleefully consumed.

“I have not often spent time talking to ladies, and lesser to serve them,” Jaseth admitted his lack of mannerism. “I was raised in the monastery.”

“So, had you said much earlier?” Morgan replied. “I was much like you.”

“You stayed in the …” Jaseth tried to find the word.

“No, it was more of a huge home but there were many …. Sisters with me. I was the youngest.”

“You came from a big family.” Jaseth cut in. “That’s nice for mine was all grumpy elders.”

Both of them laughed and Jaseth looked to the dark skies.

“It’s late and we ought to rest. Maybe tomorrow, we can find your new home.” Jaseth said. He then excused himself and walked to the other side of the fire and rested his body on the blanket. He was used to Morgan having to sit there and murmured the lullabies that made his sleep better. It was alike to listen to the heartbeat at the mother’s bosom.

“You are taking a long time to act, sister.” It was Morgause who appeared in the embers of the fire. He was dressed in a black tight-fitting suit with matching boots.

“And you talked too much, sister,” Morgan replied. “I need him, and his power. He is young and inexperienced.”

“On that, I know but what of you. I have never seen you talked so much in our length of life compared to your voice with him.” Morgause hissed at her with the sparks from the embers flashing.

“I am taking his life soul and that of the weapon. The halberd held much power in its killing of demons.” Morgan said.

“You could bloody just snuff his life out. Your spell had his protective amulet in the void anyway. It can struggle to warn the youth but nothing will come to heed.” Morgause hissed on. It was true that Morgan could have killed the knight and takes his weapon but she felt some attraction towards him. Even her voice found a new life to speak when with him.

“Oh, please, my dear sister. He is the first man you met and you are all for him. What did he do that I did not see? Raise his tunic and waved at you?” Morgause lament on the young sister at her silly thoughts. She knew that Morgan had come of age to notice the men but with their pursuit by the other ladies, they were not the time for any frolicking. Or worse, if she was still at the Lake, she would be eating daffodils to curb her urges.

“Leave me now. I will complete the task tonight. We will meet at the enchanted tree tomorrow.” Morgan dismissed her sister with the wave of her right hand. She was getting more powerful in her spells than Morgause but played it close to her heart.

Moran walked over to the halberd and stared at it. She called on the spell that will invite the demonic souls on the blade to come forth and be in her. It was an old spell that she had learned while at the Lake. The ritual needed time and patience to perform. Once she was done, Morgan looked to the young knight. He was still asleep as he would be with her spell over him. She felt the urge to reach out to him and reveal her real intentions. He will be hurt by her then, but she couldn’t do it. She turned to walk away when she heard him call her name.


Morgan Le Fay stopped and turned to look. He was turning in his sleep. It was an effect of the spell. It may kill him. She rushed over to him and stood there. She called on the reversal of the spell but it was too long in him. He was struggling to breathe then. She sat astride him and leaned over to lay her lips onto his. She blew her breath into his lungs while she inhaled the dark spells out. She did it for some moment until he could breathe on his own. She raised her head but lingered close to his face. He looked so innocent in the sleep. His lips moved as if they were to speak but no words were heard. She lowered her face and kissed his lips.

It was not a kiss but a longing for life.

Morgan was drawn to the young man.

Maybe it was love or whatever they may term it.

Or lust for some.

It could only mean one reason; they needed each other.

Lips to lips.

Heart to heart.

The union of two pure souls with the exchange of love.

There are no sacrifices in this love.

Only another life will be created.

Out of their union, and love.

“Jaseth, I love you. I will raise our child by myself. Do not be burdened by it.” Morgan Le Fay took leave of the knight. 

“You are a fool, sister!” Morgause had confronted the sister at the enchanted tree where they agreed to meet.

“You can’t be with his child.” Morgan heard the sister and with the wave of her right hand, she sent the sister sprawling to the ground.

“Do not stand in the way of my child.” Morgan glared at Morgause. “I have my reason. And I will live with it.”

“How can we hide when you hold the child in you?” Morgause got up to her feet. “We are now being pursued and you hold another burden. He may grow up a bastard.”

“Mordred will not be a bastard for while his mother lived.” Morgan held her hands to her belly. “He will grow in the hidden dimension nurtured with love and when we return, even Arthur will fall to his knees before my son.”

With that, Morgan Le Fay stepped into the enchanted tree as if it was a gateway to another dimension.

“You can’t leave me here. I am your sister.” Morgause cried out but her voice was not heard by anyone. It was not to be heard but the hurt in the heart was the father of the unborn child.

Jaseth rode far and wide tirelessly to look for the lady but she was not to be seen. He felt drained by her and soon sought his refuge at a monastery. The friar there took him in his exhausted form and laid him to rest on the straw bedding. The head of the monastery felt the knight’s body life and then asked that he be removed from his armor.

“He is weighed down by dark spells. We need to exorcise him.” The head of the friar spoke to the gathered twelve monks there at the monastery.

“He needs an anchor this realm. We need a man of righteousness and purity. Do not look at me with concern, Friar Gates. Your soul, heavenly protect here but inside of you, it rots with your vices.” The head of the Monastery glared at the other. “Even my soul cleansed with the prayers and fasting I have performed will not suffice.”

“We could do the flagellation on him.” Another monk had suggested.

“No, he needs…”

“How may I assist, Friar?” It was the voice of the traveler who had sought refuge there. “I am Sir Gawain of Camelot.”



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