Monday, April 19, 2021

Arthur II Book III Chapter 16




Viviane was upset at herself and her pursuit of the two renegade ladies. She was to handle Morgause with Ninniane and Nimue. Ninniane held influence on the forest and its creatures to track down Morgause but she had eluded them with her brief stopover.

“Morgause has improved on her spells. We can’t seem to track her as we used to.” Vivianne turned to Nimue. “How do you fare with your spells?

Nimue had deployed the white spells to locate the other but she had failed or when she does catch hold of Morgause, it was too late for them to catch her.

“I know the others have lost track of Morgan. They think that she may have left the dimension.” Vivianne knew that Morgan the silent one was unpredictable. She may be the one that could defeat them all.

“If I cannot handle the sisters, then I will take on the third lady in the trio.”

“Be careful, Vivianne. The lady has her protector, the Dark Stinger from the dark dimension.” Ninianne cautioned the lady. 

“With Morgause’s alliance there, she could call on the demons there to assist her. What she did not tell the Lady was the price that she had to pay for it. The dark demons may contribute to their power but the longer it paired with the other, the link of their souls will be entwined and one dies together with the other.” Vivianne said.

“I will need some help here. I will leave now.” Vivianne took her to leave of the others.

“I am concerned about Vivianne. She is fixated on terminating the Le Fay sisters.” Nimue voiced out.

“Vivianne needs to restore the balance in the realm. Her call to banish the two was harsh but it was her pain to have them here on what Morgause had done.” Ninianne explained. “She blamed herself for taking in Merlin and left her guard down. She had not experienced betrayal from Merlin.”

“Yet she goes back to him and defends him most times.” Nymue cut in.

“Such is the nature of …. Emotions.” Ninianne replied. “Our vow before we are to be here was to relinquish our emotions and material needs.”

“Is love an emotion?” Nymue asked. “Or material gains?”

“I don’t know,” Ninniane replied.

 To Lady Igraine, it was a material gain that she was endowed by the dark creature. He lifted her right index finger and with the spell of levitation, the goblet was lifted to midair. With the flick of her finger, the goblet was thrown against the wall. The goblet impacted the stone wall and fell dented on the flooring.

Lady Igraine looked at the dark creature on the table.

“Thank you. My power had increased with your influence.” When the dark creature stung her index finger, Lady Igraine was in a different realm in the cave but one that was lighted with the multitude of lamps and there were comfortable cushions on the flooring. Her creature will appear there not as a dark scorpion but a man-like form with a youthful complexion. He wore loose leggings with his chest bared. He was dark in complexion similar to the Nubian slaves she had met. He was seated cross seated on the huge cushion on the flooring.

“Lady Igraine, welcome to my lair. You will be well rewarded with many spells and embedded with strength. I must prepare you to be the choice of the third witch in the power of three.” The dark complexion figure spoke to her. “You may call me, Set. I am your faithful servant.”

Set conjured up an image in midair, and then explained the contents.

“It’s your old spells that you hold inside you. They are at best good to scare children. I will show you how to enhance it.”

“Where am I?” Lady Igraine asked.

“You are in my realm. I had introduced myself. I am Set the Dark. I am a mystical being that offered to assist the ones who wants to enhance their services.”

“Why am I here?” Lady Igraine was confused. She looked for a doorway but there was none. She turned to look at the one named Set.

“I don’t know you. Who is Set? And you looked so different.”

“Igraine, if I may call you that.” Set stood up and held out his hands towards the lady.

“Let me show you what you may possess.” Set waved his hand and an image appeared on the midair. It showed a small serpent; one that you may see daily at the settlement.

“See the transformation.” Set flicked his fingers in sequences as if he was doing a count. The serpent grew in shape and size. The serpent had transformed into a huge one that rivaled the size of Man...

“That will be yours.” Set looked at the lady. “It can be your pet.”

The huge serpent stepped out of the image and approached Lady Igraine. Without any sense of fear, Lady Igraine reached out her right hand on the serpent. It felt real to her touch.

“It’s real. It’s yours.” The serpent hissed and coiled at Lady Igraine’s feet.

“I have a pet.” Lady Igraine told the Dark Lord.

“Was it the dark creature given to you by the witch as a pet? Yes, I know but it will be removed now. The new one will be your pet.” 

Lady Igraine was herself lured to the teachings and the result of it was her newly acquired strength and more potent spells. Initially, Lady Igraine was brief in her stay but then she lengthened her stay and in frequency, that she had remained in her chamber most times with food and drinks left at the door.  She had even refused the visits of her care, Guinevere.

Isolation was her wish then.

So was Lancelot then, He had woken up that fateful morning to find the lady on his bedding. He looked at his naked body and knew that he had done things that night but he had no recollection of it. He cursed at his stupidity for his recklessness. He got up from the bedding to wash and then to dress up. He turned to see the lady had also woken and was covering herself with the gown.

“I shall be going,” Elaine said.

“Yes… No, hold on. I … “Lancelot tried to find words. “I….”

“No, my Lord. It was I who was foolish.” Elaine put on the cloak and stepped to the door when Lancelot gripped her left arm.

“I …. I will be responsible. Tell me of your family.”

“Augustus at the Wall,” Elaine told him. “My father is Auric Augustus.”

That name occupied the knight for the day. Elaine was no simple lady or wench of the locals. She was of the Roman bloodline. He regretted never asking her proper name. She had said that she was from Camelot by the Queen, but of the Roman bloodline, that was different. He had ridden to the creek where he last spoke to the lady.

“Guinevere...” Lancelot looked at the flowing creek. It was another creek that he had found love with that lady. This creek had led him to another act that darkened his soul.

“Darkened?” Lancelot muttered and then smiled. He had wenches and ladies but what was so different of these two? He knew inside he was infatuated with Guinevere but with Elaine, there was no such feeling.

“I must make amend.” Lancelot stood up. “She must be respected.”

It was then Lancelot saw the creek water sprouted up and then Lady Vivianne appeared in her white gown.

“Lancelot, I need to loan Arondight.”

“You may have it. Vivianne I need your guidance.” Lancelot looked to his previous mentor. The lady paused in her rush and looked at him.

“I have an issue with a lady. I …”

“Lancelot, I have taught you to respect the ladies. You must bear responsibility for your action. You are a knight. Chivalry should exist in you.” Lady Vivianne then held out her hand. “I need Arondight.”

Lancelot has never rejected Lady Vivianne of her requests. He unbuckled his waist belt and handed it to her. He pressed on with his concern.

“Lady Vivianne she is …”

“Does it matter who is? At least if she had no harmful intent and needed your protection ….. and love, you should comply with it. That is being a Man and the role of a Knight with chivalry code.”

“Yes, my lady. I hear you and obey.” Lancelot bowed to her while she left with his sword. He stood there asking himself why she wanted his sword. Never had she asked of it before.

“Lancelot, we need you back at Camelot.” It was the servant of Arthur.

“Is there trouble there?” Lancelot asked. His right hand reached for his sword and realized that he loaned it to Vivianne.

“None but the King has requested all the knights to return to Camelot.”



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