Friday, April 30, 2021

Arthur II Book III Chapter 25




“The Black Knight rides.” The word spread like wildfire then over the land and soon reached the ears of Arthur at Camelot.  He was seated on the podium; sadly without the presence of Guinevere who had said she was unwell. He was at the renewed jousting tournament with the knights. The missing notables were the Green Knight, Percival, and even Galahad and the elusive Lancelot. Even Lamorak was missing that day. He knew that Belvedere and Kay were back at Gurnion.

“Bring forth the Black Knight. We lack champions today.” Arthur called out.

“I am here, my King.” Lancelot behind the helmet lowered his lance. He saw the Queen was not in attendance.

“I am Arthur, and may I know your name?” Arthur asked.  He eyed the knight from head to toe, and even to the horse, but some marks will reveal his identity.

“I am the Black Knight and shall remain named as such.” Lancelot's voice was veiled by the helmet. “I see no knights worthy of my challenge and I will make my way out.”

“No knights? None worthy of you. I find it insulting towards me.” Arthur roared at the Black Knight.

“Then ask them to step forth. The Green Knight?”

“Sir Percival?”

“Sir Galahad?”

“Or the famed Sir Lancelot?” The Black Knight called the names. “Are they at rest or away? If they are away, then I will be myself.”

The Black Knight pulled at the rein of the horse and Arthur spoke.

“I will challenge you, Black Knight. Faced me in the joust.” Arthur roared. “Bring my armor and my lance.”

“My King, you have no lance.” Merlin over to whisper to Arthur. “And you…”

It was concerned of Merlin for Arthur had never taken a joust in the tournament except in training.

“What? No lance? Who will loan me the lance?” Arthur looked to the other knights. Several squires ran forth with the lance balanced on the shoulder.

“I have a few to make of my choice.” Arthur picked up one. “Shall we joust?”

The Black Knight rode to the end and turned his horse while Arthur wore his armor; newly minted and latched on tight with the treated leather throngs. His head helmet was a rounded piece with a cone top and the pummel of fleece stood at the top. His face view was the narrow slit for the eyes and at the mouth. Arthur’s horse was brought to him and he mounted.

“Bring my sword. I always ride with Excalibur.” Arthur looked at the Black Knight. “Where is your sword?”

Lancelot had Arondight wrapped in silk and kept at the hut where he donned the amour.

“We are to joust and not battle on the field. I have not my sword with me.” Lancelot replied.

“Bah! So be it. I will still wear mine.” Excalibur was given to Arthur and he wore it on his waist. He weighed the lance in his right and the familiar shield of his as the Prime. He rode to the other end and lined up to face the Black Knight. He kicked at the horse to gallop it with the lance leveled towards the other. Lancelot in his Black Knight armor rode forth. The shields deflected the lances but they do not break them.

The two knights went for the second attempt and Lancelot impacted his lance on Arthur but the King was still on the saddle. Lancelot had broken at the tip of the lance.

“I will like to have the loan on a lance.” The request of the Black Knight was not met by any. Arthur looked to the other and offered his.

“You may take mine. I will acquire another.” Arthur’s lance was given to the Black Knight while he took on another.

“This round, we will decide the champion.” Arthur roared. He rode hard at Lancelot who held back his horse before he galloped forward. They met in the middle and no lance had impacted.

“Bah! It looked I need to do it right this time.” Arthur charged at the Black Knight who held back his horse and the galloped ahead. The lance impacted Arthur’s shield but it also pushed him off the saddle. Arthur landed on his back and was rushed to by the concerned knights and one worried druid. The Black Knight lowered the broken lance and sat there on the saddle.

“I am fine.” Arthur was pulled up to his feet. He removed his helmet and looked at Lancelot

“We will battle with a sword.” Arthur drew out Excalibur.

“I hold no sword today and I won’t take any to be loaned to me. The sword is an extension of my body and it cannot be replaced by another. Farewell, my King. We may joust at another day again.”

The Black Knight dropped the damaged lance and rode off. Arthur was fuming with anger and returned to the castle. 

“Was he hurt?” Guinevere asked the servant who rushed to tell her.

“I don’t think so. Maybe his pride.” The servant implied with sarcasm. “The King is in the Hall.”

Guinevere took to meet the King there. He was seated on the new chair at the round table but around him, there were no other knights He had his removed armor tossed to the side while he nursed his wounded pride with the goblet of mead.

“My Lord, are you well?”

“I am fine but not my …. arse. Darn armor pricked me there.”

“Perhaps I can soothe it for you, my King.”

“Soon. Now I am wondering where my knights are. A table prepared and none are here.”

“Sire, you are needed back at the castle.” Belvedere heard the call by his servant but his head still heavy from the mead drinks and then the brawl with the locals with him ended in the barn.

“What gives?” Belvedere rubbed his eyes and then his jaw. He had succumbed to the poisonous mead that he had cautioned his men many times.

“It’s the King. He was …”

“What happened to Arthur?” The mention of the name sobered him up. “Pull me up and hand me the bucket of water.”

Once Belvedere has drenched himself from the cold water, the half walked and ran to the castle. He saw Galahad and Gaheris ahead of him on horses had ridden into the castle.

“Bastards!” Belvedere cursed out. When he reached the Hall, Arthur was not there. He asked the servant of the King.

“The King had retired with the Queen.”

Belvedere saw then the other two brothers.

“Where were you two?”

Galahad was to reply when Gaheris snapped out.

“We don’t answer to you, Belvedere.” Gaheris was displaying insubordination to the other.

“Stand down, Gaheris. We were in the settlement. We came as soon as we're told.” Galahad stood in between the two.

“You are with the Legio…” Belvedere was cut off.

“We are no more with the Legion. We are now knights. And even as part of the Legion, we are Equities and answer to the Decurion.” Galahad reminded Belvedere. “We shall not fight here and be seen by the servants.”

Galahad pulled Gaheris away leaving Belvedere seething in anger. Outside of the castle, Gaheris pulled his arm from Galahad.

“I will kill him one day.”

“You will not. If he dies because of you, I will hunt you myself.” Galahad told his brother. “Family or none.”

“Then we are no more family.” Gaheris walked off. “Find Gawain yourself and keep him near to you, Brother.”

Merlin saw the breakup and was to try to make amend for them when he saw the Queen approaching him.

“I heard the Black Knight was at the tournament. Did you meet him? Do you know where he is?”

“I don’t, my Queen. Why are you in rush to know?”

“The Black Knight was with my father when he died. It was rumored that he killed my father’s killer and then it was said he was the one who killed my father. I need to meet him. Only he can tell me the truth.”

“If the truth is known, would you want to hear it then? What if…”

“If the Black Night kills my father, then I will have him die for it. I will find my champion to kill him.”

“Who may that be? Arthur was hurt by the knight himself.” Arthur spoke plainly.

“Lancelot will be the champion.” The Queen walked off then.

“If only things were not that complicated,” Merlin muttered to himself.



Arthur II Book III Chapter 24




Lady Angharad greeted the knight on his return from his travel. Percival did not know why he returned to the castle of Erec who had married Enide. He was not surprised to see the other lady there; after all, she had no place to go. He was invited to the hall and given a feast. He looked at the hall there familiar to him and saw the armor once given to Erec missing.

“Erec rides with it on his travel. Ever since he donned the armor, he had changed. He had wedded Enide but he was hard with her. He prefers to perform his knightly duties than to be with her.” Lady Angharad told Percival. The latter sat there holding the goblet with the mead was with a heavy heart. He had declined a lady to continue on his travels. He had no siblings to look for, nor any particular quest but the need to be alone.

“I think …” Percival was cut off by the other lady.

“Erec may have his reasons but he held a responsibility to Enide. She had remained silent to his needs but she held her own. How can she remain here for she was no better than with Yder?” Lady Angharad spoke her mind. “I am still here because of her but her silence had been dampened my hopes.”

“I am sure Erec meant well. He may be concerned about her well-being and left her here.” Percival defended the other knight.

“If it was true, why did Erec command her not to speak unless he wills it?”

“Is it true? I can’t believe it.” Percival was stunned by the accusations. “Did she tell you?

“How could she if she was silenced? It was my ears who heard it utter by Erec towards her in this castle. I was to see them tell them I was leaving and heard it. I changed my mind and decided to stay on to accompany the silent lady.”


“He perceived her nosy, or perhaps she was too  ...”

“The voice of my love will be music to my ears. I will not get enough of it.” Percival revealed his heart thoughts.

“Enide had a voice before. She told me that she spoke to Erec that she felt neglected and needed love. Erec mistook his lover that he had failed in his role. He feared that she held lovers behind his back. He did take her on the travel then; a short one and silenced ruled their rides be day or night but her voice was heard when he was attacked or in danger. She called his name but he heeded her not. She was upset and he felt it. They returned here and me being joyous thinking all was well, heard otherwise. Erec had not taken her out since then.”

“In a battle, the knight cannot be distracted. It may be his life at stake” Percival again defended Erec.

“It’s true on that, but would your heart not cry out when you see pain?” Lady Angharad challenged the knight. “When its false accusations of being unfaithfulness cuts in deep when she was pure in her love.”

“Enide suffered in silence, as I have.” Lady Angharad sighed.

“You? I meant no disrespect but why should you?” Percival asked.

“I am alone and unwanted.” Lady Angharad looked at the knight.

“I …. Did not mean it that way.” Percival's explanation was cut short when Erec appeared.

“I thought I saw you afar. I had trailed you and you came here.” Erec looked at Percival.

“Yes, I have returned and found you not here. Lady Angharad was kind to give me some food and drinks.” Percival smiled.

“The ladies here can be hospitable even when its Lord is away,” Erec replied with a tinge of sarcasm. “Rest well, my friend. I require it too and we will feast later tonight.”

The perception was the thought on their minds.

Betrayal? Unfaithfulness or just loneliness.

Gawain was without any. His faith was stout inside him even without his mentor, and he was no lonely with God in his mind. He rode on the coastal trails towards North with his eyes averting now and then to the main continent. Maybe he should have followed the Bishop and complete his travel there but his mind was on his brothers. He felt sadness at how he treated Gaheris.

“An outsider shall not have made our stay apart,” Gawain spoke to himself. He thought of Galahad who had joined the Legion because of his hasty decision. The three siblings had signed the letter of loyalty for twenty-five years of servitude for the citizenship and land. A reward that they will only collect upon completion or death will forego it all.

He had slept under the stars and even at the huts offered by generous folks with meals and drinks, but alone he rested for his companion was God to read with him. He shunned the offers of the ladies not because of their wanting desire to him but his sworn oath to be pure of such sins. That was also why he preferred the stars and skies.

So was Galahad then without his affection for Molly, he had slept under the stars too. He had stayed in Camelot but he avoided the tavern. He had seen Lamorak there and assumed that the Optio had taken his space. He felt no regrets for it. He had liked Molly; love was too discerning to admit. It was a joint effort to fill in the gaps in their lives then but soon the gap widened and he left. He was then with mixed thoughts on a few issues; his role as a knight fighting at the tournament and never winning it. It was Percival or the others. Lamorak was never a participant but in the audience to laugh and mock at the defeated.

And Molly was his flesh to release his frustration. He was at until he felt the emptiness to the feel. He had encouraged others to see Molly; for drinks, they went and paid with coins but not of her flesh. They feared him he guessed or respected him with Molly. Even Percival, his Decurion shied away. And why must his brothers fight over a lady who was playing them for their attention?

“Elaine…You Roman bitch!”

“Brother, the bastard is at the tavern.” It was Gaheris who interrupted the campfire. “I will kill him.”

“Stop your ill feelings, Gaheris,” Galahad told his brother. “Molly is not mine to hold …. Not anymore. She is a lady of her right.”

“Molly was yours. She had said to my ears, that she loved you.” Gaheris confronted the elder brother. “Are you not…”

“I am who I am, and she does not love me anymore and neither do I. So leave it.”

“I can’t…” Gaheris seething with anger.

 “As you were Elaine. She is now wedded to Lancelot. Will you challenge Lancelot for her? She whom have spun your feelings.”

“Elaine was not mine. She was for Gawain.” Gaheris said. “I …”

“Fought with your brother over her? For what? She is now the lover of Lancelot. Sleep on that, or waste your frustration on the barmaids.”

“I am not to do that. I will hold my … myself for the right lady.” Gaheris said. “But mark my words, brother. I will kill Lamorak if I ever catch him with Molly.”

“Don’t do that, Gaheris. He is not worth your sacrifice.” Galahad stood up to face Gaheris. “If there is to be any killing, it is mine. I will do it but these words are meant for us alone. Say no more and be away. I need to rest.”

Lamorak then was drunk with one too many drinks of the mead, had staggered to the entrance of the tavern. He was tempted to knock on the door at the late hours but he held himself back. He could do it to Molly no more. He felt remorse standing in for Galahad. He was the Optio and needed to set an example to all.

“Arthur won’t do it. Nor will I.”

Lamorak turned to leave and walked back to the castle. It was not a far walk but his legs will make it longer. He took his first step missing the audience of the lady at the window above.

Molly felt the pain in her heart. It was not the same with Galahad. His was a fling to her. She had liked the man and his brothers but she felt not the deep love she had for Lamorak.

Why that man? Molly had asked herself many times. She had many others even before those two; a frivolous need then to satisfy her urges or at worse to surface for those who cannot last her pace. Those she will toss out faster than they can grasp their pride back. She had wished that one will give her back the sons that she lost but none was there.

Molly felt with Lamorak no more of that need but a more stirring one inside. When he was with her, she felt contented and at ease. She had not felt the same ever since the death of her first lover or that of the father of her children. She looked at the knight took the slow walk back and felt that all was lost. 

Lamorak staggered on his walk and then saw the shadow cast before him. The shadow wields a sword. He reached for his but with his reflexes dulled by the mead; he was fumbling to pull it out. The thrust of the blade was not from the shadow but another hidden in the rear. The blade went in deep at the right side of his back, and then it drew out to plunge once more into his right waist. He fell to his knees clutching his wounds. He felt the blade at the back of his neck and wished it would end his pain.

“He shall not die that so easily. Let him bleed and suffer.” Lamorak’s attackers fled the scene.




Arthur II Book III Chapter 23




Lancelot opened the door to his chamber and saw Elaine holding up the dark Black Knight chest armor, retrieved from the dead knight soon after the death of Utter Pendragon.

“Un-hold your hands on that. It does not belong to you.” Lancelot shouted at Elaine. He grabbed it from her and then pulled the bag with the other parts.

“I am sorry, my Lord. I did not know but I found it in the cupboard when I was looking for my things.”

“When have your things been in mine?” Lancelot packed the armor back.

“And what is it that ails your anger upon me? I am you wedded lover, and not a tavern wench looking to empty your coins.” Elaine glared at him. Lancelot singed by the words that she used, had dropped the bag and approached her with the right hand raised.

“Strike me if it's pain you liked.” Elaine turned her face to him.

“No…” Lancelot lowered his hand. “I did not mean that. I …”

“We are wedded and there should not be anything that needs to be hidden between us.” Elaine looked at Lancelot. “Tell me your woes and I will be your shoulder to share the burden.”

Lancelot turned and stepped away. He took the bag and restored it inside the cupboard.

“I am sorry. I am just …” Lancelot stopped at his words. “There are things of my past that I will prefer not to reveal.”

“And you shall not have to lest it pains you too much to share. I …. Harbor none.” Elaine replied with careful words. “I wedded you for your love. And care. And protection.”

“And you shall it …. All.” Lancelot replied. He then turned to look at the lady.

“Have you gotten yourself new gowns and clothes? Are those of the … Queen returned?”

“I have and Guinevere’s gowns are sent back. I do have one missing. The one I wore at our wedding. It’s not there.” Elaine said.

“Oh, that one. I had the servants sent it. It was cleaned and I told them to return it. I should have told you.” Lancelot lied then. He had the gown hidden in a secluded hut outside of Joyous where he goes there to pray for his sins.

“That was kind of you. I will have the others return to Guinevere. She may not need it all but they are her’.” Elaine replied. “Pray to tell me what was it that you were to see me.”

“Your household sent words. Auric is dying.” Lancelot told Elaine. “He asked for you.”

Elaine rushed out leaving the knight with his secrets.

“Where is my father?” Elaine had ridden hard and fast to her previous home. She rushed to the chamber but he was not there.

“Master is in the library.” Elaine was told by the servant. She went there and saw her father on the couch with a scroll in his hands with the healers. He looked frail and had not recovered from his ailment. Auric saw his daughter and dismissed the healers.

“Master, your healing is not complete.” The healer held onto the right arm where he had placed the blood-sucking creatures there. “They are…”

“Be away, healer. I will speak to my daughter in private.” Auric dropped the scroll and reached for the leech. He pulled it off his arm with a scream of pain.

“The task on my arm will not lengthen my life, but dry me of my blood.” Auric hurled the leech to the flooring. “It’s the work of the witches here.”

“Master…” The healer wanted to protest when Auric withdrew the dagger hidden at the side of the couch.

“Begone, healer or it will be your blood that the creature sucked on” The healer got up and walked away with his bag of tools. He stepped on the leech to crush it before he approached Elaine.

“Your father is possessed too deep. He may slip away any time or days from now. There is little I can do.” The healer left the library.

“Father, I got word and came. You can’t leave me now. I …” Elaine sat by the couch to hold her father’s hand.

“You will not be alone anymore, Elaine. You have a wedded lover that will protect …”

“I know not if all of that is true, Father. I will confess that I am in mixed feelings on him towards me.” Elaine sobbed into her father’s chest.

“I had mixed feelings with your mother when we were wedded. The early time was all on lust and then I asked myself. Was she whom I could love? I did not have much time to think for she was with you. During then I had to admit I developed my feelings towards her but she was to leave us upon your birth.”

“Say no more, Father. I know you will love Mother till today.” Elaine looked at the dying man. “I will get Merlin to heal you. He knows…”

“Do not intrude on the druid. My ailment is not …. It’s the work of the witch.”


“Antonio Marcellus’ mother.”

“Then they will suffer as you did,” Elaine said.

“The scroll? Give me that.” Elaine passed the scroll to her father.

“This is the deed to the land and the villa. Protect it. And don’t trust also the Meleagant. They are all…”

The life of Auric Augustus was snuffed then.

It was said that vengeance was best served cold but the healing Morgause still covered in bandages, was seething with anger. She wanted to die that day than to be bed prone there. She heard the Elf had returned with her meal of broth.

“Ronin, can you contact my sister, Morgan?” The Elf stirred the broth with the wooden spoon looked at her.

“I would but Lady Morgan had barred anyone to go where she is. She had the spells to block it. Even we are not aware of which dimension she is. Or where in that dimension she could hide..”

Morgause knew that there were seven dimensions known to them but within the seven dimensions, there were others inside each one, and the layers of it were seven folded or forty-nine levels more, none had dared ventured that deep. Some claimed to have seen others ventured in but never to return.

Morgause sighed why her sister will go there. Was she strong to return or live in perpetuity?

“Take your broth, my Lady We are here to ….. take care of you.”

“Why, Elf? Why the concern for me? Who am I?”

“You are you. I happened to be there, fishing by the lake. You do get tiresome of the forest food, and a fresh fish would be a change and then you appeared. I had to see for myself and when I saw you, I did what was needed. I have a small amount of spell to levitate you away before they find you. It was not easy with my limited spells but I got help. They assisted me and brought you here.”

“They? Who?”

“It’s them and for now you need not know. Just rest.” Ronin assured her. Soon after feeding her, the Elf took leave of her to the far side of the chamber. He was met by the other who was in wait for him.

“What did you tell her?”

“Nothing that matters. She will need time to recover, druid.”

Merlin nodded. He had whisked her off with Ronin to the hidden part of the forest. He had the help of another who stood by him.

“She must not know.” The lady there spoke.

“No, she won’t. That I promise, Vivian.” The one with the learning on the forest spells to call on the creatures and the living beings there including the nymphs and the elves.

“I need her recovered to know the pain of what I felt when she betrayed us all. She will die by my doing then.” Vivian clenched her fists.

The scorn of the lady was felt by one other who looked at the return of the gowns. Guinevere searched through it and could not find the one gown that she wanted to hold.

“The bitch did not return it.” Guinevere was upset. It was one gown that she has worn for days before she loaned it to Elaine for the wedding.

She had wanted Elaine to wear it that night.

She had wanted Lancelot to remove it from Elaine.

Lancelot’s hands unveil the gown as if it was her beneath it.

It was her with Lancelot when he made love.

But she could not feel it anymore.

It was not returned to her.

“I will have you for real, Lancelot. Not once but many more times.” Guinevere muttered to herself.


Thursday, April 29, 2021

Arthur II Book III Chapter 22



Merlin waited by the lake for the arrival of the lady who despite her mystical powers, have still the queer habit to make a Man waits like a fool.

“Sorry, I am late, Merlin.” Vivianne appeared on the surface of the lake water.

“I am used to it,” Merlin replied casually but the lady took offense to his words.

“I have a set of ladies to take care of the multitude of dimensions to ensure that none gets breach, and a realm filled with artifacts which any could annihilate a town or the whole land…” Vivianne was cut off.

“I did not mean it that manner.” Merlin sighed. He should have kept his mouth close.

“No, you did not. You …” Vivianne turned her sight to the castle the loomed on the cliff. “I am sure you have your bad days.”

“I do…” Merlin bit his lips. “I called you to tell you that we have not found Morgause or what was left of her.”

“And she is not found by the forest and its creatures. That means she did not get …. to be terminated.”

“And that means we need to be extra careful then,” Merlin added in. “I have seen the dead come back alive.”

Morgause was found at the rocks by others but it was not a moment too late. She has whisked away from the rocks near death to a remote location.

“Where am I?” Morgause woke up from her sleep. She found herself covered in herbs and bandaged with the leaves. She was lying on the soft bedding of leaves, under the canopies of the growing leaves. She recognized the place.

“The forest of Broceliande….”

 “Well perceived, my Lady.” Morgause heard the voice and turned. It was an Elf.

“The name is Ronin of Elfin. I had brought you here under the veil of magic. In this part of the forest, we ruled over it.” The Elf replied.

“Who?” Morgause struggled to ask.

“Ronin of Elfin. I am part of the Dark Elves. We serve no one but ourselves. It was me who led Merlin the Druid to Excalibur. Rest well for now. You need to rest and recuperate then could you battle the ladies.”

Morgause slipped into restful sleep then.

It was not for Jaseth who stood outside the monastery still recovering from his ordeal with the demonic forces. He had worn only his tunic without his sword and the halberd was still too heavy to wield.

“Have some hot soup. Sire.” The monk brought the bowl to him.

“How is the Master?” Jaseth asked of the old master who saved him and then was to succumb to the invasion of the demonic spells.

“He is still unwell. When he exorcised you, he had the help of another like you but he did not cleanse himself well. He is with some dark spells inside him.”

“Who….. Where is the other knight? Does he have a name?”

“No, he gave us not his name as we don’t have yours. He left soon after he helped in the ritual. He was the anchor to hold your soul here, or you would have been taken by the demons.”

“Did he tell where he was going?” Jaseth wanted to thank his savior.

“He just left as he arrived that evening. He said nothing but eat our food and drinks, but we refused his coins. We do not need it. We have what we need in our garden and from the forest.”

“Did you see a lady which was with me?”

“We saw no one with you. You rode in alone.” The monk told Jaseth. The latter accepted the bowl and then looked to the far horizon.

“I will ride tomorrow. I need to go back.”

“Where to, Sir?” The monk asked.

“To where my heart may lead,” Jaseth replied. “And demons to be slain.”

“Best you eat before you go, Sire.” The monk told him. Jaseth nodded and took more of the broth. In his mind was one thought?

“My love, where are you?”

Where Morgan Le Fay was not to be disclosed but she was fuming with rage. She felt the dying throes of her sister before it all disappeared. She had lost contact with Morgause. Morgan had searched neither dimension where the lost souls were left to wander but she was not there. It was as if she had …. Disappeared.

Morgan felt the icy cold feeling inside her. Was it possible that the true evil witches are to disappear into the dark void? She held her face with her hands and leaned onto her knees.

“Are you well, Mama?” It was Mordred who had asked. Morgan looked to her child. Born from the union of two souls and then growing up hidden from the others.

“I am fine, Mordred. I may have eaten too much.”

 “May I then hold you so ease your pain?” Mordred then having reached his early teens. Morgan held out her arms towards the one other man that she held affection. The teen embraced his mother and sang lullabies to her that he learned from the nymphs. Morgan smiled at her son’s loving warmth.

Morgan drifted to the father of the child. Mordred was never mentioned of his father nor had he asked. She decided to ask Mordred then.

“I have not concerned myself of that. With my friends here, we hardly knew our parents.” It was true there, they were outcasts of their own, and chosen to live there without any link to their bloodlines. The nymphs, the elves, the fairies, and even the goblins to the ogres, the leprechauns, the witches, and the others. It was their price to come there. Even the dark ream only required the oath of loyalty and the mark of the dark.

“You do know that I knew him.”

“Leave him out of my life. He was merely the tool to make me. I am myself. Mordred of Le Fay. I will serve only you, Mother.”

That was the oath of Elaine to her Lord as she held no Mother to call on. Neither was Lancelot, so it was only their lives. She had learned to accept her new role, and at times, it was exciting with surges of pleasure but the sight of being addressed as ‘My Lady’ in the formal role of her being with the formal Lord by her side.

“You hold many scars, my Lord.” Elaine still on the bedding rubbing her body on the covers. It was the after the feeling of the act when one still looked for the same warmth. Lancelot was at the washbasin and then threw on the robe to cover his body. He was not embarrassed by them eared with his bloodletting victories but he did not like to show the new marks on his back.

“Was it painful?” Elaine asked him.

 Lancelot refused to reply and stepped away to get dressed.

“I could take it. Do me instead.”

“Don’t ever offer what you cannot offer.” Lancelot turned to look at Elaine. “Now get dressed. It’s time to eat.”

Kay rolled the tabletop into the all at Camelot. He saw Arthur there waiting with eager anticipation.

“Clear those useless tables.” Kay turned to Belvedere.

“Do you want to do the honor?”

“I will.” Belvedere wields the huge mallet to smash the two long tables to create the needed space.

“You took your time. I have already downed five goblets and you are still at it.” Kay roared. He then looked at the servants. “Clear that mess. We have a table to bring in.”

It took six able-bodied men to carry the table stand and two huge knights to place the top over it.

“There it’s done.” Kay roared when he released his grip on the top. H smiled at Belvedere across the top.

“We could arm wrestle but we need to lay on it,” Kay told Belvedere.

“And leave your sweats on it? I doubt I want to sit there anymore.” Belvedere replied and both men laughed. Arthur laughed even louder at the sight of the round table that he had requested. He thought no one could craft it but Kay did it. The top was cut from a whole trunk across.

“How many will its seat?”

“Thirteen as you requested but we could squeeze seven more if need be,” Kay replied.

“Thirteen it shall be,” Arthur said. It was then Merlin approached the table.

“Thirteen, my King? That numeric has been infused with special meanings to different people and believers in it. It’s the sign of Death in the cards used by soothsayers, the significance to the occult…”

“Druid, I want thirteen to defy all these believers. I want thirteen as it will act at the balancing scale on the twelve, yet it will not decide any outcome so the odd number will give the needed weight when needed when there be a hang on decision numbers.”

“And I thought all was equal in ranking…” The druid said.

“It’s and the last number will decide on the rule of indecision on the table.” Arthur defended the number again. “I may stand with one side but I hold not the rank like a King, but it’s the consensus of all that was seated there.”

“If I may ….”

“The seating is fixed, and there will no discussion on it.” Arthur made his decision.

“Arthur,” Merlin pushed the issue of his. “It’s enchanted. I can have runes inscribed on it. It will offer protection on the knights.”

“No, do not desecrate it. I liked it virgin.” Arthur said. “Get the seats done. You may inscribe the names there. All who sit there shall be equal with the others and none may lord over them.”

That was the day Arthur has his round table to seat the trusted knights. Thirteen will seat on there, while the others shall hold their vigil on the side. Such was the knighthood meant to Arthur then.



Arthur II Book III Chapter 21


Chronicles of the Knights and Ladies III




Lancelot sat at the head of the table with his wedded lover, Elaine Marcellus seated next to him. He faced the guests; the invited one like Arthur and Guinevere, the knights and the known friends among the Lords and Chiefs. There were the others; well-wishers and even some he disliked.

“You can forego your lovers, but you rather have your foes in front of you seen and heard. If they are not, then watch your back.” Lancelot had mumbled while his sight was on the two Lords, Ban, and Bors. He disliked them for they rode with Utter Pendragon and was not there when he died. It was not an event that could be dismissed without more thoughts. He saw the others; Romans from his view. Funny he did not consider Arthur as such for he was in a different category in Lancelot’s mind; a …

“Interloper…” Lancelot mumbled again. He drew on his wider smile at that thought.

If Arthur was the interloper, the others must be members of the pack.

“No...” Lancelot shook his head. They hold no intrusion at Guinevere at all. They are just on his land; the one that he fought for half his life since he returned then. He fought them as his father and foster father would have done the same if they were alive.

“My Lord, are you well?” Lancelot looked at his wedded lover. He nodded to her and asked why.

“You were muttering and with the noise here, I can’t make out your words. Shall we retire?” Elaine smiled at him. She looked ravishing in the light blue gown that was loaned to her by Guinevere. It was an off-shoulder design with the netting lace that covered the shoulders to the neckline.

“You go on ahead. I will stay for a while. Soon, I will come.” Lancelot told Elaine. She left him there and his sight was on Guinevere. She was seated at the right side at end of the table with Arthur who had occupied the guest of honor seat there facing Lancelot. The King was however turned to his knight seated at the left side in rousing conversation; bawdy probably and ignoring his Queen. She was downcast to her food on the plate marking them like armies on the battlefield.

Lancelot stared at her earnestly. He had hardly seen her for over four seasons and when he returned, he was expecting to see a child suckling for her milk or cradled in the arms but neither was seen. Since his return, it pained him to lay his eyes on her. She was still as beautiful and yet his dream of her was always replaced by the face of Arthur on Guinevere. He will wake up with disgust.

But at the feast, Lancelot was seeing the real face.

Guinevere felt left out while she sliced the red grape into halves and then quarters. The juice of the fruit spread on the plate from the first drop to the splatter that spread from the fruit towards the bunch.

“How come it’s not red?” Guinevere asked herself. “If it’s red on the cover, it should be read instead. Not milky and sticky.”

Guinevere pushed the sliced grape aside. She looked to her King and saw him loathing with those conversations that she despised. How can they be demeaning to us when we bear and raised their children to the age where they will send the boys to fight as warriors, and the girls to be married to take on the same role?

“Was that not the gown that you wore last before we come here? Or she had one done herself.” Arthur asked Guinevere. “It looked good on her too.”

“I loaned it to her. She was without many good ones.” Guinevere replied to Arthur. “I am tired and would like to rest.”

“Guinevere, you may retire earlier. I will join you shortly.” Guinevere heard her King. She stood up and left the Hall. Lancelot saw her leave and was then interrupted by the Friar.

“My dear newly wedded knight, I would suggest you leave for your chamber. Your body betrayed you and even the ladies noticed.” Friar Tate whispered into the ears. Lancelot felt the urge in him and its signs were attracting the bees to the flowers. He excused himself and walked from the table, with his body leaned forward to hide his embarrassment. He reached the chamber and went in. He saw Elaine seated there on the bedding still in her gown waiting for him.

“My Lord, you are here. I will get prepared...” Elaine stood up. Lancelot reached her and held her arms.

“Let me.” Lancelot held her to his chest. He smelled her hair and moved down. His lips touched the veiled netting. He smelled not of Elaine but Guinevere. It was Guinevere’s gown.

“My Lord, it’s not mine.” Elaine’s words were lost to him as he shredded the nettings and drew his lips to her bosom. He was relentless in his needs and had no care for her needs. He kept on saying; “you are mine. Mine always.”

“Yes, my Lord,” Elaine replied. “Yes, I am yours.”

It was the same with Guinevere when she felt Arthur rolled off her body. She laid there with her gown drawn to her bosom, heaving in deep breaths that the act was over.

“Thank you,” Arthur mumbled towards her.

“Yes, my Lord,” Guinevere replied in whispers. “It’s yours, my Lord.”

Down the corridors to the stables, another one screamed out in lust.

“Oh, Lord…” The Friar rolled over and then lay back on his back with his groin facing the familiar mares that had given adequate space among the hays.

“Did you say which convent you were from?”

“The Convent of the Ladies.” The lady replied lying on the hay.

“I must thank your Mother Superior. She kept you well intact.” The Friar then looked at her. “Dawn is still away. Shall we try one more time while it's dark?”

Amorous feelings were in the air that night but not all of them had the same need for release.

Lamorak got out of the bedding and stood at the window of the chamber at the tavern. He felt the arm that snaked from the rear to his chest.

“I am feeling cold,” Molly told him.

“I …” Lamorak wanted to reply but held his tongue.

“Did you see Galahad?” Molly read his mind.

“Yes, I did. He was with Gaheris but they sat at a different table. He won’t look at me.”

“Was Gawain there?”

“No, he was the missing one with Percival too,” Lamorak said. “I wonder where they are.”

“Perhaps on some quest of their own. Gawain has to grow out of his brother’s shadow, and maybe…”

“Percival has gone off to look for new adventures. I wished I could but I am obliged to serve here at Camelot.”

“You are no more the Optio and there is no Legio. You can ask to leave. I will follow you on your travels. I have coins…”

“And I will never live off your coins. I will stay.” Lamorak replied. “Have you seen Galahad?”

“No, I have not. I am not his lover and nor he of mine.” Molly said. “I have you now, lover.”

Those words rang empty then in Lamorak’s mind.

That was not the same thoughts of Gawain when he stood at the port by the sea. He felt sad for his journey was at a crossroad then. He had joined the Bishop on his travel in Britannica and the time had come for His Excellency to return to Rome.

“Son, I have to return to Rome. I may be the next Pope there.” The Bishop told him. “During our time, I have learned to like you. You are sincere and above all, loyal to your principles.’

Gawain had learned all about confession and has confessed his sins to the Bishop. The latter has given him good advice and told him to ward off the evil thoughts.

“We are faced with evil daily from the physical action to mental projection. It’s God’s will to test our resolve on the matters at this realm. I do sometimes wish we have it …. Easier but that will be circumventing the challenges offered by God for us to better ourselves.”

“Your Excellency, I have nothing to concern myself with except to fulfill my vows to God.” Gawain had converted in his faith. “I have no fear of the future but to serve my present.”

“That is your plight now. Do you follow me and go to Rome or stayed here to seek your destiny?” The Bishop looked at Gawain. “It’s a decision no doubt you need not make it in haste. You may join me later when you are better prepared.”

Gawain nodded to the Bishop. He was unsure of his decision. In that moment of self-questioning, the Bishop raised another matter.

“Son, have you heard of the Grail?” The Bishop looked at Gawain.

“Not more than what you told me, Your Excellency...” Gawain smiled.

“My memories have declined in the years.” The Bishop sighed. “Even the pious may lose his buildup with age. Maybe….”

“You will be fine, Your Excellence and better if you are Pope.” Gawain reinforced the other with his words.

“Flowery persuasion is not the work of someone whom I had said was innocent.”

“I meant no empty words to my meaning, Your Excellency. The Emperor needs your advice as I have.”

“The Pope rank is one of my choosing but that of the Church. If I am ordained to be the Pope, I will remember you who lend me your ears and protection on this journey.”

“And I accept your good advice to release me of my sins.” Gawain smiled and then he referred to the subject brought up by the Bishop.

“What of the Grail that you wanted to tell me?”

“Only a person whose soul is free of sins shall see it. Release your soul to God and he will guide you.” Those were the words of the Bishop before he took to board the ship that will take him across the channel.   



Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Tweet...Tweet... I did not expect ....28/04/21

 Since last year when I was not writing then, I have been reading... and one article took my interest; Dante's Divine Comedy. As it was in Latin, I took on the English-translated version. No, I did not read it all, but excerpts of it. I went from there to the reviews and comments on the poem. 

No, I am not into another insight into God, as I did on Legion and the Crusaders series, but more of what was the afterlife world. It is like to when you read of new worlds or rather write on those, like in New Pangea. So many things to explore on, and to create. Dante had it well described there in the afterlife. Every other religion spoke of the afterlife with their own versions of Hell and Heaven. 

I won't deny that I have questions about life after death like where do we go and what will happen there. It did not help much when younger, you hear of the versions of it from the adults. My inquisitive mind did not stop me there, and I did read a lot of it. Was I afraid of death? At one time, yes but not anymore. 

Movies like The Thirteenth Floor, and Dark City, Thirteen Ghosts, And even Ghost Ship make me cringe. It took me a while to look at the water in the tub as water and not blood. I don't watch Korean Horror; don't know why but I got turned off. 

Anyway, back to Dante. It was a challenge to frame the opening chapters, and I did. I am at Canto VII of Inferno. I am tempted to do this own adaption with references to the original Dante's tale. And I am doing it. It will be a new read with much a do of the questions of mine to the issue of Afterlife. 

My last challenge was the passage; Pape Satàn, pape Satàn aleppe. That took me through some heavy reads and more to it changes to my part of the tale here. I think I got it; well, my own interpretation and hope the readers like it. 

Till I hit more challenges, think of those words here. Why was it there?


Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Story Write Compilations Volume I Stories 55


Did I do Wrong?


Author's Note:

Mental Illness. That says it all.



Mental Illness

"Officer, I did no wrong. I was just taking a walk. Why are you questioning me?.......... I did no wrong. Please let me go. Please don't do this............... Its not right. I am just walking.........Help me, someone.......please." My eyes open again. I am on my bed and I am alone.

No, I am not. I am with the doctor. His name is Doctor Kevin. He always sees me on Wednesday. I remembered now. It's his clinic as I recognized that painting. It's an ugly re-production of Van Gogh. I know he can't afford the real one, but he should try to a better copy. He's rich with his successful practice but he is a miser in the spending. I know as Lucy his wife is in my afternoon tea group. She gossips on her husband to me. We laughed a lot at the antics he does in his free time.

"Mrs. Wyatt, you are safe now. You are with me in the clinic. There are no officers here now. You are safe now.' I see the good doctor sitting in his armchair and holding his notepad. Bloody miser could afford at least a proper recorder but he still used the old method. I sat up on the couch and looked at him. My right hand reached for my hair to make sure it's not in a mess like when the officers manhandled me. Bastards they are, the way they handle people off the street. They should be disciplined for such action. The bitches are worse; they dragged you by your hair and pulled you into the alley. Then they step on you with their boots.

"Mrs. Wyatt, you had another relapse on your disorder. Did you remember taking your medication?"

Medication? What medication? Oh! Those white and blue ones. I nodded back to the Doctor. John always makes sure I take them without fail before he leaves the house. He said it would make me feel better. I listened to him as I love him. He is my husband and the best I can ever wish for. I nodded again to the good doctor. Doctor Kevin is a lecture mate of John but John is a surgeon now. Kevin is therapist.

"Okay, Mrs.Wyatt..." I had to stop him. He is too formal.

"Doctor, called me Maggie, please. I know you too long to be on the formal name-calling. Maggie would be fine." I smiled at the embarrassed doctor.

"Okay, Maggie. You were brought in by the Officers when they found you in the park with misconduct behavior. You sure you took your medicine? Because my test showed your drug level is very low. I doubt you took any this morning." The doctor is looking at his chart and he is frowning.

Oh my God. I am in trouble again. I must have left the medicine under my tongue and spat it out. It was we do then when they come for us. They made us take some pills and we pretended to do so. We rolled it under our tongue and spilled it out. That is our retribution to their violent ways. You can't drug us like before, you pigs.

"Maggie, you have to take your medicine or your symptoms will show again like today. You are lucky the officers remember you and brought you here. You could end up in jail like before. You remembered when John came to bail you out."

No, don't go back there. I cannot stand that one. It was horrible. The place with the others; all filth and violent people. One even took my jacket as she did not have one herself. One even tried to..... I have got to stop thinking of that day. Please stop asking me to go back that day.

"Maggie, it's okay. We are safe now. You are safe now." He held out his hand to me. I took it and held it tight. I can feel my hands trembling with fright at the thought of what happened that day. It was like no other days; we stood out there in the sun or rain for weeks to protest the violation of the animals. We walked the square with our placards and sang our songs to motivate ourselves. We did no violent acts when we were there. People passing us were not harassed by us; some even gave us a shout or two of encouragement. I know we stank of uncleaned bodies but we did our personal needs in the nearby public toilets.

But they came; the officers with their truncheons and heavy boots. Men and women alike with one intent; get our asses kicked. But what made it worse was they brought the dogs. Our very own reason for standing here; to protect these creatures from the vile training they been subjected to. The dogs showed no mercy as it pounced on us and snarled their fangs. I had one of them, misguided creatures, pushing me to the ground and held me down with its paws. Its face is over mine and I can see those fangs. I remembered lying there praying that death would be quick. A bite on my neck to sever the jugular and then the floating of my soul.

But it was not to happen. I have their mistresses coming at me with the truncheons and boots. They dragged me up and job the stick in my liver. I pleaded then to be gentle as I was with a child. Our child. John's and mine. But they pay no heed to my pleas. The rest is known. But the worse was not mentioned before.

Our child was born with a defect of the mind. She sits in the institution as I am. Mother and child. A secret that John and myself kept for years.

"Okay, Kevin. Your time is up. So are yours, Maggie. Come on. Your doctor awaits you and it's time to be nice too. He would give you your medicine and swallow it down. Any one of you who tries that trick of putting it under your tongue gets a bad spank from me. You hear me well." That's Matron of the ward. She is always threatening us but she has a kind soul inside her. We followed her instruction and get in line with the rest of our medicine. Kevin walked in front of me as usual while pulling at his robe. He always wants to be neat and tidy like a real doctor, but he is an inmate like me. We are both inmates in the Psychiatry Ward for over ten years now. We played the game of Doctor and Patient daily as it's the only thing we know besides eating and sleeping. As I queued in the line, I looked to the open yard, and past it in the mortuary. They placed Anne there last year after she fell off the building thinking she is a bird. I was there to coax her to fly as it's the only way to get out of here. She did as her mother tells her. And she is free now. I would fly to one day but today I would be a good girl and get my medicine.

"Here's yours, Maggie. John sent you a letter." I thanked the good doctor. He passes me the envelope with a letter from my beloved John. He is serving his sentence in the penitentiary for murder. He did that for me, as he could not bear to see me suffer under the beatings. He took two of those pigs to the slaughterhouse and they put him in the same pig's pen now in return. But we are safe from the beatings. But not from the officers; here they are dressed as interns. I know as I have seen them coming into my room at night., But that is another story for another day.


Story Write Compilations Volume I Stories 54


Bulimia and Me


Author's Note:

The contest asked to write on disorders and Bulimia was one on the list. I starve my mind for this piece.




I run and jump every day for five miles and then an hour on the exercise bike. It's my routine and the best time to do it is from nine at night to midnight. In the morning at six, I am at the pool and I would do six laps before I come back for my aerobics session. I do it all alone as I can't stand company with me. I carry a Taser with me on my runs if you think I am not being careful. There were one or two such incidents but they won't try again.


Am I fat? Pardon me, the correct term is obese. No, I am not. I am slim and I looked good in my running suit. I think I have reduced the fat content in my body to almost nil but I am not giving up till it's all gone.


I am back now in my apartment. There Brett coming back with his date. He saw me and he waved at me. I did the same but his date does not look pleased. Well, screwed her. I am not fucking your man so you can get screwed yourself. I have known Brett since I moved in three years ago but then I had Matt for company. So Bitch, you can be assured I did not screw your boyfriend. I only screwed mine.


I went into my dark apartment. It no necessity to turn on the light as I know my way around. I walked to the kitchen and raid the fridge. I am famished from my run and I needed my nutrients. There is the cheese block, the cold meat, and the milkshakes. And of course my favorite pecan nut ice cream. Matt used to go nutty over it. He would spread them over my belly and licked them up. Yes, Bitch. He licked me up with the Ice Cream. Never had that, huh?


I sat down at the table and gobble my food. I reached for the remote and turned on the box. It's another crappy re-run, and I have seen it thrice. I switched to the lifestyle and it showed the cooking series. That's refreshing as it a new recipe and the chef looks delicious. Matt was a chef and he used to cook those great meals for me. I told him I would put on weight but he said, 'never an inch would I missed on you'. We would fuck like crazy then, even on the kitchen floor. Yup, Bitch. Never had it there before, huh?


Time for my shower. I dragged myself over to the room and into my shower. I have strewn off my running suit and stood naked there under the shower. It's refreshing at this late hour to be standing under the cold torrent water. It brings out the heat in your body and closed the pores off. My shower is long as I washed every part of my body of the odor and dirt. I toweled myself and step into my flannel gown. I know I looked like a gramp lady but I liked it. The fabric rubbed into my skin and it feels nice. Matt used to rub me down with the towel and he would carry me to the bed. He could as he was a big man. He would lower me down and we would make love the night through. Bitch, I doubt with Brett that he could do that. He is a wimp compared to my stud.


Oh, no. I must get rid of it. I ran to the sink in the bathroom and I pushed my finger into my throat. It must come out. It has to or he won't like me. The cheese, the cold meat, and all I ate are coming out. It's all out and I am glad. I slide down to the floor and sat there. Matt used to say take out the trash if it's not needed. I listened and I obliged. But our child was no trash. It's our effort and love that the child was created. It's our love gift but he did not want it.




I lost our child and also him. For him, I felt no loss but the child, I felt remorse. I was deceived by him for his lust and my weakness for his cooking. He put everything into me and discharge them like my waste including our child. I am angry at him. Every time I eat, it's him I think of. Every time I run, it from him to be away. I could stand the hours when we used to make love here. I had to leave this place. So I ran. I come back late to wash away the dirt as I washed away his touch on me. As I throw up the food that he placed in me.




You made me what I am today. From a healthy lady with a voluptuous body to the skinny wreck today.






But why did you leave me? Was I too fat? I can lose weight. No, it's not me then. It’s our child; it makes me look big. I swear I did not eat too much. I watched my weight for you.




Please don't leave me. Oh, please. I won't eat again.


Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...