Saturday, November 21, 2020

Trojan War Chapter 8



The feat of kidnapping Helen boosted the courage of the two warriors that they planned the next abduction of the one named Persephone.

“Persephone will not be easy for she is at the Underworld and that is also the domain of Hades,” Theseus explained to Pirithous. “We have to plan carefully here.”

“I will suggest we visit the Underworld. There is no better plan than to be there.” Pirithous shared his impatience.

“Brother in the arm, I shared our urgency but Persephone is not a child. And she is attached to Hades. And more to that, she is Olympian.”

“Excuses, Theseus. You had yours done and now you will delay on mine.” Pirithous reacted in anger. “I shall have to partake in the mad scheme of yours. Now the twelve worlds are hunting us.”

“The twelve worlds hunt for a missing girl and they know who the captors were, or our doors to this place would have been broken down.” Theseus looked at Pirithous. “All I asked is more time.”

Theseus heard of the tales that Hades had taken Persephone by deceit to the Underworld. Persephone was the daughter of Zeus and Demeter. The tales differed from there that Persephone was forced to be with Hades, and some said she was persuaded after having spent time there. It was all rumors but the part that no one questioned was why Zeus did not protest or punished Hades for the deed. Theseus knew the answer for, among the worlds including Olympia, the womenfolk is deemed below that of Man. Even though they are Goddess but they do not rank equal to the Gods.

“If Hades can abduct, why not oneself do the same deed? We can abduct her back and maybe earned the praise of Zeus.” Such was the rationale for Theseus then when he spoke to Pirithous.

“You did the same on my herd and I sought them back. We clashed but …. I won in the end for I have my herd back.” Theseus smiled.

“So, we will do it then?” Pirithous return the smile.

The Underworld was not as expected. Despite the term Underworld that was foretold as the place of the dead, was the living dead, or rather the banished people of the worlds were sent there to serve for eternity as slaves. The Underworld has thus created below the surface hence the name; Underworld, with that harsh conditions and was guarded by the Furies; the droids which were given the flight capability and sharp claws as weapons. Each set of the worlds have their Underworld, be it a mining colony or a hard labor environment. The survival rate was near zero after a short period.

It will then be brought forth the question of how Persephone can bear with such conditions. Persephone is regarded as the personification of life and death, with the initiated that upon death, a more enjoyable re-birth will follow on. It was her persona of life after death when the dead will be given a new chance at life.

“Pirithous, why do you favor Persephone?” Theseus looked at the other. “You were wedded once. You know how troublesome women can be?”

“I was but Hippodamia was not any woman. She was kind and yes, at times demanding but we got along.” Pirithous smiled at the times he was with his lover. “She told me…”

“Brother in the arm, the women are all the same. They are to bear children and not be spoken in great length. We are Man and deserve more. It’s good riddance that she had left you.”

“Don’t say such a thing of Hippodamia. I liked her.” Pirithous snapped back. Pirithous did not bother to reply for they have arrived at one of the entrances to the Underworld.

“There are several entrances; the major ones known to the worlds, Tenaro at the end of the peninsula known as Mani, or the Necromanteion of Ephyra on the river Acheron, as well as Alepotrypa on Mani. There are many smaller entrances but we shall go to the one at Tenara.” Theseus told Pirithous.

“Whichever, for I am keen to find Persephone.” Pirithous walked ahead. They came soon to the cave assessable by the sea at low tide. They borrowed a boat from the nearby fishing village at low tide. The distance from there was short but they were cautioned by the fishermen to avoid the cave. It was not taken in by the two who sailed there.

“Hold the oars, Pirithous. I will steer the boat by the sail.” Theseus had taken hold of the sail and directed the boat by the direction of the winds. There was a strong gust but Theseus grip was firm.

“The winds deterred us but we will make it.” Theseus steered the boat hard while Pirithous saw then the emergence of Sirens which swam close to the boat. The sea deities reached out with their hands to lure the two men. Pirithous grabbed the oars and hit it on the reaching hands.

“We are near to it,” Theseus called out when the boat was caught in the strong current and drifted into the cave. The ceiling of the cave was low but with the lower tide, the boat managed to make it in but it lost the sail when it hit the ceiling. The walls on the cavern were dark and covered with layers of dark slime while the water inside the cave was murky but the sights of the dead were seen floating just below the surface.

“The oars, Pirithous. We need to row to the interior before high tides.” Theseus had then grabbed one set of the oars and to row it. Pirithous did the same and the boat sailed into the darkness.

“I can’t see anything,” Pirithous called out. Theseus ignored him and continuing the rowing. Soon he saw the light at the far end and rowed towards it. He came across the lighted area and stopped at the bank there.

“We are in now.” Theseus stopped the boat and then stepped off to the dry ground. He felt the sticky surface beneath his feet. With each step he took, he had to pull his feet over to the next step.

“What is this stuff, Theseus?” Pirithous had joined him. “I cannot walk well.”

“I don’t know. I have been to caves but those were night creature droppings. These are more like …. Flesh.” Theseus replied. “We need to move on.”

“I shall do that.” Pirithous struggled on and then saw the slab of stone in front of him which looked clean of the sticky stuff. I will rest there, Pirithous told himself. He did that and raised his legs to clean them. Theseus saw him doing that and followed suit.

“It was a relief to be seated here,” Pirithous told Theseus and it was then he saw the watching eyes that were on the dark walls.

“Theseus, we are being watched.” Pirithous motioned to Theseus. “They are on the walls.”

Theseus turned to look and saw the eyes. He shuddered and then told Pirithous.

“Move towards me slowly. Those are furies.” Theseus told the other. “They are the Guardians of the Underworld.

“The fabled droids?” Pirithous was alarmed by the presence of the droids. He had battled many preys but never one that he was told was compared to the Furies. He tried to get off the stone but found his body was stuck to the surface. He moved his hands to push out but the hands got stuck there.

“I can’t move,” Pirithous called out. Theseus himself found himself stuck to the stone too. It was then the Furies emerged. The Furies are mechanical droids designed with flight capability and were equipped with claws to enable it to snatch its prey or to slice the prey apart. It was like the birds of prey but the Furies are smaller in designs and they hunt in packs.

The Furies flew towards the duo and hovered over them.

“Go away!” Pirithous screamed at them while struggling to get up. The Furies were in communication with each other and established the duo were not of the Underworld. It then began to descent on Pirithous and slashed at the figure. Pirithous screamed out in pain at the attack but Theseus could not assist. He was destined to be next. He turned and saw the Furies were cutting pieces of the flesh and discarding it into the ground.

“Pirithous! God, help me.” Theseus called. It was then he felt someone pulling him off the stone. It was painful for his skin was torn during the pull but he was finally freed. He stumbled onto his knees and then looked up.

“Heracles? I am …. I thank you.” Theseus thanked the Olympian God.

“Save yourself, World inhabitants. I can’t do any for your friend.” Heracles carried Theseus onto his shoulder and ran. The strength of Heracles was reputable and he outran the Furies to deliver Theseus to the exit of the Underworld. There he lowered the wounded warrior and then looked at Theseus.

“What madness had you to go to the Underworld?” Heracles asked.

“Woman’s trouble.” Theseus sighed in his reply.

“They never end.” Heracles frowned. “Be without them, and your life is spared of anguish.”

It was the advice then by Heracles that Theseus returned to his mother and told her to send Helen back to her father.

“How could you take a woman like her for yourself? Have you no shame that she is still a child?” Aethra reprimanded her son. “If was my father, a war would have been waged ono you. Let me return her and explained her disappearance.”

Aethra had traveled with Helen to Sparta and took to explain to the King. She was also seen to be close to Helen and the King pardoned her with the condition that she remained to care for Helen.

“Woman, Helen is well behaved in your care and she will continue so.”



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