Friday, November 6, 2020

Arthur II Book 2 Chapter 10





Merlin staggered in his walk by the stream. He found his paths were blocked by huge boulders and thick undergrowth. He called on his spells to displace the items there.

“Surely, you cannot be doing that to every boulder you see.” That voice belonged to Ronin the Elf. He was seated by the stream. “This is not the forest of yours previously.”

The Elf mocked the druid of his previous home; the Dark Trees Forest.

“Have you been trailing me?” Merlin reached for the Elf but he was cut by the sharp blade of the grass.

“Surely, you are mistaken. This is my forest and I can go where I want.” Ronin replied. “The forest of Broceliande belongs to no one but whom it allows in.”

“Broceliande? The enchanted forest? Yes, I should have known.” Merlin laughed. “How can I be so …”

“Stupid? The forest hid itself to those that it will not allow for.” Ronin laughed. “And you were not. Your rift with the ladies had deemed you unworthy. I will suggest you return to the Dark Trees Forest.”

“When have the underlings of the dimension turned judgemental in the issues when it’s the faeries to decide?” Merlin belittled the Elf in its role at the dimension.

“Since we learned that the so-called faeries are incompetent to hold the balance among the dimensions. We, the minions as you have called us at our back; the dwarves, the imps, the nymphs, and us the Elves. You failed to see that we were there at the beginning of the creation. We were the ones that spawn the forest and lands and the tools that were to be used. Who do you think documented the first scrolls to be handed to the generations? It was us.”

“I …” Merlin wanted to apologize.

“I was not there, but my forefathers were at the smelting of the blades, including Excalibur. They were the masters of the blades and many have they done. I knew all of this for I carried their memories.”

“I …” Merlin wanted to apologize again.

“Enough of your pittance. The sword is no more here. The ladies have retrieved it and it lies with them.” Ronin replied.

“How then I can ever get it?” Merlin sighed. “It will be lost to us forever….”

“Miscreant! Excalibur serves a purpose. It’s to request by the King for the land. It will judge the King as to his worthiness and submit it shall upon the test.” Ronin looked at Merlin. “Did you not read the volume which I had helped to script?”

Quod Rex Regum et erit in Regem super ferrum cum eo serve meus.” (Translated: The King of the Kings shall be the King and with it the blade will serve.). Merlin uttered. “I know what it said.

“And the next verse was…” Ronin asked.

“A riddle. Humilis potentissimus qui alit et de insectis leonibus certare operari benigne tamen adiri possit?” (Who is the mightiest yet humble, and feeds off the insects, to fight the lions, and yet it can be approached with kindness?).

“I was baffled by it.” Merlin admitted his shortcomings.

“You meant that you were distracted by the flesh then.” Ronin hit it hard. “Druid, we are all living creatures with the need to …. love.”

“Imbecile! How dare you …” Merlin got annoyed.

“How dare I? I can for I am Ronin.” The Elf cut in. “And you were a fool. Not now but will be again.”

“I have enough!” Merlin turned to leave but the Elf stopped him.

“How you conducted yourself; aloof and knowing it all will be your downfall, Merlin. Think wisely about the words that you had recalled. It may be your path to Excalibur.”

“Farewell, druid. May you …. Fulfilled your journey.” Ronin slipped into the bed of grasses and was not seen. Merlin stood there partly annoyed to be outwitted by the Elf, and partly delighted that he spoke to the Elf. He looked at the flowing stream and did some deep thoughts.

“Oh, I must pee.” Merlin took to the task into the grass. It was then he had his vision.

In qua vita et viridi et crescere possit sustineri, videatur Regi autem inventus est in terram” (Translated: The green will grow where life can be sustained, the King will be seen where the land is found). Merlin uttered. “I got it.”

Merlin then looked at the grasses where he had provided sustenance for the day.

“Pardon me, my friends. I did not do it to spite you but you gave me the vision. Perhaps the next time, I will find the stones to douse over.” With that Merlin took off back to the castle at Gurnion to seek Arthur.

“He what?” Merlin was agitated that the Prime had left for Camelot.

“I am not his guardian… or druid.” Belvedere voiced out in equal agitation. “He left me to guard the castle and the people.”

“And yet you are the King’s ….” Merlin uttered.

“I am not but a knight of the land. I shall defend my people and land.” Belvedere declared with pride. “If you rush, the Prime is back at Camelot.”

Merlin left without even saying goodbye. He took to the trail that leads him back to Camelot.

Lady Vivianne held the sword that was returned to the Lake. She placed it on the rack where another slot remained empty. She turned to face the other sisters.

“Excalibur is back here.” Vivianne looked at the sisters. “And it shall remain.”

“Vivianne, why was it placed elsewhere?” Nimue asked. Like the other sisters, she was dressed in a white gown. Nimue was one with the learnings on the dark spells and how she could use the white spells to dispel them.

“We were never consulted.” The one named Vivian asked. She was the one with the learning on the forest spells to call on the creatures and the living beings there including the nymphs and the elves.

“The creatures of the forest have asked me why was the sword left in the enchanted forest and not made known to them.”

“It was not done. I made the decision soon after our two sisters left. There was a threat that they may return for it.” Vivianne replied. “It was a bigger threat to the forest if it was known.”

“And yet an elf knew.” Vivian cut in.

“Ronin was the rogue. He was sworn to silence by myself but the meads burped his words.” Vivianne was upset. “I will deal with him.”

“Spare him, Vivianne. He is an elder of the Elves, and we need to refer him to their Council.” Nimue explained. Vivianne sighed for she knew that the Council will put the issue towards her reckless action to place Excalibur there.

“The sisters? They have no access to here anymore.” It was the turn of Nymue to ask. She won’t mention their names then. Nymue was the one who studied the ancient scrolls to foretell future events.

“Yes, Nymue. They were banished. They will remain as so until the next selection of the Sisters. We have worked well with the five of us.” Vivianne looked to the sisters. She felt an uneasy feeling among them. She looked at Ninniane who had remained quiet. That sister was the learner of the dimensions, with the means to travel between it.

“God is at unrest when they heard that Excalibur was mentioned,” Ninniane spoke. “They felt threatened by the blade, and yet they favor it for themselves.”

“Excalibur will not be used against them or for them,” Vivianne replied. “It will be reserved for the King. And until the King spokes for it, it will remain here. I shall stand guard over it.”

Vivianne was the lady of the artifacts. She knew every piece and which ones could be used on the enemies. She missed the two others. Morgause was the one who studied the darker spells for she was stronger than Nymue at it. Morgan Le Fay was the darling of the ladies, yet she studied the white spells. She was so good at it and even made them darker ones.

“So be it, Sisters. We move on.” Vivianne dismissed the sisters.

It was not that easy for Artorius to dismiss the ever-pressing Merlin who insists that he followed the other to the lake. They were at the Hall in Camelot and having dismissed his guests, Artorius looked annoyed at the druid.

“What madness has prevailed over you? You come to me with a baseless request.” Artorius raised his tone.

“Arthur, you heard of Arondight. It's a twin and superior blade is Excalibur.” Merlin explained. “Excalibur is the blade for the …”

“King. I heard of it. Many people have listened to that tale. So, many Lords and Kings have pursued it, and yet it was never found. Like the Holy Grail.” Artorius replied. “I have my gladius and with it, I have slain Kings and Lords, and even demons. Hard cold steel will kill anything.”

“The words of a barbarian.” Merlin retorted. “Excalibur is the King’s blade. It will not only vanquish your enemies but subdue the Gods.”

“Another fallacy of yours, druid? I have enough.” Artorius stood up to leave but Merlin stopped him.

“Would it harm you to try, Arthur?” It was the voice of Guinevere. She stood at the doorway. “I was in the corridor and heard the shouts.”

“Come in, Lady Guinevere.” Artorius greeted the lady. He then turned to Merlin. “This is the druid, Merlin, and he is leaving.”

“My lady.” Merlin bowed to the younger lady.

“Bow not to me, druid. I am not higher in status to you.” Guinevere replied.

“Not yet, my lady but I have foreseen greatness in you,” Merlin replied but he bit his tongue on the other words.

“My Lord, perhaps you may amuse me and the druid to try out his request at the …” Guinevere looked to the Prime. “I am sorry to intrude…”

“No, Lady Guinevere. You did not, and more to it, I am no Lord. Nor to the druid or yourself. However, the lake does look nice at this time. Maybe we shall amuse the druid. Shall we?” The outreach of Prime’s hand was received by the lady.


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