Thursday, November 12, 2020

Apes Chapter 31


Episode 6


Doctor Lanceston gave up on his search for Astrid when he was escorted back to the lab by the Enforcer. He had spoken to the Enforcer several times, and a cordial relationship was formed.

“What’s happening out there, James?” The Doctor asked.

“They are getting ready to leave for the City. Colonel’s order.” The Enforcer replied. “I am to guard you and Anderson is here to stay. I think he is with the Senate. Or whoever is left there.”

“Senate? They are okay? I heard ….”

“Only the Lady Cleop and Octavia. The rest …. Well, they are dead.” James sighed. “I never met them but I heard they are old and infirmed.”

“Aren’t some of us are too?” Doctor Lanceston smiled. “We survive on needs and some wants. Do you want to share my tea?”

“No, not today. Maybe later.” James replied.

It was back to work for Doctor Lanceston. He had discovered the new routines and was disabling the program. Once he had done it, he was to transmit but he needed the facilities at the City. He was more eager to return to the City.

“Are we ready?” The Colonel called out. The convoy was ready for its return trip to the City but it included the armored Enforcers. He will be protected by them in the battle.

“Our objective is the Senate Tower. Once we secured it, I will unleased the message to the survivors to convene there. We will consolidate and battle back.” The Colonel told them the plan. “Move out now.”

“Colonel, did you see Anderson?” The Enforcer asked him.

“He decided to stay back. The Dome needs to be manned.” The Colonel looked at the Enforcer. “You could replace him.”

That ended the conversation there but not for Anderson. He had asked Lady Octavia for the information on the City but she declined.

“There are things that you need not know … from me. The …. Real information is at the Senate Tower. Peruse its library. It will tell you more than I know.”

“Library? It's sealed to us. It's only accessible by the Senate.” Anderson looked towards the Lady.

“The Senate is dead. You are the new Senate now as the son of Caesar and Cleop. The access code is Lies. Remember that.”

With that Lady Octavia approached the nearby seat and sat there.

“I will await my last moments here …. Alone.”

Anderson had his mother’s body wrapped and then looked for the hidden switch in the Hall. They had it planned in case of a lockdown, certain places like the Hall has a secret switch to unlock the doors.

“Damn the Colonel. He had overridden the codes.” Anderson slammed his fist on the console.

“Perhaps this might help.” Lady Octavia handed over the sidearm. “I had it for personal safety.”

Anderson took the sidearm and shot two projectiles into the console. He then reached in and adjusted the switch.

“Did it. Now we can leave.” Anderson called out. He looked at Lady Octavia. She stood there unmoving and then shook her head.

“I am too old to fight. Leave me here. I will be fine.” Lady Octavia told him. “Take the gun. You may need it.”

Anderson nodded and left her there. He proceeded to the storage area, where the earlier shipment of weapons was delivered. He had a small stash of it hidden from the others. It was his nature to be prepared for any outcome. He arrived at the warehouse unopposed and later reached for the hidden console. He retrieved the six sidearms and ammunitions. He then went off to look for the prisoners.

“Damn! I can’t get to any switches.” Lances cursed out.

“That’s why it’s the holding cell. You are not supposed to get out.” Juanico replied in a sarcastic tone. She helped Bernice to sit up. Lances have been at the doorway for some time and each he failed he will curse out.

“Maybe we will get ….” Bernice was cut off when the doorway opened. Lances with his anger charged out and were knocked aside by Anderson.

“I expected an escape but not in that manner.” Anderson stood there with the side arms leveled at them. “Are you going to sit there or do I drag you out?”

“Is it time for our termination?” Juanico asked.

“No, I am offering you freedom.” Anderson tossed in the belts with sidearm and ammunition. “Join me to free the people.”

“You mean the City?” Lances asked.

“No, all that resides in this land,” Anderson replied. “You have not lived too long in the City to know more of this infernal land.”

“Infernal land? I…” Lances went into deep thoughts. He had stayed all his life at the City and when he was with the Enforcers, he had thrice to the Outlands but never anywhere beyond that. He had did wondered about how they survived on the land. The City was a huge place and held so many inhabitants yet it survived with its food and drinks. He had been outside and the land was not fertile for any growth. Not many of it.

“Enough of your pondering, Lances. We have no time for any delays.” Anderson pressed on. “We got to rescue Doctor Lanceston. He may know more.”

Doctor Lanceston made a new pot of tea. It was not the same when he took it years ago but the chemical that was mixed to make the concoction. He offered the drink to James again. The latter took it and then went back to his post.

Doctor Lanceston went back to his works. He waited for his chance. It came when he heard the Enforcer falling to his knees and then on his face.

“Aha! Nothing like the lesson of chemistry.” Doctor Lanceston had concocted the chemical mixture for the drink. Enforcer James will have a long sleep but death will be denied. The Doctor relieved the Enforcer of the sidearm. He was not receptive to any weapons but the need may outweigh the consequence. He gathered his notes to leave. He has to get to the City.

“Doctor Lanceston.” The doctor was startled when his name was called. He saw Anderson there with the others. He recognized the Enforcer and then Lances with Bernice.

“How… How can you be with him?” Doctor Lanceston looked at Anderson. “He is with the ….”

“Not anymore. I am …. Not in the Colonel's interest.” Anderson replied. It was then Bernice looked at the fallen Enforcer and back to the Doctor.

“Did you kill him?” Bernice asked.

“Not in the least. He is asleep may be longer than he expected. I did however take away his sidearm.” Doctor Lanceston handed the weapon to Bernice. “You can keep it.”

“I will.” It was then Lances asked the Doctor what he knew of the servants.

“They were re-programmed by the others. I may have the solution to shut down the extra routines. Once that is done, the servants will be subservient.” Doctor Lanceston explained. “I need to be back in my old lab to complete the works. Then to the Senate Tower.”

“We go there.” Lances looked to Anderson. “Do you have any vehicles?”

Anderson shook his head.

“I know.” Lances voiced out. “Leroy has it. He is outside.”

Soon, they found Leroy still out there. He had not moved at all but he was not keen to go to the City.

“I left there years ago. I am not keen to go back.” Leroy made his stand. “Anyway, there are too many of you. I can only carry three of you.”

“There are six of us including you. Can you make two trips? The first trip will be me, and Bernice with Juanico. The second trip will be with Anderson and the Doctor. I will tell you where to leave us then.”

“Tell me now.” Leroy looked at Lances. He then looked at Anderson.

“Do you remember the old gate at the East Wall? We never could lock it for it was always broken in by the time we fixed it. We left Enforcers there but given the current event, it will be unguarded.”

“I know. We will convene to the Senate Tower from there.” It was set then.

On the trail back to the City, the convoy of the Colonel was speeding to the City. They were following the Colonel leads. He had intended to go in by the same gate he came from. It was nearer to the Senate Tower. He had sent one cruiser ahead while he misdirected the convoy on a detour. The task was entrusted to his trusted Enforcer to do.

“Contact the others. Tell them to meet me at Senate Tower.”

“Yes, Colonel. The flare gun as requested in the Cruiser.” The Enforcer saluted the Colonel. “Hail the Dark Ones.”

Astrid could run and jump at a great distance. The chimpanzee was known to travel at over twenty-five miles but it also was not hindered by the obstacles. The convoy had to detour the rubbles and blocked trails. Astrid ran hard and was soon ahead of the convoy. It reached the wall before the convoy. The question of Astrid's mind was how to get in. Its exit was from being thrown over the wall.

Astrid, is that you?

Astrid to look at the chimpanzee that called it. It was Jesty.

I was told you died. Jonah …. told me.

I almost did but they tossed my body off the wall. I was saved by the Pack. The Pack lived. They won’t work with Napoleon.

Will they fight for me?

Yes. But you need Napoleon. It's better….

Can I get back in?

Why? They will kill you. Napoleon still hunts you It’s not your fight anymore.

It's my fight. I started it all. And I hunt Napoleon. I will regain my leadership. I will free the servants. Forever. Get me to the entrance now.



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