Friday, November 13, 2020

Apes Chapter 32



“Maintain speed.” The Colonel called on the communication unit while the cruiser he was on traversed the obstacles ahead. The servants have been alerted to the convoy and have convened on the path. Not all the servants were armed but their natural aggression has seen some of them attempting to disrupt the convoy. He had seen the gorillas charged at the cruisers. They were shot but they came on incessantly. Their attack may work for one cruiser who went into a skid.

“Don’t stop! We have to move on.” The Colonel was stopping for anyone. He saw the entrance of the gateway ahead. He was near it and all will be fine. It was then charging ape hit the stern of the cruiser and it went into a spin. He was knocked on the head and slipped into unconsciousness.

“Colonel, are you okay?” The Colonel opened his eyes and saw he was at the side of the damaged cruiser. He saw two armored units holding back the servants with three other Enforcers. He was attended to by another Enforcer.

“We have to move.” The Enforcer told the Colonel. “It may be painful for you but hang on.”

The Colonel then felt the pain in his left leg. His leg was covered with the splinters to keep it rigid.

“You may have broken a bone.” The Enforcer told him. “We can move you now.”

“Get me the flare gun. It’s crucial.” The Colonel told the Enforcer. The flare gun was retrieved and pass to him. The Colonel was loaded onto the stationary cruiser. The Enforcers mounted the cruiser. Only one and the two armored units stay behind. The Colonel signaled to them but they stood back.

“They won’t join us. Another cruiser will come for them.” With that the cruiser took. The Colonel saw the ones that stayed behind were soon fighting the servants off. An ape had charged into the armored unit and they fought limbs to limbs. The other unit saw the fight and leveled onto the charging ape. Its gun blew the ape’s head off. It then pulled the fallen armored unit up but it was charged from the rear by another ape. It went down dragging the earlier armored unit. With both units down, it was a matter of the other gorillas to charge in and stomped onto the units. The armored units were effective on their feet but when lying prone, it was hindered by its weight and mechanical limbs

The Colonel was a distance away but he knew that the units will not surrender without the last resort. He saw then the two units exploded with its built-in self-destruct mode. The dual explosion covered a radius of fifty feet and killed the other Enforcers alongside the servants attacking them.

“Damn!” The Colonel cursed out. It was then the cruiser went past the opened gateway back into the City. The Convoy then had their routes planned and was heading to the Senate Tower. The distance was about five miles and the strategy was to move in strength. In the drive, the attack by the servants was more intense. They used the tower structures to leap from onto the convoy.

“Don’t stop!” The Colonel called put. He then reached into the cruiser and withdrew the flare gun. He raised it above his head and fired the flare. It will alert the Dark Ones that he is back.

“We move on.” The Colonel gave the command. “We will stop for no one.”

Lances saw the flare from outside the wall. He was curious why the flare was released. In his training as an Enforcer, he was given training in the flare gun as a last resort to get help. He did not understand who could have released that from the City. Leroy has returned for the two ladies while leaving Lances, Anderson, and the Doctor. They had little interruptions from the servants.

“The servants have probably convened on the convoy.” Anderson reasoned it out. He then looked at the Doctor. “You said we need to get to the lab, and then to the Senate Tower.”

“Yes, I need some works from there. And to the Senate Tower, it held the transmission equipment. I may be able to reverse the servant’s behavior.” Doctor Lanceston saw the flare. “If we are not too late.”

Lances led them to the unguarded doorway. It was but there were two chimps there. They were seated there as if they are guarding the doorway. He was to move when he saw the two servants approaching the entrances. He recognized the servant as Astrid.

“Astrid…” Lances were silenced by the doctor.

“Astrid is not the same. It has changed like the others.” Doctor Lanceston held Lances back. They saw the servants stepped past the doorway.

“What was Astrid….”  Lances were baffled.

“Ignore that. We have to get my works. There is little time.” Doctor Lanceston pushed his way to the doorway. It was unlocked and he went in. Lances and Anderson followed through. At that moment, Leroy had picked up the ladies. They were huddled behind some ruins.

“About time!” Juanico called out. “We were attacked.”

“That explains why you are a distance away.” Leroy stopped the vehicle and picked up the ladies. “I will take you to the City now.”

“Where are the Doctor and Lances?’ Bernice raised the question.

“I left them at the doorway. I think they may be there.” Leroy told the ladies. “Let us get there. I can see the servants are arriving.”

The Colonel traveling in the cruiser turned the corner and arrived at the Senate Tower. It was a tall structure with four tall pillars at its entrance. It was barricaded then with pieces of the rubbles and anything that may hold back the servants. It was manned by the inhabitants armed with an assortment of weapons. Some of the weapons were fashioned of crude items with sharpened spikes, or the long spear. The newly arrived Enforcers deployed alongside the eight remaining armored units. They took up their weapons and assisted in the fight.

“Get the inhabitants inside. We will reinforce the Tower.” The Colonel then proceeded into the Tower. He took the lift unit to the upper floors till it reached the top unit. He was accompanied by four Enforcers armed with rifles in addition to the sidearm. The Colonel proceeded to the console in the middle of the unit. He turned on the switches and a whirring noise was heard.

“The signal is coming on.” The Colonel called out. “The Dark Ones will rise.”

Lances with Anderson and the Doctor stood near the entrance to the lab. It was occupied by the servants. Lances could make out the chimpanzees and the gorillas, but the former was more. They held weapons taken from the dead Enforcers.

“We can’t get unless you know of another….” Lances were cut off by the Doctor.

“It’s the only way in.” Doctor Lanceston sighed.

“I know of another way.” Anderson voiced out. “Mother used to sneak me in. It's in the sub levels. It’s connected by that building.”

“Yes, your mother was a visitor than in her earlier years. She used to come us work on the servants. She felt pity for them and yet knew the work was needed. I do recall she brought a child.”

“Yes, it was me. I liked the chimps but my father forbade me to visit them. So, the mother will take me via the sub-level connection. That was how I knew of it. Hopefully, it was still there.”

That building was occupied by servants but they were mostly chimpanzees. The chimpanzees were agitated then. Lances saw a familiar chimpanzee.

Astrid is back.

That was the whisperings then among the chimpanzees. The gorillas were confused.

Astrid? Who is Astrid? We know only Napoleon

Astrid is our leader. It’s the leader of the Pack. It will topple Napoleon.

No, Napoleon is powerful. It leads the revolution.

I will tell Napoleon.

That was one of the chimpanzees. Astrid was there and called out the command to subdue the errant chimpanzee.

There will be no alert to Napoleon. Stop it.

The chimpanzee was overpowered but Astrid was vengeful.

Pull its tongue out. It will not screech anymore. I have called the Pack together.

Astrid then led the chimpanzees away to the Senate Tower.

We kill them all

That call drove the servants from the building and Anderson was targeting. The trio ran over and entered the building. It was surprised by the ape there. The gorilla snarled and was to charge at Lances when it was shot in the face. The gorilla staggered and it was then Anderson rushed off towards the ape and shot it point-blank in the chest. Lances did not hesitate then and pulled the Doctor along. They went to the lower levels led by Anderson. The connection corridor was still intact.

The chimpanzee calling itself Napoleon heard the return of Astrid. It threw a tantrum on that. It took out the sidearm and shot at the ceiling of the hall it had called its den.

Kill Astrid. I want Astrid dead.

Napoleon looked to the assembled chimpanzees there. They were to represent the different clans. It saw the chimpanzee that was the leader of the clan which Astrid was a part of it.

Jack, you were to tell me such news. Why have I not heard from you? Astrid….

Astrid has resumed the leadership. I am …


 Napoleon shot the other. It will not tolerate any weakness.

We retake the Senate Tower. It’s the battle to the end.





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