Saturday, November 7, 2020

Apes Chapter 29



“Doctor Lanceston, your behavior cannot be condoned.” The Colonel looked at the researcher. “Doctor Julius…”

“Don’t link the noble profession of mine to the zealot.” Doctor Lanceston hit back. “You and he have diverted my works.”

“Gene manipulation? Was that what you were doing in your noble profession? I have to admit I envy you. You did it for years.” The Colonel glared at the Doctor.

“For the good of the City. All of you enjoyed my conditioning on the apes.”

“True, but you killed another human being here? Doctor Julius is not a servant. So, tell me, am I to do on yours?” The Colonel looked at the doctor. They were seated at the same working place where the other doctor was killed.

“I need a drink?” The Colonel signaled the staff of his to bring the drink. The staff brought the drink in the same metal goblet that was used on Doctor Julius. The Colonel took the goblet and then hit the staff with it. He continued hitting until the staff fell. He then stood over the fallen staff. He took out his sidearm and shot the fallen person.

“That is what I would like to do. However, I do not leave a mess on the scene unlike you. I do enough damages and then end it. I am replicating your act.” The Colonel looked at the doctor “Your research had done some damages and it’s your task to end it fast or I will do it my way. So, do yours, and let me do mine. Do I make myself understood?”

Doctor Lanceston nodded. He knew his position and also how he will manage the situation. He did not report on what else he discovered. He will do his works on it and removing Doctor Julius was the first move.

“I am taking a walk. Leave me alone.” Doctor Lanceston took leave of the lab. The Colonel left alone then took leave and met Anderson in the Control Section.

“Colonel, we have reports of the servants fighting among themselves,” Anderson reported to the Colonel. “It may be our time to regain the City.”

“Tell me of the Dark Ones.” The Colonel asked then.

“We have reports that they are holding out at some sections of the City. And here.”

“Call the men to dress up. We are going back in to regain the City.” The Colonel gave the command.

“Do you think it’s too soon, Colonel? We may ...”

“If we wait, we may lose everything. Do it now. Sound the rally.” The Colonel replied. “And cleared the body in the lab. Feed it to the outside.”

Anderson saluted and stepped off to do the works. The Colonel looked to the screen. The resistances were holding up but it needed strong leadership. He then decided to make his move.

It was also then Lances made his move. He needed to know what was in the Dome.  Lances were not alone. He had Leroy, Bernice, and Juanico. They have equipped themselves with the guns. They will get into the city but the journey was not easy. The Enforcers were at the entrances but Bernice had discovered another entry.

“It’s tight air well but it leads down to the doorway. I think Astrid can help.” Bernice looked at Astrid. Lances looked at Astrid. The servant sprang off into the tunnel as if it understood the request.

Astrid slides down and having to fall at some lengths on the smooth surface. It landed on its feet on the flooring. It caught the scent of the Doctor. It ignored the previous request and trailed the scent.

“Damn, is the servant doing its task?” Bernice was impatient then.

“It’s Astrid and knew its work.” Lances defended the servant. He was also concerned if Astrid descended well or had got stuck somewhere. He was then distracted by the sound of the klaxon in the Dome.

“That is the sign of assembly. The Colonel is up to something. Let us try the entrances again. It may be …” Bernice had taken off towards it. They all followed her and arrived at the entrance. The guard there was closing the gate when they approached it.

“You are late. Hurry up, The Colonel called for an assembly. Be quick.” The guard let them through but he stopped Lances and Leroy. “I don’t recognize both of you.”

“Too bad.” Leroy stuck his dagger into the guard’s face and then pushed his face up.

“Quick, drag him to the outside. Remove the uniform. We may need it.” Leroy told the others. Juanico had gone for the belt and the sidearm.

“The jacket is soiled. We cannot use it.” Lances stepped away. “It does not matter. We will just blend in. As for you, Leroy. You can stay here. You will hold the gate for us till…. If we come back. Make your assessment.”

As Astrid, the scent was getting strong but it had to hide when footsteps were heard. Those were the scent of others. It came to the doorway of the lab and went. It caught another scent there.


It then saw the dead doctor face down on the floor. It stepped over and sniffed at the body.

Julius. Not the Doctor

It heard more footsteps and ran to the corner to hide. Three figures stepped in carrying a stretcher.

“Pick up the body and disposed of it. Then join the assembly.” The one that was the leader spoke. “Leave the blood. The Doctor can bloody well clean it himself.”

Astrid stepped out after they left. It approached the pool of blood. I leaned over to sniff at it.

“My God, Astrid. How dare you?” It was Doctor Lanceston called out in a horrified manner. “I thought ….”

Astrid saw the Doctor and ran towards it but the Doctor shied away.

“You are a bad girl. You …” Doctor Lanceston had assumed the servant taken the blood off the flooring. “I …”

Astrid was in confusion ab looked from the Doctor to the pool of blood.

“My God, you have reverted to your original primate level.” Doctor Lanceston looked for something which it can restraint the creature. It saw the two-door cupboard. He gave it a thought and then directed Astrid to get in there.

“Go in, Astrid. I will …. Deal with you later.” Doctor Lanceston pointed to the cupboard. Astrid looked at it. It reminded the servant of its early training. The action to go out when called, and to return the cage when it was done. It was humiliating than when the other apes were all caged then and sounded their anger at it.

I am Astrid. I am the Pack leader. I will not be caged

“Stop!” Astrid heard the command but it was way out of the lab. It ran and jumped over the obstacles. It will not be caged. It was looking for a new place to hide.

The Doctor is bad. I am good.


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