Sunday, November 1, 2020

Trojan War Chapter 4


The feast held an assemble of the powerful and influential in the realm from the twelve worlds, and it was a feast of, well to be officially noted, diplomatic but beyond the drinks and foods with some pleasantries into it, the other mixture was intrigue and deceptions with hostile intents. The Spartans were not the ones with bad musings towards the Archaeon. So were the Hellas, and the Babylonians. They fought numerous wars and annexed planets in either world, the Turin once the slaves of the Dardanes and Cretan before the Phoenicians came to their aid and freed them and later fought a war between them for the rights of true freedom. The Carthaginian, Parthians, and Sassanid fared no better-waging wars in between them and the others.

So were the distrust of the twelve worlds, ever looking to fight one over the other but that did not end there. In Olympia alone, the Gods and Goddess do not like each other and it was not a question of gender or rank but pure hatred.

Except for Poseidon, Aphrodite, Hera, and Hades, the others were the children of Zeus.

Poseidon shared the same father as Zeus and Hades and had united to dispose of their father. When they succeeded, the other two were given their rank as Gods. The tale of the revolt was before even the time of Cronus, but it was the last that revolted against his father, Uranus.

Uranus was the first unifying leader to bring his world then; the Titans which compromised different factions at conflict for eons. Uranus then of the Titans took to battle them and conquer them all before he unified them under the Titan world. His conquests soon went off-world and took on the other planets in the system, which he eventually named the world. It took him thirty hundred rounds of the shining star to state his name. He attributed his accomplishment to his single parent, Gaia, the primordial of Titan. 

It was with Gaia, that Uranus soon fathered twelve others named the Titans; Oceanus, Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Iapetus, Theia, Rhea, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, Tethys, and finally Cronus. Twelve siblings that were of one descendant but never united. There were others but they were kept hidden away for Uranus felt shamed by the appearances.

“You bind our children to the dark abodes. Are you not their father too?” Gaia had questioned the other and was told off.

“They are not of mine. How can they be hideous in the appearances?” It was rumored that the children were one named Hecatoncheries; the hundred-handed giant and the other was the one-eyed Cyclopes.

“I will send them to Tartarus for keep,” Uranus commanded then. “They will see no light no ascension to my throne.”

“Then send me too. I shall not be without any of my children.” Gaia had challenged the other. “I will bear you no more children.”

It was the wish of the mother and she was sent there too. Soon, Uranus grew agitated at the children he had with him. He saw in them the wrath of their mother and shelter himself from them. He deprived them of his love and care.

“How can you be imprisoned in your world, my King?” Uranus was questioned by his advisers. “Be it them or you that will be imprisoned.”

“They will be.” Uranus imprisoned them with the mother in the cold dungeons of the planet Tartarus alongside their siblings. Gaia pleaded with the King then.

“Spare them. They did no wrong. They are in our image and not some deformed state.” Gaia spoke to Uranus.

“I hold no weakness in my state. I see and bequeath that is needed. These children borne of yours carry with them the disease that will soon be sown onto theirs. I will have no part of it.” Uranus had defended his action.

“Then you are heartless, Uranus. To your enemies and your children, you will always be considered as that.”

“Heartless? It was you who instigated their revolt towards me, woman. I decreed that all women shall now be the subject of man and at their fancy to be accepted or discarded. Mark those words for eons to come.” Hence the words were to form a stigma against the rank of the womenfolk towards men.

Gaia was not to be shamed when it was she who gave the might to Uranus to unite the world. She plotted her vengeance and created the one weapon that will crush Uranus. Her children refused to do the foul deed except for Cronus.

“Remove the means that he could create more of you.” That was the command of Gaia. Cronus planned his escape and then confronted Uranus. He castrated his father and tossed the genitals into the deep pool. Uranus in pain then cursed at Cronus then.

“You will share the same fate as me. And your children will follow suit.”

Cronus imprisoned his father and rescued only the siblings that he had grown up with. He left the deformed ones to live with their father, and to ensure that none may revolt against him, he assigned guards at Tartarus. Cronus then took his sister, Rhea as his children’s mother but he held hard onto the words of his father.

“You will share the same fate as me. And your children will follow suit.”

Cronus sired the gods DemeterHestiaHeraHades, and Poseidon by Rhea. He had them placed into stasis as soon as they were born to prevent the prophecy. When the sixth child, Zeus, was born with Rhea, he was hidden from the father.

“My son…” Rhea shed her tears for her son. It was a difficult birth with her labor pains into days and nights. Upon his birth, Rhea felt the sadness that he will be taken away.

“My lady, the child must be removed.” The aide that assisted her in the birth told her. “It’s the right of the Lord.”

“Let me be. I want to hold him longer.” Rhea had pleaded to her aide. “You are a mother too. You know the feelings for your own. I just want to hold him.”

The aide had retreated and then Gaia had appeared. Despite her elder age, she still walked well without the assistance of the others. She was taken from Tartarus to be with Cronus, but her shame with his action made her a recluse in other places. She felt ashamed that Cronus rescued only her and not her children.

“They are your blood too.” Gaia had pleaded.

“Not of mine but my father. They shall remain as their banishment was my father’s act and not mine.” Cronus had replied. “Uranus’s act will be on his atonement, not mine.”

Cronus was to do the same for his children until the birth of Zeus, the grandmother had stepped in. She approached her daughter and mother to her grandchildren.

“Rhea, hold him well. He will be taken away but not to Tartarus. I have a place for him. He will be safe with me. In his place, a stillborn will be placed.”

So it was then that the child named Zeus was sneaked off to a small moon named Crete and was raised by the inhabitants there. He was not seen for years but since birth, he was given the training and education to succeed his father, Cronus. At the tender age of adulthood, Zeus invaded Tartarus and rescued the others including Poseidon, Aphrodite, and Hades from the stasis chambers. He was challenged by the one named Hecatoncheries; the hundred-handed giant and the other was the one-eyed Cyclopes.

“We do as a bid by Uranus.” The two siblings challenged Zeus.

“I bring forth your mother, Gaia.” Zeus stepped aside to reveal their mother. Gaia took not much of her moments to greet her long lost children. Their love and loyalty towards her swayed their action. They took to Zeus's side in the battle with Cronus.

Such was the war soon be named as Titanonmachy. And it soon ended with the defeat of the Titans. Cronus and the defeated allies were all imprisoned at Tartarus.

A new order came into power was then named the Olympians.

“There shall be fourteen pillars which symbolize the strength and power of the Supreme God, with me as the deciding God on all matters.” Zeus declared himself. “Each of the pillars shall be given the rank of God. Together we shall rule the worlds.”

Zeus further expanded his empire with the other twelve worlds.

Thus born the Olympia.

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