Monday, November 30, 2020

Trojan War Chapter 14




Zeus with his power and strength could never discard the fear that his children may undo him like what he did with Cronus and the latter to Uranus. Despite that fear, he was also not one to fear sowing his seeds into the many women he had met.

One was named Metis; an Olympian noble linked to a watery planet that was conquered by Cronus before. Metis was a beautiful woman and also held articulate skills in discussing matters of the state. It was how then she met Zeus in one of the sessions to discuss the future of Olympia. The almighty Zeus saw the wisdom in the woman and alleviated her rank to Goddess but due to the scrutiny of Hera, he had her hidden away on the other planet.

“Mother, Zeus is here.” Athena then of a young age called to her mother. “He visits us.

Metis will then lay down her task and went to greet the lover who once spurned her and had her kept in stasis but he was not to know that she was with his child. Zeus had feared the anger of Hera as it was with Leta.

“Women are without a doubt a hindrance to the way of life for Man but we have to live it.”

Zeus had then like Leta chose to hide the lover away but she was saved by an aide of her own. As not to have Zeus knew of her escape, she was not to surfaces and the child in her was removed and placed into an incubator that was to nurture and grew the embryo to the full-grown kid. While in the incubator, the child was given the knowledge that her Mother once held, and more to it, the child was taught many other skills.

When Zeus heard of the child, he had Metis and the child freed and demanded to see his child.

“She lives in a cocoon designed by me,” Metis told him. “While she lived in it, she was taught many skills.”

“She…. I had …” Zeus was disappointed in the birth to expect a son, but he asked to see her. He was brought to the incubator and it was then the child was released to the parents. She was a beautiful baby but with her stay in the incubator, once she was released, she screeched out loudly.

“She cries out loud.” Zeus had his ears clasped with his hands. “She will be a Goddess one day alongside my other children.”

“Give her a name, Zeus,” Metis asked.

“Athena as like in Athens, they called my name out loud. Athena will be her name.”

Archaeon had adored her and named a planet after her; Athens with the personal fortress named Parthenon. She was passionate about her patrons and when once another challenge her for the planet. She fought off the other named Arachne; who had commanded a small fleet to attack Athens. The Archaeon had offered to defend Athens but Athena told them to hold back. She took off in the mothership provided by Apollo and confronted the other on the hull of the mothership, alone. Athena had arrived in the single mothership to face the fleet of nine frigates and a single mothership named the Spider Web.

“Faced me alone, Arachne. I am your challenger, the woman to man.” It was an insult to the other who was also a woman and yet she was called a Man.

“I am a woman too, Athena,” Arachne reveals herself covered in the dark shade armor with a headpiece that held the wide fan at the rear. It was not that which defined her name but the eight metallic tentacles at the back of the armor. Each tentacle could reach out to eight feet and be independent of each other.

“The spike on the tentacles could stun or kill you on touch.” Arachne looked at Athena who was in armor and carried the bow and arrow notched on the bow.

“Where is your spear and shield, Goddess? Have you no faith in it.” Arachne mocked the other.

“I don’t need it to vanquish you.” Athena released the arrow towards Arachne. The arrow impacted Arachne at the chest and bolts of energies coarse into the other’s armor rendering it non-functional. Athena then arrived and stood over the rigid Arachne.

“You know for a woman, you talk too much like a Man.” Artemis took the second arrow and plunged it into Arachne in the face.

That ended the conflict and made Athena the legend then at an early age. It was not the only feat that she was to be called a legend.

“Perseus, the Gorgon cannot be stared at. She will turn you to stone.” Perseus, another God of Archaeon affiliated yet not of fame was told by Artemis. The other had taken the challenge to fight the Gorgon. The Gorgon was a famed subterranean species that had the command of the planet Gorgon. The planet was in the Archaeon controlled planets but not inhabited despite the abundance of minerals there. The Archaeon had taken the planets around Gorgon but never on that.

“Perseus of Athens, you will subdue Medusa of Gorgon.” That was the command and Perseus had taken to the Palace of Artemis for guidance. He had known that seven attempts have been made and none have ever returned to report of the task.

“I heed you, Perseus.” Athena had appeared before Perseus. “Medusa had fouled my tower when she cohabited there with Ares to mock me of my beauty. I may hold the weapon you need. It was crafted from the metal made by Hephaestus, and added in the weaponry by Ares himself not knowing that it was to be used on Medusa.”

Perseus held the shield that was handed by the aides there.

“Athena, I need an offensive weapon and not one to shield me.” Perseus had replied and was soon to find the shield was not any weapon.

“Another fool led to my domain.” Perseus heard the other standing there in the white tight skin suit and the stone shaded hair that reached the knees was undone billowing to the back like a fan of hair that was droids designed to look like serpents. He had confronted Medusa in the huge cavern beneath the surface of Gorgon. Medusa was alone but Perseus knew that the others were around hidden in the dark tunnels and cracks of the cavern.

“Medusa, we meet.” Perseus had on the dark goggles over his eyes and wore the armor that came with blasters and the heavy double barrel design over his left shoulder. He held the shield given to him on his back.

“Have you met others? Medusa motioned to the stone figurines that were seen there in various poses and some included retreating. “They were welcomed to my planet ….. forever in stone.”

“A monument of yours but I will add your fragments to them.” Perseus had leveled the blaster at Medusa. A creation of Ares and its destructive power was to kill anyone in the path. It did on Medusa but the kill was a mere hole in the chest and she could still move.

“Surely, you have more.” Medusa rubbed her chest and the hole was mended. “Since you showed me yours, let me show you mine.”

Medusa swung out her right arm and Perseus was thrown to the rear. His blaster was thrown aside and a boulder crushed it. His goggle was damaged and the cover was broken. 

“It’s typical of a Man. They think they have it there but it’s nothing compared to what we can offer.” Medusa approached Perseus. “See me.”

It was then Perseus had turned onto his front and the shield faced Medusa. Her stare was on the metallic surface on the shield which absorbs the glare and then with Ares design, it reflected the glare ten times its strength.

“Arghh…” Medusa retreated in pain but her body was turning to stone. Her followers saw the transformation and they screeched in pain. Medusa became what her victims were in the pose on her knees and leaned backward with the right arm over her face.

Perseus approached the stone frame of Medusa. He retrieved the double-barrel blaster and blew her head away.

“Thank you, Athena.”

“And I was not thanked by the Archaeon for the design. They did mine the planet and had it renamed Hephaestus. I am disgusted.” Ares had cursed at Artemis. “They are all bitches. Athena included.”


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