Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Trojan War Chapter 6


The Young Ones



The Trojan worlds despite the peace calling of Zeus had loaned its army to fight at the Frontier and beyond. The battle cry which was ‘Molon Labe’ was feared by many. The two words meant ‘come and take them’ and their badge of honor’ the inverted ‘V’ symbol when presented at the battlefield had planted fear into the opposing side. The dilemma of the above was that the Spartans were treated like cannon fodders and sent most times against the overwhelming odds. It was discussed at the Council meets the Spartan leaders and heavily debated.

“Molon Labe is our call. We take the fight to the enemy.” It was said by Areus, a legendary warrior holding the rank of ‘polemarchos’ the highest-ranking officer of the single tactical unit of the army reporting to the King. Areus had served the Spartan army for over three decades with his first battle at the age of ten when he was promoted to the ‘enomotia’ unit consisting of thirty-six ‘hoplite’ or Spartan warriors. The ‘enomotia’ was the smallest unit in the army with two ‘enomotia’ making the next group of seventy-two warriors called the ‘pentekostyai’ under a pentekonter, and from that, two groups of ‘pentekostyai’ into the ‘lochoi’ under the lochagosk, and from there the ‘mora’ under the command of then ‘polemarchos’.

“We, the Hoplite hold hard to that battle cry,” Areus spoke proudly of the front line warriors of the Spartan referring them to the old name of the Hoplite although, in the new army, they are named the Infantry Division. “We do not know if it’s felt by the other divisions of the Spartan army.

The Spartan army like the other worlds had evolved to include in the other divisions like the Infantry Division, Flight Division, the Armored Division, and the Intelligence. The formation of the divisions remained the same as the Infantry although they have their weapons in the new form like the Motherships to the Frigates, and the Flight has their Heavy Bombers to the Stealth Fighters while the Intelligence held their followers or spies and provided the King with the personal guard of three hundred warriors termed as ‘hippeis’.

“We respect the old ways, Polemarchos Areus.” It was the retort of the Flight Division, Polemarchos Dienes who had served the division as a lowly rank in the ‘enormotia’ doing maintenance works then. He was like Polemarchos Areus, having served for over twenty years and was considered an ‘ace’ in his flying days. He had flown from Stealth to Bombers and had flown over hundreds of sorties before the conflicts ended into the lame ‘games’.

“Although, we use the cry of ‘Death to the Enemy’ in our call.” Polemarchos Dienes recalled the cry came from the first ‘enomotia’ then who flew the first squadron of stealth fighters; trained and borrowed crafts from the Argosians. The Flight Divisions have since then grown to rival any of the worlds.

“Aye, we hold the same.” Polemarchos Pellus of the Armored Division added on.

“The betrayals of the spirit.” Polemarchos Areus cursed at the two peers.

“Enough of the battle cries, Polemarchos. I hear all of you but we are not here to discuss the war. We are here to discuss the candidates for the next games. Our wars with the Frontier will be discussed soon after.” King Tyndareus cut in. He looked to the Council of ‘Ephoroi’; the five seated members which were elected by the people of Spartan to advise the King.

“Ephoroi, if I may we do have to decide on the …” King Tyndareus was then interrupted by the screeching noise of the child who had appeared in the Hall. The child was a young girl of the tender age of five and was nude, and appeared to be chased by the caretaker. The child ran past the King and hop onto the arms of Areus.

“Protect me, Areus, or I shall have your head on my plate.” The young girl then giggled and it was then the two caretakers of the child arrived. They bowed to the leaders at the meet and then once again to the King.

“We do apologize for the intrusion, King Tyndareus. Helen is….” One of the caretakers spoke to the King.

“She is fine with me.” Areus cut in and then hand-carried the child towards the caretaker. “Now go with them. We have an important meeting to discuss.”

“Bah! You are all not of any fun. I will find my friends.” Helen then pushed herself off the older man and ran off followed by her caretakers. King Tyndareus had disrupted yet another meeting of his.

“I do apologize for my …” King Tyndareus was cut off by Areus.

“Do not be, my King. She is a handful for anyone. I doubt even my son will able to tame her when the age of marriage is due.”

“Do not hope for that, Areus, I have my son, Publius to court her when she is of age.” Pellus snapped in. It did not end for the subject matter had moved to the beautiful child of the King. The King Tyndareus had relented to that subject for indeed Helen at birth was a beautiful child. He recalled cradling her in his arms soon after her birth.

“Is she beautiful?” Leda had asked then.

“Yes, more than any woman I have known.” King Tyndareus had admitted then. “I am ever surprised that we will have such a beautiful girl.”

“Perhaps it’s the gift of the Gods to us. You have served them loyally and they bequeathed you the beautiful child.” Leda replied.

“Yes, indeed. Helen, she will be named. She will be the torch to lit up the worlds.” King Tyndareus thus named the child then. Helen’s birth was not missed by Hera then who recognized the child as that of Zeus.

“Another bastard of Zeus!” Hera threw a tantrum on the emergence of the child. Her followers told her the child was indeed beautiful. She was more upset than for Hera was renowned for her beauty.

“The child will be beautiful and more than any man can envisage. She will herald a new upturn of events that even Zeus cannot prevent. I will aid her to be that lady and be there to subdue her fame. What I shall begin can be ended by me.” Hera then summoned her aides.

“I want Helen to be cared for and not a blemish shall be on her.”

“My Goddess Hera, Helen is of Spartan. She will be given the ways of the warrior and with it, scars may appear on her flesh.” An aide had voiced out. “We can’t …”

Hera had the aide taken away and executed for raising doubts towards her. She turned to the others.

“See to that Helen is well, and kept beautiful. Shower her with the gifts of beauty and protect her from battles. I don’t care if she is Spartan but does as I say and all will be well.”

Thus Helen was protected by many and by the virtue of her name that she will grow to become a torch of beauty. Helen of Sparta was soon to be regarded as the beauty that every man in the world awaits her age of marriage. Even any conflict with Spartan was averted then.

Helen did attend training as a Spartan required by birth but she was given the menial tasks to avoid any injuries to her. It was said that King Tyndareus had decreed it, but surprisingly, Clytemnestra was his other daughter, and yet she was not spared. The rumors were Helen was special or destined to be Queen.

“A Queen of Sparta who cannot fight? This is unacceptable.” The words were uttered.

“Helen may not fight like us but she is a torchbearer to bring forth allies to fight with us.” So was spoken.

“And when does Sparta ever need an ally to fight with? We are the Spartans.” As there were the replies but in the inner circle of the family, even the siblings raised the issue to their mother.

“Why was Helen spared of the chore?” Clytemnestra had raised the issue with her mother, Leda then. “Even Pollux and Castor were not spared. They are his sons.”

Leda looked at the child of her birth with the King. If only she could tell the truth to her family that Helen was of the same lineage but her father was Zeus. The last time Zeus visited her on the grassland, she was conceived with his child.

“I am with a child from Zeus.” Leda had remarked to herself. “I am with God’s child.”

Leda considered it an honor to have the child but how could she tell the King then. It would be shameful and may erupt into a war between Sparta and Olympia. If there was war, Sparta will be annihilated by the others. No other worlds liked the Spartans, and their destruction will be imminent. She gave it a lot of thought and finally relented to have the child with her silence.

“Mother, do you hear me?” Clytemnestra looked at Leda.

“I heard you, my daughter. I think it’s because …. Helen is unwell.” Leda had then lied. And it was to be lies from then. She will do anything to protect her daughter.

“If Helen is unwell, then she should be sent for treatment.” Such was the plain words of the child but the mother made up more lies to quell the matter. After all, Helen is Zeus’ daughter and that made her special.

Even above her children.

“Helen will not be like us the other women. She will be the Queen above them and even the men.” Leda had believed in her of the daughter.

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