Monday, November 16, 2020

Arthur II Book II Chapter 13




Lawnslot saw the solitary figure on the lakeside. He had delayed his trip back to the wall that morning and had missed the battle with the bear. He wanted to say his farewell to the lake before he rides. It was then he saw the lady there. He was normally taken in by beauties for once he had stayed with seven of them. He was taught that beauty was not the true essence of love, but sincerity, and of that he had not found any. However, he was attracted to the lady that was standing there. He approached her and she was startled by his presence. She turned to leave and Lawnslot spoke to her.

“Fear me not, my lady. I am …. Lancelot.” The knight knew not why he called on his real name to the lady. “I am from the …. settlement and happened to be here. May I know your name, my lady?”

Guinevere turned to look at the man who was named Lancelot. He looked young and dashing with the long sword at his waist. He wore a mail chain over his tunic and his feet were covered by the sandals. He did not look harmful.

“Guinevere is my name.”

“Lady Guinevere, I am honored.” Lancelot bowed towards her.  “It’s dangerous to be alone out here. Did you not hear of the bear attack on the settlement?”

“Yes, I did. The poor creature was killed when what it sought was food. The hunters have ventured into its land...” Guinevere sighed. “We lived in a thriving time.”

“We do, my lady.” Lancelot found himself agreeing to the lady.

“My lady? I am a simple lass of the … land.” Guinevere blushed. “Do not mock me, Sir Lancelot?”

“And I am not a Sir. My name is Lancelot and it shall remain that for you.” Lancelot smiled at the lady. Guinevere was taken in by the sweet smile of the other.

“Are you a hunter, Sir…. I meant Lancelot?” Guinevere asked. “You don’t look like one. But you maybe.”

“I am not a hunter. I am….. a warrior. Not a knight though. I hold neither land nor squires. I am just merely…”

“Like the mercenaries. I met many of them before. You fought for coins then?”

“I … do but most times for the roof and food in my body.” Lancelot laughed. “Shall I walk you back to the settlement, … Guinevere? I am in need to ride soon.” Lancelot offered to escort her back.

“Oh, just in case a bear was to attack me. Perhaps a small bear it may be.” Guinevere laughed. “I think your company will be appreciated.”

Guinevere agreed and they strolled off with more small talks. Their rendezvous was not unseen but the ones that saw were concerned.

“Vivianne, Lancelot is with the lady by the lake.” It was Nimue who told the other. Before even Vivianne could reply, the other three ladies joined them. They stood on the lake surface watching and yet they were unseen by the others. It was the spell of invisible.

“Yes, we have not seen him for many years since he left for the land.” Vivianne looked with fondness on the young lad she had raised in their realm. “He has grown strong and …”

“And fought for the people. He is a hero to them.” Vivian added in. The others looked at her and she smiled. “I know the forest speaks to me.”

“Yet, we do not know the lady he is with.  She was seen in the company of Artorius the Roman…” Vivianne muttered.

“An older man compared to Lancelot. Surely, the Roman does not think he …” Nimue cut in.

“We can never tell. Love is potent in the feelings of many. More so, when Merlin is…” Ninniane bit her lips for calling on Merlin’s name. She looked away from Vivianne.

“Enough of this trivial matter. Back to your tasks, Ladies.” Vivianne dismissed them all.

Just as Artorius dismissed Merlin while his sight was on the lady by the lake then seen talking to one other named Lawnslot. He had heard enough of it from Merlin. Guinevere is the daughter of Lord Pendragon. He had heard it during the feast but his mind then muddled by the number of meads he had drunk, the name remained into the dark recesses of his memory.

“How could she be?” Artorius muttered. Lord Pendragon was not his enemy and yet not a true ally. His gift of coins did help in the construction but he remains an outsider by Roman’s interest. Artorius sighed then he could have approached Marcellus but the girls are still too young. He will be seen to be indecent to court them. He thought of Elaine Augustus. He had met her several times but she held no interest in him. She preferred the company of dashing younger men.

Who has he left for court? The other ladies among the families? The others from the settlement? Artorius shook his head.

“Couth and …’ Artorius minced his words. “I am …”

“Prime, we have a situation that warrants your attention.” It was Percival who interrupted his thoughts. “The Anglo Saxons are in gathered at Mount Badon we may have another battle ahead.”

It was echoed at Mount Badon by the leader of the Chiefs there, Cedric the Big.

“You think madness has prevailed in me, Hengist. I stand sane here as I was for many seasons. Most of you return to your homes and great Halls after the raids while I stood tall here to stop any retribution on your homes. Stop your pleading” c

“I do not plea, Cedric. I am merely telling you that Mount Badon is next. After…” Hengist stood there in defiance. He was in the Hall with the other Chiefs of the clans, and leaders of the Anglo Saxons. He stepped out and looked at the others.

“After what, Hengist? After the defeat at the creek? Gurnion? The death of Gareth of Gurnion? Perhaps Horsa may forgive you…” Cedric roared at Hengist.

“Leave my brother out. He died a warrior. It can’t ….” Hengist was cut off.

“Horsa died a warrior but you ran like a coward from Gurnion.” Cedric glared at Hengist. “You killed an ally of the Anglo Saxon and had the castle defeated by the Romans. Gareth of Gurnion was a brother to me.”

“A Welsh! Bah, Cedric…” Hengist voiced out defiantly but was cut off.

“Speak no more. Hengist Alger. You are banished from this Hall.” Cedric called out the command. “This is my Hall.”

With that Hengist took his leave and then outside he looked at the gathered. They were many who had not fought the Romans but some looked defeated in their expression.

“They need to muster their strength once more or we lose the right to this land,” Hengist told himself. “If the battle will not happen by us then we shall the battle to them.”

With that Hengist rode off with his men down Mount Badon towards the forest. He held plans to bring the Romans there.

It was not what Lord Pendragon had foreseen when he returned to his castle. He was greeted by one of the Elders. He was Elder Banes, an aging figure with the hunch on his frame but he wore the grand cloak over his tunic. Lord Pendragon had the Elder meet him at the Hall, where he was with Lord Ban at his side.

“Elder Banes, what happened at my castle? I left it with most of my guards.” Lord Pendragon had left behind half the numbers; over seventy of the guards under his employment with the twenty-five mercenaries

“Tell me Elder Banes or suffer my wrath.”

“Lord Amish and the other staged a revolt against you. They are backed by Roman families. Master Meleagant is giving aid to them. They will divide your lands.” Elder Banes replied. “I am old and did not participate.”

“Then why do you wear a dagger on your waist, Elder Banes? Your fighting days are long over.” Lord Pendragon had his right hand at the sword on his waist.

“I have to be protected myself. The Black Knight is sent to battle you.” Elder Banes told Lord Pendragon. “Your life is at peril.”

Lord Pendragon dismissed the Elder. He knew that with his depleted guards, he was in danger. He told Lord Ban that he was to ride to Camelot.

“Lord Pendragon, if you leave the castle again you may be exposed to the dangers that you were forewarned.” Lord Ban told the other. “I will ride to Camelot if it will serve your purpose.”

“No, Lord Ban. I need to see Prime. Only he can help me.” Lord Pendragon replied.

“What of your other friends? The Marcellus? The Augustus?” Lord Ban intercepted the other.

“They won’t. They are no better than Meleagant. I will need to do it alone. Stay here and guard my castle.” With that Lord Pendragon left the Hall. Lord Ban at the wall opening from the Hall saw the Lord of the castle took off alone. He stepped away and saw Lord Bors standing behind him.

“Your ploy had worked.” Lord Ban told the other. “Lord Pendragon had ridden off to Camelot.”

“And he will be met by the Black Knight on the trail.” Lord Bors replied and then his right hand reached for the dagger on his waist. “I met Elder Banes on my way here. He was rewarded to keep his mouth shut.”

“When do we meet at Meleagant? I need to secure the allocation of lands.” Lord Ban voiced out. “We lived in thriving times. Not many can be trusted.”

“None, but for us both. I learned more about Lady Guinevere. She may be who she is or a good imposter.” Lord Bors reported. “The pendant of the double geese was with Lady Penelope but it was not seen after her death. I fear we will need to be careful with Lady Igraine more. She is the vixen in the land.”

“Vixens does not fare well here. We burned them at the stakes like witches too.” Lord Ban replied. “Now shall we see to Lord Amish. He awaits our return.”

The Black Knight was at the small hill and saw Lord Pendragon leaving on his own. The knight flexed his shoulders for the long ride ahead. He will defeat the Lord and removed the head. That was his prize for the Elders.




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