Friday, November 13, 2020

Apes Chapter 33




Lances peeked around the corner when they reached the lobby to the Research Centre where Doctor Lanceston used to work. It was cleared of any Enforcers and any servants but riddled with debris and some corpses. Doctor Lanceston shuddered at the sight of the torn or stomped body parts. He saw the overcoats and uniforms.

“My God, what did I do?” Doctor Lanceston held his right hand over his mouth. “I …”

“You were not at fault. Something triggered the servant’s change on behavior.” Lances assured the Doctor.

“I brought the creatures to serve the people. If only I had done it.” Doctor Lanceston shook his head. He then pushed his way past the Enforcers and proceeded to the lift unit to take him up to his working level. The lift was working but it was filled with corpses and blood inside.

“We take the stairs. It's only three levels.” Doctor Lanceston walked towards the stairs. Anderson overtook the Doctor and checked the stairs. It was empty servants. They walked up with the Doctor in the middle. It was a slow climb with careful steps for they fear any attack.

The Colonel stepped towards the window to look out at the horizon. He had activated the beacon and then it was to wait.

“Colonel, we are under siege. The servants….” The Enforcer reported in.

“Don’t worry. Reinforcement will come.” Colonel then turned to the Enforcer. “Let us go down and fight those servants.”

“Colonel, if I may ask. What reinforcements are we referring to? We are the last Enforcers and the ….”

“We are the last of our kind. The reinforcements are different.” The Colonel replied and then took off. The Enforcers followed him and no more questions were raised. In the lobby, he saw the arrival of more inhabitants armed with weapons and also carrying their wounded.

“We came as soon as we saw the flare.” The newly arrived addressed the Colonel. “Why did you…”

“I did it to get to the Dome to get weapons. See those armored units. They can turn the outcome. Take to the upper levels. We will be rescued later.”

“Colonel, the path to here was cleared of servants. I think they want us all here. I saw a lot of servants getting here too.”

It was then Napoleon had arrived there. The leader was armed with a rifle. It looked to the assembled chimpanzees there hidden behind the structure.

Stay hidden. We will let them congregate and then we will attack. Where are the gorillas?

They are nearby. They won’t join us. We are no more servants. We can think.

Doctor Lanceston took his sight off the screen and sighed. He had combined his studies with the earlier samples and then sighed.

“They have done the impossible. They gave the servants intelligence.”

“They are intelligent, Doctor. They bloody well planned the revolt.” Anderson snapped back.

“You don’t understand. Those idiots make the routines for the servants to think like us. Or more like us. They can plan as we do. Maybe better.” Doctor Lanceston snapped back. “They have jumpstarted the evolution into those creatures ….. while we have devolved into idiots.”

“Can you reverse it?” Lances asked.

“I don’t know. I thought I could but now I am not sure.” Doctor Lanceston sighed.

“Is there a dead switch in the routines?” Lances asked.

“Yes ….. but it’s akin to murder.” Doctor Lanceston replied. “It was the last resort I did ….”

“For such events. Can you do it?” Anderson asked.

“Not from here. It can be activated from the Senate Tower.”

“Then let us move. Are you ready, Doctor?” Anderson asked.

“Yes, I am. I think so.” Doctor Lanceston grabbed his items and joined the others. Meanwhile, Leroy had driven the vehicle into the City with reluctance. He has leveled the sidearm at his head. Drive-in or be left behind. They were at an open gateway.

“You are mad. I am not getting in there.” Leroy replied. “I left the City many years ago.”

“You will drive or die. We got companies behind us.” Juanico called out. Leroy looked to the rear and saw the convoy of vehicles approaching them.

“Darn! Those are the Outlanders. They are here to battle the servants …. I hope.”

“Whatever it may be. I will suggest you drive.” Bernice called out. “They may not like us.”

So was Astrid when she approached the Packs members. It saw the gorillas were there.

Who invited them?

We did. I am the Elder here, Astrid. This is no more your revolution. It’s ours now.

The gorillas were ….

Our distraction? The ones to be killed? No not anymore. They are our allies now on the same battle.

You speak out of line, Elder. I, Astrid called the …

You still do but the revolution is to be won with them or not at all.

Gah…. Where is Napoleon?

At the Senate Tower. The chimpanzees are to go there. The gorillas await your command. As ally.

I …. Good then hear my plan. We have to defeat Napoleon and then the masters. We will be free.

Let’s do it.

So was the Colonel. He had the defenses set up with some of the Enforcers in the lobby and the area outside. They cleared a perimeter with little resistance from the servants. He had the vehicles lined up as barricades and moved the defenders there. Every level to the tenth was filled with inhabitants and Enforcers. The eight armored units were kept in the lobby as the second liners

“They are still not attacking. Are they waiting for us?” The Enforcers at the outside were getting impatient.

“We are told to stay here.” One of the Enforcers called out.

“Well, not me. Those servants killed my brother.” The enraged Enforcer rushed out with the sidearm blazing. It was to signal the attack then.

Unauthorized by the Colonel.

“Charge them!” Juanico called out at the perimeter with Bernice but they stood still with Leroy. They watched the defenders of the Tower including the inhabitants surged forward. Bernice fired a few shots to spur the attack. They had infiltrated the line and was to join those there when they saw the entrance to the Senate Tower was heavily guarded. They had eluded the returning inhabitants and then joined those who were going to the Senate Tower.

“We are told to go there. The battle will be overturned there.” The survivor voiced to Bernice. “The Colonel has returned.”

Bernice saw the second line of defense was also joining in then. She saw the opportunity to slip to the rear. She moved to the rear and saw her track was blocked by the armored unit.

“I am a Senior Officer Bernice. Serial E78890. Let me through.” Bernice told the armored Enforcer.

“I have no authorization to let anyone in.” The armored unit replied. “Those were the …”

It was then a gorilla had slipped through the defenses and was charging for the entrance.

“Servants target!” The other units called out. “Fire at will.”

Three armored units fired their weapons attached to the vambrace at the gorilla. The combined firepower tossed the gorilla to the rear with its chest and face bloodied and dead.

“Move forward to battle.” The eight units moved forward firing their weapons. It was during then the trio ran past the line and into the Tower. They were stopped by the Enforcer there.

“Stop!” The Enforcer called out and was shoved the sidearm into the face.

“Do it one more time, Jason and you won’t have a face anymore.” Bernice glared at the officer she knew from the Enforcers unit.

“Sorry, Senior Officer Bernice. It was …”

“I am looking for the Colonel. Now move to hold the line there.” Bernice motioned to the Tower entrance. She did not notice Leroy missing.

“Yes, Senior Officer.” The Enforcer took past Bernice to join the battle. On the top level, the Colonel was reported on the battle below.

“Who was it? I told them to hold the line. Not fight.” The Colonel then looked to the window. “Where are they?”

So was Napoleon at the battle scene. He was wondering why the number of gorillas was so few.

Where are the others?

They won’t come. They await the Pack direction

I am the Pack

Not that we hear. Astrid is back.

Astrid? I will kill that one.

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