Friday, November 27, 2020

Trojan War Chapter 15




Merlin stood by the lake himself. He had left Arthur to think of his destiny. He shuddered on his shoulders what he told Arthur on Guinevere.

“You were always a good liar, druid.” Merlin turned to look at the person who spoke. It was Morgause in the splendid white gown that reminded him of her role as one of the ladies of the lake.

“Morgause le Fay. You dare to be here.” Merlin looked at the lake. “They may not be so accommodating on you. Or towards Morgan.”

“Oh, please don’t intimidate me. I do not fear them as much as they do of me.” Morgause stepped up towards Merlin. “You do look…”

“Older? Why shouldn’t I be? I have aged with the realities of the realm. It’s not liked the time had stopped here.” Merlin looked from the lake towards the castle. “We are mortals here.”

“Yes, I know. I am the mistress of the dark spells. I lived in its realm now. It has its appreciation towards me. It lent itself to preserving my beauty.” Morgause replied. She looked at the lake. “They can’t see me unless I want them to.”

“As you did with the alluring scents onto me then when I was …” Merlin was interrupted.

“When you were smitten by Vivianne.” Morgause laughed. “You were so fallible then. Your lust overcame your magical instinct then. Your defenses were down then. And I was attractive then and now.”

Morgause swept her gown aside and stood there naked to the sight of the druid.

“Be away, witch. I will not be tempted by you anymore.” Merlin raised his hands to call on the spell of banishment but it did not happen. Merlin was baffled why the spell had failed.

“You lost your spell, druid. I can’t say you feel helpless.” Morgause laughed. “Morgan, show yourself.”

Morgan Le Fay appeared then before the two of them. She was still as young; naïve in the looks, and dressed like Morgause, in the white gown. The other lady was ever silent with her presence.

“Morgan had learned some counterspells from me on yours.” Morgause smiled. “She had your banished spell dis-spell.”

“You will not win, Morgause.” Merlin reached into his shoulder bag. He drew out the wand made from the maple tree twig. “I hold the Dragon wand.”

The foot-long carved wood design was to behold the red dragon that was entwined onto the twig.

“I fear that…” Morgause feigned a retreat but later laughed. “Merlin, your sorcery acts are pre-dated and should be left to seduce ladies. I heard of no dragon wand.”

Merlin raised his right hand holding the wand but a loud voice stopped him. He looked to the lake and saw the approach of Vivianne. She was as always in the white gown.

“Stop it, Merlin. These two ladies are mine to handle.” Vivianne sailed over the lake water surface and then stopped before Morgause.

“You have intruded on the lake.” Vivianne looked at the other two ladies. “You will be punished.”

“Punished? I think not.” Morgause called on the demonic dark spirit with her right-hand fingers. The demons appeared in their dark forms and streaked towards Vivianne. The latter held up the palm of her left hand that dispels the demons’ attack. She then lashed out with her right arm at Morgause. The sweeping blow from the spell sent the latter off her feet and to the rear.

“Morgause, I am not without the defense to your spells. I suggest you depart before I vanquish you.” Vivianne cautioned the other. “And covered yourself. You look like a slut.”

Morgause and Morgan fled the lakeside. It was then Vivianne turned to look at Merlin.

“When will you return the wand? How come I was not to know it was missing.”

“This is a fake. I thought I scare her.” Merlin replied.

“You are a fool, druid. As you were then and also now. You could have been killed.” Vivianne was upset at Merlin.

“And you still care for me, Vivianne,” Merlin replied. “And I still …”

“Our past does not matter anymore. You have taken too much of my generosity. You build your castle so close to the lake. I shall call on the dragons to re-take their lair.”

“Hold on that. I will convince you and the others of Arthur.  He deserves to be judged.”

Vivianne did not reply and sailed off like how she arrived. Once again, Merlin was left alone there.

It was the same for the Prime as he sat on his high back chair looking forlorn. He had battled for over several seasons; not that he was unused to it. He had done it at Gaul, Spain, and lately at Britannica. He was elated than when he was new to the Legion with all the battles and bloodletting acts that made him climb the ranks but he also lost friends and above all, his lover. He was not there for her and even at her near death, he was not at her side. He felt lonely and then saw the round table.

There was once a round table at his home where his own family dined daily. His father had brought it back from a woodcutter who told him that he felled a huge tree and from it near the base of the trunk he crafted the tabletop.

“It won’t fit my home. We needed was a long table. I got the kid the length of my arms.” The woodcutter told him.

“I got mine around me and one more in the mother.” Artorius’ father had replied.

“Good for you. Then you shall have the tabletop. Make it good sturdy legs and it will stand forever.”

“Round?” Artorius’ father looked at the table.

“Round as in everyone on it holds an equal view of each other, and they may speak their mind.”

“And I won’t have peace in my home.” Artorius roared in jest.

“True, but it’s the truth you sought from them. The voice at the table will be there’ to not only you but all that will be seated there.”

That was how Artorius had that table in his house, and his other table in his tent to Camelot was also rounded.  

“Yes, I will not be lonely. I will get a bigger round table. I will have myself with my friends…. And knights. I will be with a Queen.”

At that moment, Lady Igraine woke up from her dreams where she saw the death of Lord Pendragon. She saw in vivid detail how the Lord was killed by the Black Knight. She shook herself to the then surroundings. She was still in Camelot but the walls felt as it was constricting around her.

“Guinevere!” Lady Igraine called out. The younger lady rushed in with the servants in the tow.

“Dismiss them all. I need to speak to you …. alone.” Lady Igraine waved the servants off.

“I must have slipped off to sleep and I have this dream. It was Lord Pendragon. He is dead. Killed by the one named the Black Knight.” Lady Igraine told Guinevere.

“Without your father here, you are …. vulnerable. More so, when we told the others that you are Lord Pendragon’s daughter. You will be hunted.”

“No…. It can’t be. My father… Lord Pendragon is all-powerful, and yet he rides with his aides, Lord…” Guinevere went into sobs of tears.

“Never trust those that may be allied to you unless they share…. No, not even your blood.” Lady Igraine looked at the young lady. “The sins of your father are upon you like the sins of mine shall be but I am deprived of any children…. Except you whom I regarded as mine.”

“Forgive us for we have sinned.” Lady Igraine sighed. “I should have done more to protect you.”

“No, Lady Igraine. You have done more than anyone had.” Guinevere replied.

“Yes, there is one other thing that you need to know. There is a knight named Green Knight. He will be your trusted aide and protector. Only he can vanquish the demons that will hunt onto you.”

“I heard of the Green Knight but he is a recluse. He…”

 “The Green Knight had taken the task to do so. Trust him and you may be fine. More to it, Guinevere. You must believe me. Your safety can be assured if you are well protected. Wed with the Prime for he is like the King. His men will protect you.”

“Wed the … Artorius? I … I can’t…” Guinevere tried to sort out her reply.

“Can’t or won’t but you have to. Only he can give you the comfort of a Queen and the protection of the kingdom. Lady Igraine looked into the other’s eyes. “We are the weaker creatures among them. We have not their strength but they have their weakness for us. We need to use our weakness upon them.”

“I need to think,” Guinevere replied. “I have to …”

“Go back to your home. The one where you were brought up. When the time comes, the calling will be upon you.” Lady Igraine looked at the departing young lady. She then turned to her bedding to shed her tears.

“Truly the circle of the events had returned.” Lady Igraine heard the familiar voice. She looked up and saw Morgause by the wall opening.

“The lake looked splendid from this view.” Morgause then stepped away to look at Lady Igraine. “I must not stand too long there. The sunlight will darken my skin.”

“Go away!” Lady Igraine told the other.” I want to be alone.”

“Alone? We are always alone. Men cannot be trusted. Men cannot be … shed tears for. They are the weaker creatures of the realm. Without us, they would have ceased to exist.” Morgause smiled. “Your Lord Pendragon is indeed dead. Killed by the Black Knight who in turn was killed by Lancelot.”

“Lancelot? He lives on.” Lady Igraine despised the name.

“Very much so. So, you’re telling the girl to sacrifice herself to that older man. Was it noble or selfish on you? As you did then with Lord Gorlois?”

“Leave Lord Gorlois out. He was …” Lady Igraine snapped back.

“An older man whom you wanted his protection and yet you lust for another. And another.” Morgause laughed. “Our weaker nature was that. We are never to know to whom we shall lay in bed but unfortunately, the men are too drunk to know if they were the first of the many.”

With that, Morgause left the lady there in tears.


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