Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Arthur II Book II Chapter 16




Hengist stepped from the campfire to walk towards the trees. There he raised the hem of his tunic to ease himself. He was in a lengthy discussion with some Chiefs who had lent their ears to him. They knew of his conflict with Cedric the Big. They also have their respect for both but they feared Cedric more.

“Aye, Hengist. Cedric has been the Chiefs of the Chiefs. He had provided us shelter and food whenever we needed it. We can’t rebel against him.”

“Rebellion? I ask for none of that. I ask for it that you get the Romans here. We will settle the war here at Mount Badon” Hengist looked at them.

“Mount Badon? You must ail with madness.”  The one that cried out was Chief Madden. “You are mad to bring them here.”

“What can a Cohort do against us who are triple their strength?” Hengist replied. “Cedric is getting soft with age. If we lose this war, we are forever …. Lost to the land.”

“Okay, tell us what we need to do>,” The Chiefs asked Hengist.

“Here is the plan.” Hengist shared his plan with them.

It was not the same as Artorius. He needed was one audience and got it. They met in the Hall with the round table as the centerpiece.

“I hear you, druid. Tell me how I am proving myself to the sword that you mentioned.” Artorius relented to the druid’s persistent request. “Assuming you are right. And I am to be King…”

“A King need not be  ... I mean to say as King, you may rule over the land and its people. As you did not inherit the crown, but given the role, you …” Merlin was cut off by Artorius.

“Do you want me to be King …? Or not?” Artorius raised his voice. “If I needed a lesson on Kingship, I would have submitted myself for the Senate. They are all King’s desired but they cannot decide who to be King beside themselves.”

“Yes, Arthur. Your quest to be King however hindered …”

“Without the sword or…. The queen?” Artorius found himself uttering at the last word. It was shameful of him to think of a Queen when he was minion in the ranks below the Legatus and the whole assembly of Senators and who else before them.

“Queen? Yes, that will be ….” Merlin has to bite his tongue to find the word to appease the other. “Perhaps the sword first to unite the kingdom… I meant the people in the land.”

“What is so unique of this sword?” Artorius asked.

“Excalibur is the blade that is above all the others. Even the Gods feared it.” Merlin explained.

“Bellona, the Goddess of War and mother to Mars hold one.” Artorius worshipped Mars, and the mother of God was Bellona. She was an ancient Roman goddess of war. Her main attribute is the military helmet worn on her head; she often holds a sword, spear, or shield, and brandishes a torch or whip as she rides into battle in a four-horse chariot.

“Aye, but she is not Celt.” Merlin again bit his tongue and waited for the fiery retort but there was none.

“You may be right. Mars may be invoked in Rome but not here.” Artorius then looked at Merlin. “Have you heard of Lugh? He held a fiery spear. He is said to be Mercury among the ancient Gods.”

“Lugh? Lugus? Or even Lieu Llaw Gyffes? They are all prominent …. Godlings and they held a weapon each.” Merlin looked at Artorius. “You cannot rival them but you could stand beside them if you hold Excalibur.”

“Again, the sword. Or blade you insist I hold.” Artorius stepped to the wall opening. He looked to the lake. “What am I to do there?”

“Speak your request and your mind. Show your ambition to unite the people.” Merlin told him.

“No dancing ceremony with musicians and the long table of the feast? No ritual baths or wailing to the Gods?” Artorius asked.

“I had wished it was but that will be entertaining the mule here,” Merlin mumbled to himself far from Artorius's ears.

“Did you say something, druid?”

No, just an old man’s rambling if I had missed out anything. Nothing, Arthur. We can do the deed now.” Merlin smiled at Artorius.

“It’s Artorius, druid. Not Arthur.” Artorius reminded the druid. “My name is …”

“Yes, Artorius. You will be but they will remember you as Arthur.” Merlin snapped back. “Shall we proceed? It’s not the time for lunch but we should be done before then.”

A few persons felt the magical vibrations then across the land.

Lancelot had retrieved the Black Knight armor soon after he buried the knight in the ground. He stood there over the mound of ground covered with maple leaves.

“I know not your name, Sir Knight but that will name be etched onto the stone here. Here lays a great Knight unnamed but known to all.” Lancelot said his final piece and then looked to the dead Lord Pendragon slumped across the horse.

“Take the Lord back to his castle. They will know what to do with him.” The horse was not of the Lord’s but it seems to understand the request. It rode off towards the castle.

It was then Lancelot felt Arondight in the scabbard vibrating. He drew it and out saw the blade was turning to fierce red and humming a low tone. It was unseen before by him. He turned around with the sword leveled out but saw no foes to fight with. He placed back Arondight and rode to Camelot.

“I got to find the druid.”

It was the same thought on the mind of Vivianne.  She was in the chamber studying the ancient scrolls on the dark spells. It was not her area of concern but Nimue who was assigned it had not to master control over it. It was Morgause's expertise but with her banishment, the other ladies have been coping with the tasks.

Vivianne recalled her last encounter with Morgause at the lakeside. She was lucky to have mastered the spell that dispels the other. It was not entirely dispelled for when she returned to the lake, she had to get Vivian to get the aid of the elves. The elves have given her the needed potions to eject the last remaining dark influence in her. There was no time to wait for Vivianne was back at the studies on the dark arts. She heard the calling from the other chamber.

“Excalibur…” Vivianne rushed over to see the sword was in midair and humming a low tone. She was then accompanied by the other ladies.

“The sword is called upon.”

It also alerted Morgause who was then in the Roman Bath House at Lancaster. The Roman Bath House held a huge pool of water heated by the slow wood fire beneath the pool and the water was scented with the flowers and herbs of the continent. 

“Excalibur!” Morgause rose from the water to mid-air while the water droplets dripped back to the pool.

“The druid had done it. He will present the King.” Morgause waved her hands and the gown hung at the side flew towards her. It slipped onto her from the neck down.

“Are you leaving so soon?” It was the voice of the mostly silent Morgan Le Fay. The silent one was still in the water with only head seen.

“You should remain silent, Sister. Of late you have spoken far too many words.” Morgause glared at her sister.

“My concern is your pre-occupation with the sword. Or was it Merlin? Perhaps Arthur?” Morgan slipped into the water.

“I must see this.” Morgause took the steps in her walk-in mid-air towards the water culvert. Her physical form then reverts to the formless spirit and flowed with the water to the drains and into the river and from there to the sea and then towards the North.


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