Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Clarice, I love to take a bite off you

Hannibal Lecter and Clarice Starling are borrowed characters of Thomas Harris. I merely used them here as the main ingredients for the new recipe. The new dish is called Jesuit Resurrected.

Its not SX-18 for sex, but for mature readers.... anyone past 70, please remove your dentures; you might cracked the dentures on the munch here. And no white wine, it spoil the taste.

I sat there with the lamp shade at the far corner lending its light to the whole library. I held the glass of red wine in my right hand, while my left tapped on the shoulder of my high back arm chair. I was looking at the burnt crisp wood in the fireplace; long extinguish an hour ago. With that gone, the library had become more colder by the minute but I am well insulated in my tailored made suit of the finest cloth that money can buy. Its one thing to die without knowing and to die with your favourite suit on. I heard the steps approaching me from the unlocked door to the library; soft steps in a rubber soled trainers, the usual preference of one who needed to escape fast up committing the act.

I reached over for the bottle and poured myself a refill, and then placed it back on the side table. The person who was in had reached the back of my seat.

"Please do start the fire. Its getting cold." I spoke to the new arrival.

She stepped forth past me towards the fireplace. She leaned over and stoked the ambers before placing in the new log of woods. She then straighten up and smooth her hands on her business suit. Nice outfit; branded three piece complete with the vest in a dark blue shade with the cuts that brought out her figure. Her hands reached up to her hairdo and brushed them back.

"Clarice, its past your bedtime, and I would be honest. Its a concern to me that you are too involved in this serial murder case." I leaned to the side to retrieve the extra glass I had reserved for her. I poured her a full length before offering it to her. She declined my offer while reaching for the mineral bottle on her jacket pocket.

"Surely at 3am in the morning, it would be past your working hours." I still held out the glass to her but she ignored it and took to the seat tangent to mine. It was her favorite when we sit here to looked at the fire doing their nightly dance on the logs.

"I am on the case full time until the killer is caught. Not then, before I am to take a drink." Clarice explained. She leaned forward to reached for her service gun at her rear. She pull out the gun with the holster to placed it on her side. She was one very careful officer of the enforcement; true to her work and careful with her possession.

"I missed you truly." I spoke out in soft tone and hoping it would draw out the feminine traits from her. I saw no expression from her and decided that the red wine would be solace for then. She looked over at me when my eyes were focused on the rim of the glass so that it would not hide her view from me.

"Lecter," She called me by my family name. When she does, it meant she was not pleased with me. "You never missed me. I am your pawn or Queen in your chess moves."

I lowered my glass on her statement. It seems that the years have not mellowed her trust in me. I was her game as she was my prey, but that was i the past. We had gone past that to learned to live together, albeit we do have sex like others do, but we dine together when time permits. I set the table and roast the meat, while she would pop in by the door while removing her enforcement shell to seat herself there. Funny, how a vegetarian could enjoyed a dinner with a cadaver of meat, but we had our common deserts to share. She would tell me her work while I would lament on her late hours. Soon we would sit here, and while she ponders on her reports, I studied her responses. Its when she was asleep, I would placed the hints onto her notes; un rappel affectueux de mes soins pour elle ( a loving reminder of my care for her. ). By dawn on the breakfast table would be her reply with the simple peck on my cheeks.

"Clarice, you are too immersed. For that, I have to forego my casual involvement." I saw her tense up while her right hand slipped to her gun on the seat. "I have taken the liberty of moving myself to the role of the knight. Your white knight."

"I invited the black knight over." I spoke out to her. She glared at me; I loved those eyes, so bright and deep that it showed her true passion for me, but we are too much lovers of the game than to be participants. I flicked on the extended switch next to my seat to reveal the silent guest. He was binded like a young calf to the kitchen chair at the corner. His body unclothed yet his mouth was sealed with the thick tape, while there was a stains of blood on his chin. I had a fire blanket over his lower torso so that he would not too lewd to be seen by her. I find rather handy to have those two items at home. So were the barbed wires, great restraint tool and even crowned him with that. He did named himself the Jesuit Killer with his enactments of the victims scribbled in verses on their torso after he had done with their lives.

"Your Jesuit killer had been kind to accept my invitation. We had our discussion, a simple dinner and then evening drink. He had then obliged me with his confession, and thus my contention to had him restraint as he requested." I raised my glass to the man who was then to be involved in our private tete-a-tete.

Clarice jumped out of her seat and looked at the man, then back to me. She wanted to expressed her view onto me but I interjected in.

"He did not raised much of an objection." I smiled. "He couldn't when after his confession, I had him served his tongue. Its was how we named it as self confession."

Clarice approached the man who was looking for the mercy in his captors. She pulled up the fire blanket and cringe away her looks.

"Oh, he was not repenting his ways, so I had to indulge him to the pain of Hellfire. He was crisp when we touched on the final victim." I smiled on my vile thoughts of what I had seen in some shows nowadays. "I believed the youths like to termed it as a blow job."

Clarice glared to me. I do not think, she had taken too well to my sexual terms.

"I much prefer fellatio as in the more appropriate term, but it was the call of the moment then." I motioned to her back to his lower torso. "If it was that, he would had been missing more than his tongue. Over charred for my taste buds."

Clarice walked back to her seat and picked up the gun left there. She pointed the gun at the binded man. She was to shoot when I intervened.

"I knew I was wrong to subject him to the confession, but must we add more blood to the carpet here." I looked at my investment which would never be recovered. With that Clarice moved her gun point to me, but she hesitated to shoot. If she wanted to, it would had been over ten years ago. I stood up and walked to the wounded self confessed killer.

"Jesuit, you claimed to had cleansed in his name, but your foul deeds are not noted by him, but by us; the minions of the devil. I am the devil incarnate and she," I motioned to Clarice. " The beast resides in her. With that I give you the choice."

"Merciful death by me, the devil, or suffered for death to come while in imprisoned with the beasts minions." I gave the killer my persona of the caring doctor expression to him. "The choice is yours."

I read his expression and looked back to Clarice. She saw my expression and turned to picked up the earlier glass of wine. She took it all down, with a trickle flowing down her chin to her neck.
Sexy, it. Then she walked away. She left the library while I looked back to the killer. He looked so pathetic binded there. I did offered him a chance to redeemed his ways, but he was adamant that he was the messenger. I was being fair to him; a copy cat must be offered a chance to see that copying another was a bad move. He did on mine after the third victim, and then continued on for four more. I disliked those who ventured on my path and then overtake me.

I removed his crown of wires and twisted his neck hard so that the vertebrate cracked. My next step was to dragged him to the basement where my 'dismemberment room' was located. I have to assured you that the prime cut in the humans are its ribs and lung, plus some soft tendons. I was particular at that age for the molars are incapable of mincing tougher meat. I ignored the liver and kidneys for they are already chemically laced with drugs. The small kiln I had built served well as the incinerator. It does warmed the house with its steam pipes.

I heard the front door closed. She would be on her way to continue with her works to pursue the killer. A lady's work would never be completed in one lifetime.


Tawa Incident 1.14


"I hope you like our coffee." I am with Heidi in the safe house for people like me. She had seated me in the kitchen and then walked over to the stove to boiled water. When she retrieved the kettle, I could sworn I was into any costume acts if she just said "aye'.

But she she would need to change into something comfortable. She did and came out out looking like a Prada model for their sports attire. Its a maroon outfit with matching trainers and sporting a visor to cover her eyes. She also has a water tumbler on her waist belt.

"Vienna coffee good?" The coffee comes with a popular traditional cream-based coffee beverage; two shots of strong black espresso in a standard sized coffee cup and infusing the coffee with whipped cream until the cup is full. Then the cream is twirled and optionally topped off with chocolate sprinklings. The coffee is drunk through the creamy top.

"Ja" If there is a mirror, I would see myself reflected with a creamy white upper lips. But Heidi took care of it, she licked it off me.

"We could do it again. I could place my plunger into the coffee and we could start again." I smiled at Heidi with my suggestion.

"Don't play it, Jon." She leaned back and held me at arm's length. "I am Cobra and you are UNCLE; we don't pleasure each other. We are professional; working against time and we got to find out where Huge Draken going to do his sunspots."

I looked at her sitting there with her visors perched on her nose. I never done one with that method, but there always be a first time. I can feel my arteries bursting and she was smiling.

"Do you know what we have use our budget on this year? This one is a x-ray visor. I could see through your clothes. Nice nipples and nicer ....weiner. But work first."

I am getting a pair of those visors.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Werewolves 2

'Before we begin, I must warn you... nothing here is vegetarian' Hannibal 2013
SX-18 and bloody...... so read at your own ....private

If there was a word to describe me, it was madness. I am a simple person, lived with an aging mother and have stray cats for pet, without a love for over ten years, humped without knowing why I even bend my back but I did, and then I was mad to pursue a career in journalism. I am one of the pathetic souls in the this world of investigative nature without the badge to protect me. If I die on the job, I get a mention in the obituary for free with an ex-gratis package for my cats. Or more, a round of drinks from my editor for having not bothered him with more weird tales of mine.

Well, he would not missed this one.

I had her followed for days, armed with my long range lens, I had taken images of this elusive lady who by day was the housewife of a banker and by night, going batty with her wings. Her husband was no better, most nights he was missing too.

Weird? The question should be mooted to me was how I came to know this.

It helped when you are the member of the pack. We, the Lycan tend to be close knitted, what more we only meet once a full moon. I was the member of the Tiberius Clan, of late we lost two members to this lady and her husband who had them removed with extreme actions. From the pack, I was give the solitary assignment. I was the one to do the reversed deed.

Marla Dietrich, you would be one dead bitch soon. So would your husband Alex.

It was evening, I walked up to the doorstep and rang the bell. I knew she was in as her car was in the porch. There was no answer. I rang again. On my third attempt, she opened it. The loud music was blaring from the inside.

"Carla, please come in. I did not hear the bell earlier." It was my hostess, the bitch I was to kill tonight. I handed her the vintage wine I had brought.

"I got it from a friend, who got it from a friend." We laughed while she took the bottle. She was dressed to kill; strapless red silky gown with the short hem line that cling to her body like web. She leaned over and kissed me on the lips; leaving her cherry red marks there with my hazel read shades. She pulled me in to see the guests. When I was walking in, I removed my fur sabine coat to reveal my own killer dress of dark leather single corset piece with matching tight shorts and garters holding up the long netting over my legs. The guests all placed a pause on their movements when I flowed past them, while pleasantries were exchanged.

"Darling Carla, you are a killer in that." Marla cooed to my ears as she handed to me my cocktail. "I like the way the corset bunched up your chest."

"Its what beneath that would intrigue you more." With that invitation, Marla laid a peck on my upper bosom, drawing a red shade of 'o' on the flesh. She had been hitting hard on me since we met two weeks back in the club downtown. I had declined her invitations thrice since then, citing other 'bloody commitments'. She was amused and pressed me on to come over to her place. That night I took on her offer; a tempting one with a lasting effect.

"Where' Alex?" I moved the subject before we get too involved. Marla looked to me and smiled.

"He's around. I hardly noticed him during such parties. Them harpies," Marla terms for her leeches friends; she said so herself that they come invited or non, regardless. "They come for a stake on anything at my party. More so by him. We are so...."

"Liberal. Ain't we all?" I added to her statement. She then led me to meet some of her new guests; two couples who had just moved into our neighborhood. I can't recalled their names, but they looked ravishing. Young married and so innocent to the new world. I must had been appealing as one of them was onto me, much to the agitation of Marla.

"Yes, Jessie. I am a journalist, mostly part-time now. I used to covered conflict news but of late, I was into the society pages." Jessie was a blonde; below six feet and shaped like a time bottle filled with silicone gels. How did I know? Silicone gels hardens under my touch.

"I saw your coat. Can I feel the fur please?" Jessie was impressive with her overtures, as her light fingers ran up my left wrist towards my elbow. I let her lead the way to the coat closet where Marla had surprisingly hung it there. The coat closet was built like a rom with the racks on both sides but with enough room for two to stand in. I turned on the dim light and found my coat at the rear end of the rod. I walked in to get it and then was when Jessie had stepped in closing the closet door. I turned my back to see her reaching for the zip on her green satin mini dress. The dress had to be peeled off her body which I assisted in slow caress of the flesh.

I had to try on the coat on my body." Jessie took the fur coat from me to put it on. She looked to the mirror on the door and posed herself with it. "Do you think I looked sexy in it?"

I was standing behind her, and had reached my hands to the back of her neck. I parted her shoulder length hair and nibbled there. She leaned back while her expression reveal her delight on being nibbled. The coat fell opened to reveal her frontal nude body with her lower limbs spreading out. I snaked my hand down to her navel and then probed her ever slightly on the slit opening. She moaned on my touch while he hands reached to the rear to pressed me to her. I administered my touches on her ever deeper with varied moves, causing her to shuddered in pleasure. Her body slumped back against me on her release and then she turned over to looked at me. Without words, she lowered herself down to her knees and unzipped my shorts. She pulled them off down the thighs towards the flooring while her tongue lashed out at me. I reached down with my right hand to part myself for her, letting her probed in deep into me. She did the moves on me while I moved my hands upwards to cup my own bosom. I was taken aback by her probing and had to used my hands to hold her head. My fingers dug into her blonde hair and ruffled them like I did with my cats. On my final release, I clasped her tight towards me. It was so tight that she would never need to wake up again.

I lowered her down to the flooring and covered her with the fur coat. Anyone coming in would had assumed she was asleep here. After I had dressed up, I hung Jessie' dress before stepping out of the closet room. The lights in the room seemed to had darkened but with my enhanced vision, I could see the effects it had on the guests. I spied Jessie' counterpart was well immersed with the other couple in twisted limbs, but my focus was on Marla. I caught her scent on the stairs to the upper level. I took my careful steps to mount the stairs and then focused on the four doors upstairs. I stopped at each one and laid my senses to work. I caught her at the third door and to my surprise, it also included Alex. It was time for me to do my task.

I turned the knob and slowly opened the door.

Inside the room, it was lighted by the single bed side lamp which bathe out the yellow light. There was Alex, Marla and one other guy I had not met. They were all naked and was in an erotic coupling sessions. Alex had evolved into his alter ego, the werewolf form while he was hammering the other man in the doggy position from the side of the bed. His wife, Marla was sprawled on the bed with her legs spread to the man being hammered by her lover, Alex. The unique part of the man was that he was also a werewolf; a young one as his furs were still trimmed and sparse in growth. They had not noticed me yet.

I did not need to be noticed. I would be soon.

I pulled at my corset, with my evolving form, it came off with a rip. My shorts soon followed as I stepped out of the torn stockings. I approached the male werewolf who was obviously close to his release, and pulled him off the young one. I leaned down and took him into my muzzle, extended with my new form. It was a relief as I took it down his extended anatomy to the edge of my throat. I felt the gush of his release as I suckled on it like the teats on my love. Alex had then grabbed my long extended ears with his claws bruising my flesh there. The pain and pleasure were distracting yet it explode in me the feeling of my lust. I reached up to his hind and pulled him towards me, burying the length further in. He exploded more of his own into me, as I swallowed on without hesitation. He was still hard in me, when I bared my fangs. I clamped down hard on him and took the bite off him while my claws on my fingers stabbed him hard into the soft flesh of his waist. The extended claws tore into his kidneys and ruptured the innards. He would not be heard as this room was sound proofed by the couple for their howling performances.

Alex pushed me as he retreated to the other side of the room, with his hands holding onto his near severed phallus with his waistline bleeding profusely. I took no chance and leapt onto the bed to seek the lady, but she had jumped out in time. The young werewolf was lost to the situation saw my claws at his throat.

"Stand guard at the door, young one. You would be spared." The young werewolf had done as I told him. I looked to Marla who had evolved in her moment of lust into the vampire she was, and was beside her lover.

"Both of you are condemned by the Council for terminating members of the Clan." I declared to the two lovers; sanctioned by the Council of Interfaith, they had been allowed to cohabit in peace regardless of their form. It was the peace effort by the Council to reconcile the differences between the Lycan and the blood suckers. It was a good move to quell the war, but this couple had become rogue by the Council decision. They had resorted to killing their own kind. An act of treason denounced by the Council. A charge that only death would be the punishment.

"Carla, or whatever your name was. We are innocent." Marla spoke up. "Alex was told by the Tribe Council to removed the two members. He was acting on order."

"The name is Morales. Whose orders was it?" The female werewolf asked.

"The ....Ancient...One." Alex spoke out weakly. "He told to ....kill them."

Morales the female werewolf stepped up towards the dying werewolf.

"You were a fool." Morales told him. "But I am also under orders. The orders of the higher Council; the Council of Interfaith."

"I ....forgive you." Alex whispered out. With that Morales buried her claws into his eyes and burst his brain cells. She then looked at Marla who was stunned by the act. She knew that if she run, she would be hunted. She closed her eyes and await her fate. It was then the young wolf came to her aid.

"Senior One, release the vampire. She was not given the order." The young one spoke up. "I am of the new breed, and we do not condone unnecessary killings."

Morales looked to him. He was right; he was the new breed, the mixed of the Lycan and Vampires. She then looked to Marla.

"You are given a reprieved for now. If the Council wills it, I would be back." With that Morales walked to the window. She opened it and jumped out. She had done her role as the Redeemer. Now was the time for her to go home.

Marla watched the werewolf leave her room, before she stood up. She looked to the dead lover of hers. She felt the hands that held from the rear. She leaned back and smiled, revealing her fangs. Her master would be proud that she had done her task. The werewolves would soon be split with their infighting. Soon her kind would be supreme again. These hybrids would be their slaves or warriors to fight the werewolves once again; born with the qualities of both breeds.

"Yes, Robin. You would be mine, all mine."


Oz; remake of the tale 1.18

18. Surprises comes in early.

"We split the land into four parcels to control it. This land before under the King was fine on the surface, but beneath it, it was all chaos. There were all fighting; the Munchkins, the Nomes, the Winkies, the Winged Monkeys. You seen the ants and ant eater, and so were the Kalidah. Now they were going to fight among themselves as they do that all the time before. My sister control them, and let them do her fighting." Glinda did not paused in her words but now she sighed.

"Dorothy, you made chaos the norm again." Glinda looked at me. "Didn't you see the Wizard?"

"I did. The Wizard told us to get her killed or he won't help." I explained myself. "Why didn't you ever asked the Wizard to kill her? Isn't that abnormal for you?"

I shook my head. I was made a fool. I took out my old boots and put them on and also my old suit. I am now going to war.

"Hurry, Dorothy. The Wizard knows you killed my sister and now he is rejoicing. He is also leaving the city soon. Catch hold of him before he gets away with it."

We rushed back; all of us for the Emerald City but we stopped at the frontier. Its Private Omby Amry, and this time he has an army with him. All dressed in the uniforms and carrying pikes, they numbered about a hundred units.

"Dorothy Gale, by the orders given to me by the Wizard; you are hereby barred from coming back to Emerald City." Private Omby threatens me. "I shall not hesitate to fight you and your companions."

"Private Omby, you been deceived by the Wizard. He is the bad one here." I pleaded with him.

"Rubbish! The Wizard is the wise one and you ....are just a girl. Now be off or I shall have you removed." Private Omby laid his pike towards me.

"Sorry, Private Omby. You are a good soldier but you are fighting on the wrong side." I grabbed the remaining buttons and placed them in my hand. Omby saw my buttons and he recalled the last incident.

"Dorothy, wait. What if you are wrong? If you killed us and the Wizard, then there may be chaos." Private Omby appealed to me. "Or what if I am wrong? You still killed us and the Wizard. Then there may be...order."

"All I am saying, Dorothy; is let us work out a reconciliation." Private Omby paused in his words. "You and me, we go and see the Wizard. We listen to his part and then decide."

Both of us agreed. We marched to Emerald City with the army. Both Omby and myself went to looked for the Wizard leaving the rest in the yard. We did find any servants as the tower was all quiet and deserted. But we found the Wizard in his chamber. He was sitting in a wick basket and trying to figure out the controls on the console at the side.

"Oh my! Why can't they just made it easier to read and use?" The Wizard saw us and climbed out of the wick basket to hide but he tripped on the floor. Private Omby assisted him up and the Wizard was all shivering.

"I can't be here. She would come. I would be banished or worse made her servant." The Wizard kept on muttering. I grabbed hold of the Wizard and try to console him but he is still muttering. I slapped him hard and knocked the hat off. It also knocked off his mask on the face.

Its Uncle Henry.

"My mask?" Uncle Henry crawled to his knees and tried to find the mask. Then he stopped and looked at me. "Dorothy, I am sorry."

I pulled my uncle up, and placed him on the bed. He told me that he was the Wizard. He was brought here in the similar storm, and he was rescued by the King then. The King offered him refuge there and told him of his war with the four witches. The witches were his daughters, and they are rebelling at him. He was losing the war and asked Uncle Henry to help him. He was to stay here as the King while he returned back to Uncle Henry' dimension. He would appear as Uncle Henry there, while the real Uncle Henry remained here. When the King left, Uncle Henry took out the role as the Wizard. He used his role to made the city safe from the Witches. There was a pledge that they would not harm the city as he told them that he holds the King hostage. They could not come into the city as their powers are useless here.

Recently, his ruse was discovered by the Witch of the East. She threaten to tell the rest if he did not cooperate with her. She wants to defeat the other sisters, but the arrival of Dorothy put a permanent stop to her plans.

"Dorothy, your arrival was planned. One of the other Witches planned your visit here but I did not know who. I suspected it was the Witch of the West and asked you to killed her. I was upset then, but then I realized that I was magically influenced by another Witch. The same witch who placed the Winkies here.; they are to watch my movements and never allowed any visitors."

"Who influenced you?"

"It was Glinda. She is an evil Witch. She appeared as good but she is evil. I only knew recently. I have a friend who helped me a lot. You met him. He is a cat; a glass one. Cocky but nice natured. The cat named is Looking Glass or LG for short. LG spied for me, and gather all the evidence. I was misplaced and when I knew, I sent the cat to stopped you. He came back and told me you killed the Witch."

"The cat to stop me? No, the cat took us to her lair. Maybe your cat gone rogue." I told Uncle Henry.

"No, that was not my cat. That was Glinda' creation. She created a double of my cat, and led you to complete the task." Uncle Henry called for the cat. He appeared from the behind the drapes.

"Oh, hello Dorothy." The cat walked in and stretched his back on the rug. "Wizard, please don't wake me before supper time. Its bad for my digestion."

That's our cat.

"Salt my fish; who is that guy?" The cat snarled at Private Omby. "He is not Omby. He smell of tuna with mackerel most times. Omby loves fish. This one smells of beef."

Private Omby smiled and reached for the pistol in his belt. I reacted in the only manner I know; I shouted a warning which turned out to be a vocal sonic boom. He was flung across the chamber and hit the wall. That was when Droid burst in.

"Dorothy, those soldiers are bad ones. We just took them down with the help of the real Private Omby. The one...." Droid saw the dead double on the floor. "How did you know?"

"It a long story." I replied.

"That's not the reason I came here. We are going to be invaded. There is an army coming here. Private Omby Army told us. Its been led by Glinda. She is an evil one."

I looked at Uncle Henry. He is still in shock.

Its up to me to fight the evil Witch.

"Can I help?" Its the Guardian of the Gate. He is still holding the green pad. "This is my city, and I am the Guardian of the Gate."

I nodded.


Monday, July 29, 2013

Oz; a remake of the tale 1.17

17. The Witch Lair

We came to the Witch' Castle, but its more like a large tree house. Its built into an old willow tree that grew up to over a thousand meters high. The willow leaves are hanging over the tree to shield it like a veil while its branches supports the Witch's lair. The tree canopy spread out over five hundred meters and the structure inside must had been about four hundreds in diameter. At the bottom of the tree trunk is the army barracks of the Winged Monkeys. They are ready for war with my group and also hornets. Their barracks were ringed by a moat which have no bridges to cross with. The Winged Monkeys did not need it, as they can just fly over.

"Colonel Dorothy, I have reinforced with Hornets with 16 squadron now. We are armed with extra Stingers." The general gave me his update. "We are proud to fight alongside the First Marines."

I looked back at my remaining companion, Scarecrow and smiled. If there was any First Marines, we are probably  the only ones standing. Then I saw the column of ants marching in led by an ant named Leader Enit.

"Leader Enit reporting. I am told you needed reinforcements by the cat and the Queen sent us. We are ten thousand strong and ready to do battle."

"Thank you, Leader Enit, First Marines." I shouted out proudly. "Let us laid siege to the Witch."

"Affirmative, Colonel." Leader Enit signaled the ants to bring forth the siege machines. Its a catapult fashioned on a set of wooden boxes with ropes. "I can assure you, Colonel. Our siege machines are a wonder here. We copied it from a manual dropped from the skies."

I can only nod.

The ants lined up their siege machines and let loose the volleys of stones. It may be small but its making damages on the Winged Monkeys barracks. Its also bringing down some Winged Monkeys caught in the range. The Hornets stayed out of range and only moved into attack any Winged Monkeys trying to sneak out. Its not easy to fight the Hornets which was faster and more agile in turns on the air.

Scarecrow came up with a novelty bomb. She asked me give her some buttons which we placed on the siege machines. It did more than open a new roof hole, but blew up surrounding structures. Soon the over hanging willow leaves caught fire and the tree started shaking.

"Who set fire to my leaf?" The Willow Tree came alive to roared its displeasure but the siege went on. The Willow Tree saw the fight and shook its branches.

"Get off me. Take your fight elsewhere." The Willow Tree shrieked out. "I am not having my braided long leave damaged by your fight."

It was then the Witch of the West flew out. She had with her on a magical chain was the cat and the droid. They were hanging in mid air held by her magical chain.

"Stop the bombing, or I would drop the two of them." The Witch screeched out loud. I told the ants to hold on their firing while we negotiate.

"Released them now, Witch." I shouted to her. She looked down to me and smiled.

"So the young girl with the red boots wants to command me. So be it." The Witch of the West released my companions but they were still high above. The cat landed on its feet and proclaimed; "that's one life short now."

Droid came down hard but Scarecrow drew a soft mattress from her bag for his landing. The droid landed with a soft thud on the ground.

"Thank the stars, you are alright." Scarecrow hugged her droid.

"Okay, Witch. Now the bets are off." I took out a button and hurled it at her on her saucer and cup. The button hit the saucer and blew her off the sky. The Witch did not crash down but landed with a umbrella opened above her head. On her landing, the Witch stood there and closed the umbrella.

"Dorothy Gale, you caused me a lot of issues. I would have you hung on this tree for all Munchkins to see." The Witch declared.

She called up a spell and hit it on Scarecrow, who had her hat burned off. Scarecrow retreated but the Witch keep on throwing flames at her.

"Burn Scarecrow!" The Witch shouted out.

"I think not." I jumped up and gave her a flying kick but she caught me in the mid air with her magic. Once she had grabbed my leg, she pulled my right boot off. I was surprised as despite all my attempts I could not do it.

"One boot off and another to come later." The Witch shouted out. I was furious and lunged at her. I pushed at her and she fell back into the moat. There the Witch screamed out in pain. I can see the water around her frothing and then bubbles appeared.

"Help me, Dorothy'" The Witch pleaded but I ignore her. I reached for my other boost and this time it came off. I threw it at the Witch.

"No, please help me........ I am dying." The Witch keep on screaming as she began to melt there in the moat. But no one helped her. Not even the Winged Monkeys.

Soon it was all over and we all stood there at the floating red boots floating on the moat.

The Winged Monkeys came up to me and apologize for attacking me. They did it on orders of the Witch. She controlled them with the Magic Cap she wore under her wig. But now with her dead and the Magic Cap gone, they are freed of her. They can return to their own homes.

Then the Winkies appeared on the horizon. They began chanting 'The Witch is dead'. They numbered about two hundred of them but they are dressed in five different shades. They are the green, yellow, red, blue and black shades. Five of the shades leader walked to the moat and looked down on at the moat. Then they walked towards me. 

"The Witch is dead. With that, we are freed of our mistress and our war can resumed again." All five looked at me. "You got a day for the reprieve."

They all left the place but I can see that there is hostility now. It was then I saw the other Witch appearing; the one from the North.

"Dorothy, I can see you done the unexpected. Who asked you to killed my sister? You were supposed to go home and not start a war here." Glinda confronted me.

"I don't understand. How can we start a war? I thought we just removed a dictator." I protested.

"No, she was the peacekeeper. She may be a dictator but she kept the peace." Glinda spoke out.

Sunday, July 28, 2013


Sit back....... Picture yourself on a hiking trail.

Its getting dark........ You left your torch at home.

You just saw Twilight ....what' the name of those who go leaping at each throat....oh, never mind.

And then you are lost in the woods............ Welcome to the new world of the T...... < low humming song >

I looked at the GPS indicator on the dashboard, and it showed nothing. No coordinates, juts ziltch symbols which made no meaning. Its not my first self drive experience but that unit was supposed to upgraded and then it was inoperable. I looked at the gas needle which was also similar to the GPS; it had gone bonkers. The whole vehicle had gone bonkers. I am stick on a late night in the middle of the woods courtesy of the GPS earlier telling me to take the numerous turns. I picked up my portable and that had the same reception. I tried the power windows and it won't work. Nothing worked then except my blood pressure which was on the high side. That was the medical reason I took the week off for the drive to ease the stress factor.

"Okay, it would be fine', I told myself then and reached for the torchlight I normally carried with me for such long drives. I'll be damned, it worked but the light was dim. Well, I was not complaining; a silver lining in the clouds was better than the heap of problems I was having then. I looked out of the front screen and saw the sun had set in the horizon leaving a trail of shadows on the trees. The woods ground was all foggy like with the creeping in misty like mist that was slowly enveloping the ground foliage. I would not had shudder on my shoulders if it was normal to see pinkish mist in the woods. I meant this was New England and not some woods in the far reaches of Siberia or Inner Mongolia where extensive records are made of the surroundings. But never had I seen pinkish mist in any of the travel journals on these woods. I knew Salem was in New England but that was just a myth. Darned! My mind working on that trip to Salem Witch Museum. I knew I should had skipped that tour, and concentrated on the drinks and food places.

Suddenly, my eyes almost popped out when I saw the figure approaching me in the front of the rented SUV. It was a lady dressed in red; loose frilly piece that reached halfway of her thighs and was barefooted. I would had scot off if the darned vehicle could worked but then again its not every evening, I get to meet the next version of Bo Derek. I meant I was passed the prime age when the belly was a scrub board and the vital signs were breathing fire in me then. She had long dark tresses of hair that was trailing behind her back and those eyes were alive; I meant she was an emerald green one.

I reached for the car windows control, but it won't work, so I had to manually opened the door. I stepped out and adjusted my droopy pants and heaved in a full breathe to hold the girth up the threshold to admirable level.

"Jimmy Harvey? I remember you. You were in my Junior High then." I blew out all I had in my lungs. I'll be darned, it was Lucy Wells; the girl who stayed next to me in Aspen Hill and sat by me in class. I have not seen her for over twenty or was it more but who's counting. She moved out of Aspen when I went off to College and we never corresponded. Not that we fought or disliked each other, it was just that I was too drunk on weekends to asked the girls what their names were.

"I have not seen you for years." Lucy commented back. "You looked so ....grown up."

We laughed while I blushed like a freckled teen then. I commented that she had grown up too. I wished she had taken it literally and not otherwise.

"I saw your car, and I thought I would help." Lucy told me. "These woods are very eerie at night. Listen, I got a hunting lodge up ahead. You could stay there."

"Who was I to refused the lady. I told her that I would need to grab my stuffs and be with her. I was in a jiffy following her lugging the camper and sleeping bag. The hunting lodge was just over the rise and it was what you would had expected of a solitary hunting lodge; single chimney and wooden stocks for the wall, with a creaky front porch and a rickety rocking chair. I could not the see the usual labrador but there were three dark felines there. I was not against cats, but I hated it when they rubbed their body against your legs or purred when you hold them. Lucy admitted me into her lodge and said she was there with her aunt; who was sleeping in the adjacent bedroom.

"She is not feeling well." Lucy whispered to me. "We have to be quiet. Don't want to wake the dead." With she giggled and pulled to sit by the kitchen table. There were three chairs there and besides that there were nothing to be considered as a seating furniture in the hall. There were the three cupboards filled with cutlery and some canned food. Probably cat food I guessed. Then I saw the clothes line over the washing area; three half cup bras and some frilly strings that was probably G-minor to me. She saw me looking and blushed.

"We did not do the laundries until this afternoon." She told me while leaning over the table. I was sure it wasn't the table that wobbled but my seat. I looked down and noticed one of the legs was shorter.

"You hungry?" Lucy asked me, and I gladly nodded. I was and more to that, I preferred she was not leaning over so far out. She got up and walked to the cupboards. They were probably build to avoid the raccoon, but from my vantage view, it was more than a view.

"Could you helped me?" She must had cooed in her vocals, because I was next to her in a rush. She moved for me to reached into the cupboard. I looked at the labels on the cans. It had expired but I was too miffed to say anything bad. I offered to opened the cans with the opener, but she held out the hunting blade. That thing was quite intimidating in her hands leveled at my belly.

"We don't have one. But Aunt Betsy used this." She demonstrated to me, with a hard thrust into the top of the can and then a twist to pry the lid open. I smiled at her skill and offered to help. She told me to sit back and enjoyed the show.

"Cooking is a woman's chore." She did a twirl on her toes and devil be darned, I needed that seat then. She bended over the sink to start the small genset that would stroke the water levels up from the nearby well. I was sure my heart popped out then or was it my pants tented up. Either one, I lend my focus onto other things lest I do something stupid. While she was cooking, I saw the pile of books. Old volumes with the velvet like covers in the chest by the bedroom door. I walked over to check the titles and picked up one. It said nothing I could read, as it was all either cartographic or ancient druid symbols. 

"Lucy, are these yours?" I turned to asked her. It was then the bedroom door opened and the sight that behold by my eyes was more than frightening. It could had been the aunt but she was naked and more to that, she was beautiful. She stepped out and scratched at her left under arm. I stepped back and looked away.

"Oh, hello Aunt Betsy. I was just preparing supper. We have a main course today." Lucy was looking at me, and did she looked lewd then; slitted emerald eyes and long fangs appearing over her lips, with the fingernails to rivaled that of Freddie. Aunt Betsy looked at me and then snarled with her mouth opened to showed me her latest dentures implants. She would had done better if she had done the double implants too on her boobs; they looked one size too small on the left.

I stepped back and held out my hands to stopped them from rushing at me.

"Girls, please don't rush things. We only just met." I waved my right hand at Lucy. "Long time no see, huh?"

Lucy by then had ignored the baked beans and was parading over as she reached for the shoulder straps of her dress. She dropped it off the arms and stood there with her glorious body gleaming at me.

"We are succubus and we desire you now. Escape is futile as no man have ever resisted us." Aunt Betsy whispered out as she tweaked at her left breast to worked out the silicone to enlarge the size. I stepped further back and then had my back to the wall. I held out my hand to them again.

"Look, ladies. I am sure you wanted me to partake on equal terms." I reached for my shirt buttons and slowly removed them. I seen enough pole dancers acts to know how to be seductive. I pulled the shirt hem off and reached for the front of my pants. With the girth that wide, it does not take gravity to dropped the seams off the shape. I stepped out of it and held my hands over my private parts. Lucy was stepping forth but I modestly told her.

"Would you please restraint yourself. And stopped being slobbering bitch." I took up my hands to the back of my neck. "Even Supes got to removed his costume for Lois."

I pulled the back of scalp with the ugly haircut piece off my real double horned face, and then shed the tight suit off my red body frame as my tail uncurled itself by my waist to stand out at the rear. The difficult part was to removed the suit at the knees. I leaned over on the wall, and told the ladies to please pull the rest off. I tell you for a devil like me, the sight of two ladies bending over each of my legs to pull at the tight suit was a marvelous sight. Then they stood before me and watched my tail stroked the wall.

"Who would it be on the front and who's at the rear? Both ends works well." I just loved succubus. They are better than the Harpies who screamed too loud or the Siren who wailed on every rush. God, thank you for making me the selected one.




Saturday, July 27, 2013

Holmes never guessed this

"Elementary, my dear Watson. I believe I had been betrayed by someone close." It wa Holmes who made the remarkable assumption while sitting on the armchair and holding his unlit pipe. I pulled the rug off my lap and looked at him. We had been without a case for weeks and the idling time was nibbling into the poor man's mind.

"Betrayed? By whom, Holmes?" I look bewildered. And then agitated as the man took up his pipe and lit it.

"Martha is a spy for the others." The man muttered out to me. "She was always the first to admit the guests. She served them tea while we speak. She could be overhearing us now." Holmes spoke up before taking his second puff of the pipe. "It had to be her."

"Her? Preposterous, Holmes. Martha had been a good hostess to us and above all a darned good housekeeper." I protested loudly. "How on earth could you judge her in that manner?"

"Emotions, my dear Watson. It may be your downfall. I said her but we shall get the evidence soon. " Holmes smiled at me. "While she watches us, we would keep watch on her."

"Holmes, I believed you need your medication. Your hallucinations are unbecoming of you." I do admit that cocaine work wonders on the patient. For Holmes, it was an initial journey of simulation, but with my assistance, he had been overly reliant for it. It sharpen his reflexes but shadowed the truth about me. You could placed it as treachery served on the prick.

Its elementary, Holmes. Betrayal is best not known by the victim. I am your nemesis half brother, Moriarty was my birth father's name. I took on Watson after my mother. We were named James and John by our father.

Tawa Incident 1.13


"Herr Blake, welcome to Vienna." I looked at my right to find a man dressed in animal tanned skin holding a gun at me. "We would like you to come with us."

I looked at the man and he was the passenger with the gondola rider at the rear. To my left was a similar team of duo assassins.

"Pardon me, chaps. I paid for this gondola and its booked for the day." I stepped on the hidden pedal and my gondola went wheelie on the canals of Venice. It powered by a 200hp engine and with some slight modifications; its spot wings on the side for an elevated ride. I left my "enemies of the world" behind me with splashes of canal water.

"Dummkopf!" My assassins also hit their own pedals and followed suit. Trust Z to sent the technician to the same Technical school as the enemies. No wonder most of the car design all looked about the same. But they must attended all the same extra classes; they got machine guns loaded on their gondola figure head. Those rotary machine guns can fired some mean deadly rounds.

I saw the turn on the right and took it with the machine guns removing some mortars off the side of the building. At that turn, I saw the overhead bridge ( normally you ducked on crossing underneath it, but I am doing a wheelie). So I had to improvised. I jammed my foot down and throttle the engine with a damning push. Once the water waves raised up the nose, I pressed the external booster which propels me over the bridge instead. The mixture of hydrogen and nitrogen gave me double my speed and made me fly with small wings.

I landed on a barge carrying some mattresses and bounced off that to land on the canal again. I turned back to see my pursuer who had one of them crashing into the bridge. That was a good move and I am scot free.

Or I thought I was when the shots came from the right side of me. It was a dual assassin on a speed bike, with the pillion firing his machine gun.

"Darned it!" I gunned the gondola which was now running low on fuel on the water evading the shots. Then I remember a trick I once did with a paddle. I raised up mine and swing it wide towards the bike. That scared him off as he crashed into some sidewalk cafe.

That taken care of; I am sailing down the canal with the current.

"Hold it right there. This is the Austria Internal Security." I looked up and see the Federal Gendarmerie in her uniform standing at the quay waving at me. I pulled over and allowed the officer to board my gondola.

"I am Officer Heidi Goldhead; Cobra Division." I am looking at a lady in the Gendarmerie attire with blonde hair tied in a bun style. She looked nice in the knee high boots and carries a Glock. The EKO Cobra is Austria foremost counter terrorism special operations tactical unit.

"Are you Mr.Jon Blake?" I nodded and replied.

"Blake, Jonathan Blake, but you can called me Tawa 2012." I gave her my best smile.

Its was then the shots came towards us by the same biker team. Their shots took on some results; they blew away her cap and hairpins. Her hair loosed without the pin billowed in the wind, but her draw on the Glock was almost magical. She had it out of the holster and fired off three shots in succession. One blew up the bike fuel tank, the second the pillion rider's machine gun and the last, the ignition key for the spare bike on the rider's left wrist.

"As I was saying, I am to take you into custody for your safety. Hugo Draken knows you are coming to town. He has dispatched the BAAL on you. They are like the Hounds of Hell; relentless." She shot off another shot at the Nile Crocodile which must had swam up the wrong river.

"Unauthorized entry permit." She smiled at me while blowing away the cordite smoke from her barrel.

 "It could be a spy for BAAL so I shot it." She smiled at me and place her Glock back in the holster. "Do you like Vienna Sausage? They don't taste like weiner, you know."

 She read my file.


Friday, July 26, 2013

Menage a trois or trois trop gĂȘnant

Act 1 Play 12 Scene 4

The door to the bedroom apartment opened for the lady to walk in. She dressed in a silky chinese dress with the hem way above her knees, that the garter belts could be seen. Her leg encased in the tight netting ended at the three inch dark blue stilleto. Her hair was cut short at the ears like the 60's bob style but the body of the lady was in her prime, with the boobs peaking its pronounced shape like twin peaks, down to the flat navel, and rounded rear that even a bull may snort more than frustration. Then came in her date of the evening; the bespectacled man in the tweeds and long socks with the buckle shoes.

"Come in, darling." She cooeed to the man who was in had peak the half century marker but tried to imitate the image of a young prime adonis without a lot of factors along with it. The semi bald man slipped in and closed the door with his right leg; a back kick that even the football fans would have said 'Ole!'.

The lady strolled to the nearby king sized bed and then sat on it. She looked at the man with her dark eye lashes blinking while her left index finger toyed at her lips. The man stepped over to her. He stood there with his legs wide apart while his right index finger was rubbing his inner thigh.

"Let me take care of that for you." Camilia grabbed his waist belt and pulled at it. It snapped off and dropped the pants to his feet. "Oh, I think someone needed some loving tonight."

"Cut!" The Director shouted out. That man was a young guy with the blonde hair in his thirties dressed casually in a Bermuda pants and round neck shirt with the wordings; suck me. He stood up from his seat and asked the man in the tweeds.

"Jamie, must you rubbed there? Could you let her do it later?" The Director asked. Before the man could reply, the lady in the blue dress voiced out.

"Jamie, did you get your herpes shot done?" Lady Camilia ( her real name was Dione but she felt Camilia added in more lust to her name. ) was concerned on her hygience on the set. "I ain't blowing no jock if he had no herpes shot."

"John," That's the Director name when offset. "Its the clothes. I think its not being washed since out last shoot."

"Jamie, I don't give a fuck on the clothes. They are temporary props. You are supposed out of it in five seconds." John the Director replied. "We ain't filming you as the One Ranger galloping across Nevada for days. Its a fucking shoot for fuck sake."

Then came the Prop person; Daisy was her name, dressed like Alice in Wonderland. Well, she was to be given this job during her summer break from college. She went rushing into the set and offered the disinfectant spray.

"It worked on my boyfriend." Daisy smiled at Jamie; she seen his flicks. He was awesome. Those were the scenes of his  movies then from the 80's. It was her father's stash she re-discovered. She leaned over to offer to spray Jamie's pants. Two things happened then; her short hem on the dress raised up more erections that Camilia, and Jamie had a resurrection on his ego.

"Okay, back to the action." John shouted. He then looked at Jamie. "You ready there?"

Jamie nodded while watching the departing Daisy. Darned! She had more than a peak to peek over. The filming rolled on.

Camilia stood up and pulled at the chinese dress opened; they had swapped the buttons for velcro tapes. She let the dress slipped off her shoulders and then down her arms, revealing her upper torso to Jamie. She was without a bra; with those amount of silicone on her, she could had been granite hard. She wriggled her hips to lower the dress, but it won't go down.

"Cut!" John hollered out. "Daisy, fixed the dress."

Daisy went forth with the scissors and needle. She leaned over to check the velcro tape; the cameraman suffered an eye bruise then. It was double sealed. She pulled at it open and Camilia let off her grip on her pelvis. Her flat navel went rotund but who do noticed during the fuck anyway.

"Director, we are on." Daisy replied, while John had to leaned over to meekly called on the filming to resumed. That time, the dress fell off to Camilia feet, before she stepped over it. She had on nothing beneath the dress.

"Do you like it?" Camilia asked as she approached Jamie. At that moment, Jamie tried to visualized his past primetime action figures; Dolly, Mollie, and June. Darned! He had to think hard or he was losing his hardness. He would had taken Viagra but the doctor told him if he does that, he may gain more than his vitality, his heart could go bazooka.

Camilia leaned over to him and stared at him. 'I''ll be darned, them peaks ain't drooping but laid out like Hellfire Missiles rack for termination orders'; that was Jamie' thoughts then when he saw Camilia twin peak.

"Awww!" Camilia raised herself up. "Jamie not there."

"Cut!" John holler out. He walked over and looked at Jamie. "Don't tell me you are flat at this hour?"

"Sorry, John. I needed more motivation." That was the uncalled remark which resulted in Camilia doing a savate kick on Jamie' balls. That ended the filming for the day. An hour later, Daisy checked her bank account. She was credited the amount promised by the rival company.

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...