Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Gay Tales; Long Bars to speak openly

Okay; disclaimer coming up. This is a Gay tale, so for those of you who are not liberal minded, don't proceed. This was written for a contest on 'coming out of the  closet'.

Other than that, its cheers.

"Hey, by the way, I like men." I heard the lady across the long bar telling her friend. It has been for the last hour as she kept on recounting her moments with them, as if the friend cared if she did. I could tell all he ever wanted was a fuck. They are the same; fuck and let you be fucked asking for more. I am no man killer, but I liked them too. The only question was how do I tell him.

"Waited long?" I was shaken off my martini slumber by that voice. I nodded to him, while he pulled up to seat on the tall chair. He took of his spectacles and rubbed his eyes.

"Too many hours, and no sleep, huh?" I thought it would be a good starter to the conversation. Its not like we speak much when we met. We are men, we don't speak; we go mucho and pound each other on the back. Isn't that how men talked? I guess we did the same; most times.

"No, long night watching the games. We lost but what the heck? It was the beer that matters." He shrugged his shoulders. I wished I could just leaned over and rubbed it for him, but that would be crossing into his personal space. We are men and we do not rubbed each other's body parts. We only rammed into them in the football games. Or was it the basketball. Heck, we turned our back in the shower room most times; intentionally for modest reasons. Its not like I was going to gape at him or vice versa, but ...never mind.

"Hey, Jimmy. I..." He was not looking at me. Darned lady taken his view; the one gaping on how a fellatio should be done. Heck, I could had told her I blown more than she ever did in her snatch. He was smiling at her oratorial tutorial. Guess, that dug the hole I was to prepared for myself. I got up but Jimmy caught hold of my arm.

"Hey, you are leaving? You called me over just now. It sounded like Hercules was pounding you up your arse." I always loved his smile. And I wished it was then, but it was not the time to do the 'dare to tell'.

"Sorry, Jimmy,. I need to take a rain check." I placed my dollar for the martini but Jimmy was adamant on talking.

"Hey, stay on for a while. I have to speak to you." He sounded serious; the tone you get when another man wants to speak to you on a peer basis. I nodded and re-took my seat next to him.

"Break me a vodka!" I told the bartender and then looked at Jimmy. He was hunched over and had his right hand pulling at his ear. I loved to nibbled that one.

"Jimmy, I got a skeleton in my closet, and I need to speak out." He looked at me. "I am gay."

Wham! He took it out of my mouth. Literally, I meant.

"But you were with Susan and before that, Marilyn, and that what's her name.....Sandy..." I spluttered off the list of names I could remembered then. Okay, I was drunk sober then aka shaken from my stupor.

"Yeah....yeah....I loved their company but we never went to bed. I always played the gentleman. Once I dropped them off, I was on my prowl. Do you know this was one place you can picked up the scent?" He smiled at me and then shook his head. "You wouldn't know. I mean you are not the one like me."

If he was referring to me as if I have a pecker, I would had gladly shown him, but if he meant I was not gay, which.... I was going to tell him, but now I am playing it cool.

"Me, I am open....I meant I am okay. You are gay and I am okay with that. No offenses taken." I had to double back if he thought I was insulting him. "Its not like you are and I ...may not be one. Darned!"

I was drooling and apologized. I took my served vodka straight down the throat.

"Hey, I knew you are straight lane man. I thought us being pals, we ought to be tell each other openly." Jimmy laughed at me. "Let me get the bartender to break one more for you."

That second vodka worked wonder; I needed to get myself to the drowning pool. I excused myself, but Jimmy wanted to come along.

"I needed to peed too." We walked like men to the place and heck; the standing podiums are all leaking off the sides or occupied.

There was one cubicle available. Jimmy told me to go in; he could still hold it in. I looked at him square in the eyes before I pulled him in. I slammed the door closed and kissed him on the lips. He struggled for a while and then sent me back his passion on the lips. He gently pulled away and looked at me.

"I am sorry. I ...." Jimmy gently pulled me aside. He unzipped his pants. "Pardon me. I need to peed."

Well, I always like the role of the fireman with the hose.

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