Tuesday, April 2, 2013

COTN House of Micha Part 5

5.  Duty

It was always about duty; first to her House and then to her Mother.

Then to her once before lover, Cedi.

Even in battle then, Medi remember during all the fighting like with Mikina and then Metric, she was protecting him.

Or she thought she was but actual fact she was trying to impress him. She has been doing it since she became part of his House. She really liked the Guardian and was willing to served him when her Mother is not calling on her.

During the killing at the Dark Valley, Medi was excited when she saw the dagger on the ground. She was glad that she found something that did not belong to her House. She has become very paranoia for a long time as the House of Micha has been at war with the Canaan for a long time. She was afraid that they could be involved here. 

When she found it was not a Micha blade, she picked it and ran to Cedi just to showed him. She know it would divert his mind off her as he still blame her for the ambush at Pento Canyon. Cedi took the bait then and she was relief for a while.

It was one time to win back Cedi' trust but to maintained it, she had to killed Enit. He was a threat to her as he remembered her from a chance meeting with the Micha Councilor. It was just after she left Canaan to report to the Councilor. She met her Mother in the Micha Hall but she did expect the intrusion by the Judas warriors. There were six of them, but they did not announce their intentions and barged directly in. Enit was one of the warrior.

"Councilor, we come with a House Scroll to protest on the hunting of our people. The Judas House may be revoked but we are still their guardians. So back off or we would not be that courteous the next visit." The leader of the Judas Warriors made known his visit and then walked out. As they were passing by the doorway, they chanced on the young lady standing by the side door. Enit smiled at her as he walked past her.

Enit recognised her only after they met. He keep on looking at her to asked her but there were no opportunity. She got concerned on it so she shot him dead when he was wounded in that ambush. Just like Daken.

It was also a mistake to steal from Daken as the trader deals with Micha too. She knew Daken since she was a young girl. He is her mother associate for spying on other Houses. He saw her that day too, and he was going to betray her too to Cedi. She shot him from the trees and flee as soon as she shot the arrow. She detoured back to see Cedi and he never suspect a single thing. She pulled him away to avoid him asking any more questions.

She was upset after both incident and more so when Cedi kept a distance away. He even left her alone to pursue the Judas warrior. She was upset that she went back to her pets including the Gryphon. The later is recovering and starting to remember her back now. She kept on the healing potions until the Gryphon could fly again. Medi told the Gryphon to go back to its master again. The Gryphon did when Cedi came back.

It was really in the City of Aleria when Malech questioned her motive, Medi became more cautious with her thoughts. He hid that well with the mind focus on her duty.

She always had one and that is to served only her Mother. Whatever or whoever that hurts her Mother is for Medi to remove. She learned to hide her thoughts on what she planned to do. The training came from one event that made her who she is today; a vengeful warrior.

There was that time which molded her to be duty bound. It was rumored that Man who had violated her Mother when she was held prisoner by them for a brief stay. The news that the Councilor of Micha have gone missing for a week, and then re-appeared. Medi got to know later that it was her Mother and she left without permission from her Jhitai training.

Medi found her Mother locked in the chamber for days. She broke the door to find her Mother sitting in the bath area soaked in hot water filled with all kinds of herbs. The only time her Mother do that was when her Father died in a battle. Medi jumped in and pulled her Mother out. It took her sometime for her Mother to speak out.

Her Mother was tortured by a Councilor of Man named Elder Kane. Her Mother took a few more days to recover and she made Medi promised her to avenged her ordeal. Medi promised her and even during her punishment back at the Jhitai Camp she did not flinch from the thought. She translated her pain to the ones she would inflict on Elder Kane. When she thrust her spear into Elder Kane body at the temple, she was releasing all her energy to the spear. Not many realized that she used the blunt end of the spear to thrust in.

It was always her duty to avenge her Mother' honor. Just like the ones she killed to protect her identity and she felt no remorse on doing those killings.

Not until recently.

Her Mother searched her out and told her Kiring, the Serpent Queen is back in Karen. She was to assist in the assassination with the Assassin Guild. She excused herself from Cedi then, and meet with the assassins to plan the murder. The trio were sent off on their work when Medi was stopped by her Mother.

"You must follow. They cannot be left alive or be caught by anyone."

Medi did not questioned the Councilor. She followed them and saw them climb in the Tower. She followed suit and saw the fight. She saw the last assassin trying to escape the fight and she stepped in. She killed the assassin and thought of completing the task until she saw Seti.

The King of the Serpents himself.

Medi could not decide and then Cedi stepped into the Tower.


Oh, no. Its not right for him to see me here. She did not think as she jumped out the Tower. All she remembered then was the running. She met up with her pet and the wolf took her off the place.

"Mother, you never told me that Cedi would be there. You planned all this and you did not plan to see that." Medi stared her Mother after been on the run for three days. She got the message from the usual network which served her Mother. She is now with her Mother at the forest clearing facing the Third Junction Outpost.

"Come on, my Mother the Councilor failed to see Cedi coming in.You planned it all. You knew all of this." Medi was upset then and her Mother just stood there looking at the Outpost.

"Say something, Mother." Medi shout at her Mother.

"The House of Micha was an ally of Seti. We overthrew Judas House with the help of Serpents. After that, we had a fallout and we became enemies. You were supposed to be his bride which is why I send you off. I told Seti that you died in the war. He believed me then." The Councilor looked at her daughter.

"Then the recent war with Man scattered all the people including ours. I approached Seti to asked for his protection but he told me that the war with Man was his own doing. He influenced Man to destroy all the others. He must be stopped and that' why you were to kill his Queen. Its your duty as a Micha Elites."

"Mother, I asked you of Cedi. Did you know he was coming?"

"Yes, I knew. I told him you were going there to fight Kiring. I wanted him to see the real you. Not the one which he took as his lover, but the killer one which I coached."

"Coached?" Medi asked back.

"Yes, I set all your training from the Elites to Jhitai. I have my associates to see that my plan works. You were one of them. I need you groomed to be the best like myself. One day, you would replaced me as Councilor. If not for this war, we would has succeeded." The Councilor reflect on her thoughts that bring her to this day.

"All this for our duty to the House of Micha? Don't you have one to your children?" Medi questioned her Mother.

"Medi, you are not an exception. Kiring is also living to her' too. Cedi is also one as the Guardian as its in his blood. Jedi is a fourth generation Warrior. So is Malech. All of you have a linked to Set." The Councilor looked at her Daughter.

"Believe me, Medi. All of you are the five pinnacle of the Pentagram. The five of you can imprison Set for eternity. That is the duty which we have set for you. Your great forefathers were the last pinnacle to hold the demon then. Yours is a new demon named Set. Previous wars destroy Set but he gets resurrected in another. The Pentagram can stopped him from resurrecting."

"Mother, you are one crazy bitch." Medi replied to her Mother and then she ran to her pet. She mount it and they left the forest.

The Councilor looked back at the Outpost. She lost a part of her there. She would get it back even though Medi may not assist.

"Take care of her, my pets. She is your new mistress from now."

There were fleeting shadows on the move in the forest; seeking out their new mistress.

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