Monday, April 22, 2013

1500hrs Day One Killrock Part 1.2

1.          The Settlers

"Leader, we have a Settler asking to talk." Durant report in as he saw the figure emerged unarmed. "He is walking over."

Basilus did not lay down his rifle and walked towards the Settler. He made his way to meet the Settler.

"I am Kirov, Guards. I was rescued by one of your men; Ranger Micheal earlier." The Settler introduced himself. "I am not with them. There are a few of us."

"Squad Leader Kadir. Fifth Squad." Basilus looked "Where are the rest?"

"At the end of the corridor. There are ten of us but three are injured." Kirov reported in. "The others are all on the roof. They have rigged the whole place with the explosives stored in the basement. We kept some there for spare."

"What are they trying to do?" Basilus asked back.

"They are looking for evacuation from the Colony. As we speak, they are holding the ten Rangers hostage up there. We refused to join and was ostracized by them."

Basilus gave the order to hold the ten Settlers there while he go up with Mira to check. He reported in to Major Koenig by comms on the new development before moving up. They made their way up leap frogging in position and keeping a fast pace as they climbed up the stairs.

At the fifth level, they encountered the first resistance; a three men guard detail at the stairs but they were caught by the sniper with three rapid placed shots. That alerted the Settlers above as there were shouts and screams. Basilus and Mira rushed up for fear of what may be happening up on the roof. At the doorway to the roof, Basilus paused. Then he peeked out and saw the Rangers all tied up and sitting at the edge. There were three armed Settlers there covering them while another seven armed Settlers were positioned at the middle of the roof area. They are behind some covers and the rest of the Settlers are behind them.

"Marc, I need you to find another way up here. I got possible hostiles holding the Rangers." Basilus comm to Marc. Then he holler out to the Settlers.

"Controller, my name's Basilus. I am coming out now. Do not shoot." Basilus stepped out with his rifle raised above his head. He has told Mira to take position to cover him. The person he believed to the Controller as mentioned to him walked up to him.

"Controller Theresa. Your rank, Ranger?" The lady standing in front of him was dressed in an overall with the Space Port insignia on it. She was in her late twenties and was armed with a PH375 in her hands.

"Lieutenant Basilus, Scouts, Rangers." Basilus introduced himself and motioned that he was lowering the rifle. She nodded to him and he did just that. Basilus then removed his Helm to speak to the lady.

"I am to check on your status and negotiate for your surrender." Basilus asked of her. "Can we speak in more comfortable manner? I would remove my handgun and blade now."

Basilus and Theresa then stepped aside to discuss after he had discarded the weapons.

"Settlers wants to get out now. There have to be a ship in orbit to take us." Theresa came out direct with her request. "Your senior officers ignored me and I have to resort this action. We are non-combatants. We are to be protected."

Basilus spent sometime giving the Controller the brief on the situation including letting her know that the frigate have left orbit after they have landed. They are here to stay and fight the Draconian for now.

"Lieutenant, I am not keen on excuses." Theresa slammed back. "I want the frigate to return for us."

"Lady, I cannot obliged your request." Basilus flatly told her off. "Release the Rangers or suffer the consequences."

Theresa glared at the Lieutenant. She raised up her rifle and point it at Basilus.

"I am sorry." It was then Mira shot her on seeing the hand signal from Basilus. It was a pre-arranged signal agreed within themselves. At the same time, Marc and and rest rushed up from their hidden position covering all the other Settlers.

"Drop your guns or be prepared to be shot." Basilus gave them the option. One of the Settlers holding guard over the Rangers raised up his rifle. Marc saw him and took the shot. The Settler on being shot dropped over the edge of the building. The other Settlers immediately dropped the rifles and surrendered.

The released Rangers Leader rushed up to Basilus.

"Lieutenant, there are three of them who went down to the basement before you appeared." The Sergeant told him the concern.

"Marc, Mira, take to the basement." Basilus called in but he got to know that Pete was down there. He acknowledged the report.

2.          The Basement

Pete rushed down on his own and saw the three armed Settlers moving to the basement. He followed them down at a distance. They are convening towards the center of the basement where the remotes are located. Pete did not take any chance and placed the Toad facing the Settlers. He activated his filter on the visor and saw the Toad went into action.

The three Settlers all tried to run but the gas was faster in killing them.

3.          The New Command

General Manning raised the goblet of wine in tribute to the Settlers who died there. This was the price they been paying since this dreaded war with the Draconian. The Draconian have been holding their position and constantly bombarding.

"My father sent you his regards, General Manning." Major Koenig raised a goblet to his Commander but the General was not amused. He gave out his new order.

"We would get them to strike us." General Manning looked to Major Moshe. "Prepare to send in Squad Five again. I want them to recon the ruins. They are to wait my order when the Draconian come to battle. Send in also another two squads to back them up."

"I want the Squad Six, Seven and Eight to go to the north. On my command, they are to create the raids to get the Draconian to come forth." General Manning gave the next order to Major Koenig. "And join them in the front." 

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