Sunday, April 7, 2013

COTN House of Micha Part 8

8.  Kiring

Medi woke up to find herself in the dark forest. There is a small fire place burning at the side offering some heat and there is Kiring; the person who rescued her. Medi then looked at the Serpent Queen and then she shrieked out in alarm.

"Stop it, Sorceress. You are not Kiring." Medi tried to sit up again but the pain that rake through her body pushed her down.

"Do not move." Kiring came over and pressed Medi down to lie back. "The leeches would removed the bad blood."

Medi looked down to see the bloodied leeches at her wound. They are sucking out the blood and poison from her.

"Those are the Siran Leeches. We used them to suck out bad blood and sometimes poison. These leeches likes to suckle on it. They feed on dead corpses when the flesh is rotting. So don't move." Kiring told her.

"You can't be Kiring. The Kiring I know has only......" Medi could not find herself to say it.

"I was with one arm, courtesy of Seti." Kiring flexed her new left arm. Its also covered scales but its larger scales and its complexion is more of bluish green with some lines of yellow. "My new arm is from the Guardians of Water. They are the original of the House of Karen. Its the only way I could wear the Blue Water bracelet. The bracelet is a powerful shield on anything magic."

"The Challenger Shield..." Medi mumbled it out.

"I heard of the Shield but this bracelet also has power over the water. I would used it to destroy Seti." Kiring walked back to the side where she earlier sat. "Why did you want to kill me back then at the Tower?"

"You are the Queen Serpent. Your serpents killed my House and also of Cedi. Now you tell me that you want to destroy Seti." Medi reached for her spear.

"Medi, hold your attack. I would tell you who I am really beneath all this skin, and looks. How do you like my new hair piece? I think its kind of nice to have it half shaven off."

Soon the two of them were sharing their plight and why they are fighting the Serpents. It also did not take long for the enemies to find them. They came that night from the dark forest.

"Medi?" Kiring whispered out.

"I hear them." Medi replied back while holding her spear. "Prop me up against the tree. I can still fight that way."

Kiring grabbed her by the forearms and rest her against the tree trunk. Kiring then grabbed the container which holds their drinking water. She opened the cover and left it there. She reached out for her mini daggers and placed them on her right palm. The daggers assimilate into her fingers and become a set of sharp blades. She then reached out her left hand over the water container.

"Shield" The water from container and formed into a round shield.

It was then the enemies stepped out of the forest. They are the Black Calvary; the bad boys of the Red Guards. The count was twenty of them and they are all on foot. 

"I heard you boys had a bad time at Tiruk." The mention of Tiruk shook them up. That was the cue for Kiring to charged at them and she use the shield to pushed them back. Medi lashed out her flame to throw the Black Calvary off balance while Kiring used her magical blades to slashed at their weapons and armor. 

Kiring blocked an oncoming war hammer attack with the shield while she crouched down to plunged the blade into the assailant'. She then move to the right to attacked the next assailant. She is just moving from one to another like in dance moves, and the results are more bodies lying on the ground.

""Retreat! She is being possessed or she is one of those demons." The Black Calvary have seen their share of savages but they did not encounter demons possessed savages before.

Kiring collapsed after they retreated.

It was not for another day before the two ladies could move. They decided to look for the Scepter first before searching for Malech and Cedi. They found two mounts belonging to the Black Calvary.

They rode for the House of Micha.

At the junction to the road leading to the House, Medi asked Kiring to go another path on the left. They rode for a while before they reached a small cottage. Its the one which only Kiring and her Mother would know; they used to come here to stay away from the rest of the Micha people. Kiring used to hide here in the cottage in the morning as part of the game with her Mother.

She asked Kiring to wait outside while she walked in alone. She did not want the cottage intruded by others. She opened the door and walked in. The bastards had found this place and ransack the place. Everything is scattered like her people. All the drapes and seating structures are strewn about and even the drawing she did for her Mother hanging on the wall was torn down. She ran to the cooking area and then out into the back yard. She ran to the cherry tree and looked up the branches. The small tree house is still there; it more to house a small creature like herself then.

Medi climbed up the tree and reached the tree house. She could never get in, but her hand can still reached in. She place her hand in and she touched the familiar item. She took it out and jumped off the tree.

"Aargh!" That hurt as her wound is still recovering. Just then she held the Scepter in her hand, she felt the magic working on her wound,. The yellow shade appeared over her wound and then it sucked into the wound. She felt the surge through her body and then she felt like new.

"Medi! They are here. We got to go." That was Kiring shouting from the front of the cottage.

Medi rushed through the cottage, and she barged out into the open yard in the front of the cottage. She did not stop at all when she saw the Red Guards. She just ran into them like a raging bull and waved her spear cutting into them. She did not stopped at anything until they were all lying dead there by the yard.

Medi collapsed on the yard and looked up to the sun. It still shine out there but it not at its zenith. That did not hurt her eyes but she would not had seen it as her eyes were all teary. She was not thinking then but she is crying for her anger of them intruding her last place of sanctuary.

Kiring came forward to kneel before Medi.

"Its all over, Medi. They are all dead. You got what you wanted." Kiring looked at the once proud warrior now lying there not moving.

"Kiring, its all about power. Why don't they learned to live like us? Forget those war and live in peace."

Kiring laughed at her friend' statement.

"You of all the person telling me of peace. You probably killed more of them than me. You are the warrior. I am just the egg laying mother, remember?" Kiring got up and walked away.

"Kiring, I am sorry. I did not mean to hurt you. Its just came out." Medi got up and chased after Kiring. "Kiring, I was to be his too but I was hidden."

"Yeah, you missed the fun. Why didn't someone tell my Mother that? I was his lover for years. I bear him quite a number of eggs. I am a freakin' Queen, if you can recalled when you were still swinging those spears in training." Kiring glared at Medi.

"Maybe we should go back being enemies. Its a better relationship than this one. Here I can killed you without feeling sad." Kiring continued on her words and then turned to walk away.

"Can I do that after we killed Seti? I never like a guy who kills his brides."

They both laugh out loud, and hugged each other.

"Sure feel good, but let us not make it a habit." Medi pulled away to walked back to the cottage "I need to get something first before we leave."

Medi walked back in and retrieve her drawing which used to hang on the wall. She rolled it up and threw it into the fireplace. Then she lit the cottage up with her spear' flame and then walked out.

"There is one other place I want to destroy before we looked for the boys." Medi told Kiring and the later nodded her head.

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