Friday, April 5, 2013

COTN House of Micha Part 7

7.  Alone

Medi stood there with her Wolf at the forest edge to see the column of army bearing General Darren leaving the city. Its has been two days since she was released by her captors, and she still has no sight of her Mother' body or funeral. Today she sees the column leaving and she can make out the General on his mount and then the wagon carrying the Sorceress. The column was too big for her to attack by herself, but since they have left the city, she can go back there now.

It was nightfall when she stood outside the raging Unicorn again.

Her wait was short when she saw General Noah coming out alone. He walked alone along the road and Medi shadowed him. Soon at a dark corner, she grabbed him and pulled him into the alley. He did not put up a fight nor scream for help.

"Kill me please." General Noah pleaded on his knees. "I have lost everything."

"Tell me of my Mother. Where is her body?" Medi grabbed the ex-leader of the mercenaries to pushed him against the wall.

"Medi? Thank the Holy Ones, you are alive. Thank you...." Medi slammed the ex-General to the wall again.

"Where is my Mother's body?" She slammed the Man once more against the wall.

"Your mother......she was taken to Twilight Tower where they cremated her body. General Darren then took her ashes with him when he left this morning. " The ex-General told her and then he cried in tears. "He also killed all my men. Every single one except me. He want me to tell you that he would put her in the temple at the House of Genoe, next to his own family. Just as he would do to yours when he kills you."

The dagger came from beneath the tunic, but Medi was prepared for it. She side step to avoid it but the dagger still could cut into her leather armor. Medi moved back further and thrust her spear into the General' lower chest.

"Die!" Medi screamed out in anger. The spear shot out its flame and soon the General' body was engulf in fire.

Medi collapsed onto the dark alley flooring when her body went weak. She looked at the cut in the leather and noticed that the dagger did cut into her flesh. Its either a magical blade or it contain some poison on it. She find sliding to the ground when someone reached to hold her up.

"Medi, I need to get you to a Healer."

"Cedi?" Medi slipped into the state of unconsciousness.

When Medi next woke up, she find herself on a soft bedding in a cave. Its the same cave that she treated Cedi, but there is no Cedi here. There is one other and he is Malech who is preparing some potion at the entrance of the cave.

"Malech? How did I get here?" Medi tried to sit up but she find herself very weak.

"Rest, my dear." Malech cautioned her as he oversees the preparation of the potions. "You have been poisoned by the dagger used by the mercenary. If not for me, you would had died."

"How did you find me?"

"Cedi went to looked for you. He asked me to trace you and I sought out the presence of the Flames of Ba. It led me to  the City and we were just in time to see you kill the mercenary." Malech smiled at her. "You are lucky, he just scratch your skin as that helped in curing you. That poison is deadly than most I have every worked with."

"Poison? You mean that the dagger had poison on it." Medi could recalled now the event that unfolded than. "My Father wanted me dead too."

"He must be or he won't give the dagger to General Noah."

"No, it can't be. I think its the Sorceress. She could be the one who planned the whole thing. She hates me and she let me go. She wanted to me fight her later." Medi tried to move her thoughts to the Sorceress. She want to disbelief that her birth father would want her dead. "He asked me to taken to safety. He did not kill me then."

"No, Medi. You are under delusion of the poison. Rest now. I know Pipa; she was my student. She never meant to harm anyone. That's why she saved you." Malech now brings over the potion he was mixing. "Drink this and you would be fine. It would be ready. Do you know who is having the Oracle?"

"Oracle?" Medi tried to recalled. She also Medi caught whiff of the potion and its smelt strange.

"I thought you had it, Malech. Why do you asked?" Medi looked at the sorcerer.

"My mistake. Please take this potion." Malech approached her and she was to take it when her Wolf came charging in. It knocked onto Malech and then bite into Malech' throat.

"No!" Medi screamed.

Medi woke up again in the dark alley. She touched her leather armor and can feel the cut at her flesh. It was a surface cut and that is probably why the poison was not strong enough her to reveal more on Cedi and Malech. Medi thinks that the Sorceress wants the Oracle back very badly.

Is the Oracle that powerful to all of them? She had it with her for over a week, and she felt no magic on it. She could not see the importance of that. Malech took it and he would know what need to be done. Then again, if the Sorceress wants it so badly then she has to warn Malech. Her dream could had been read by the Sorceress.

The last time she saw Malech was at the Karen Tower alongside with Cedi.

Cedi? Would they still be friends?

Then Medi remembered something. If her Mother is killed, then the Scepter is with General Darren or Pipa. She has to find the Scepter or the House of Micha loses the ability to control the mystical creatures. She could lose her pet the Wolf and so would Cedi of his Gryphon.

But is the Scepter with them or hidden by her Mother?

"Medi, its me. Your Mother. I need to tell you something." Medi looked up to see a misty figure appearing in front of her.

"Listen well to me. The Scepter is hidden in the place known only to us. I put it back there where you used to hide when you were young. The Sorceress may hear your mind now but she cannot read the past of what was in. Don't think of the past yet. Cure yourself of the poison. Find Malech and he can do it. Beware of Kiring; she still hates you. I cannot stay any longer. Goodbye, my child."

The misty figure soon dissipate while Medi tried to reached it.

"Mother....." Medi speaks softly of her mother.

Another figure appeared then. Its the Sorceress herself.

"Bitch! How can she still save you after what we did to her?" The non-corporeal form of the Sorceress points her hand at Medi. "You are still under my influence. I now know of the cave and soon I would find Malech. And then the Oracle. Your mind betray you just now. I know where the Scepter is."

"No, you would not get it." Medi screamed out but she find herself too weak to move.

"Feeble attempt, my dear. I would get the Scepter if I am to burned the towers once more. Goodbye, Medi." The figure form of the Sorceress laughed out in her shrieking voice to be heard by many in the vicinity.

"No...." Medi pushed herself up but she is still too weak to move.

"Don't get up, my dear. I have alerted the Guards. They would be coming soon. You would soon join your Mother in the underworld." The Sorceress form then also disappeared.

"" Medi used her spear to pushed herself up and tried to stand but she could not do it. She is all alone in the alley and there is no one to help her. She closed her eyes to pray for her Mother whom she may soon joined in the other dimension.

A hand grabbed her by the arm and dragged her up. Medi opened her eye to see a familiar face.


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