Monday, April 8, 2013

Dimension and Reality

Captain Dimonsion leaned on his command chair on the Space Cruiser "Andromeda" as the craft sped through the wide space on warp speed. He was feeling uneasy as his sight took in the wide screen printouts of the craft condition. They have just reached this sector some hours back and now attempting to cross it to reached their destination. It was an uncharted sector of the galaxy and they are the first to ventured through it.

"Charts!" The call reverted through the Bridge where his twelve man crew assisted him in managing the craft. There was no response.


"Charts!" He called out again before turning his body to looked to the right at the officer who was given the tasks of plotting the charts of their route. The role was crucial as it was for everyone on this level; their contribution makes significant effort to ensure they all can come through alive.

The officer assigned the position turned to his direction, the eyes unfocused as it the man had drifted into a trance.

"Charts!" Captain Dimonsion taking no more chances, bellowed out with his patience stretched thin. He saw the crew having turned the body was still looking at aimlessly. Something had happened to the crew and it may had affected the rest too. They have been plagued by what may be in this sector; seeping into their souls and terminating their sensibility.

The Captain taking no chances, stood up on his command chair and approached the crew. His right hand lashed out at the man's face to bring him off his seat. The crew fell off his seat onto the flooring, then began waking up from his sleeplike condition.

"Captain? What did happened?" The crew looked towards him as he took to feel the pain on his cheek.

"Officer James, you are relieved of the post now. Be off to your quarters. Set the control to my chair." Captain Dimonsion walked back to his chair, pulling his aching body with great discomfort. He then looked around him at the other crews who all woken up or came to realization of their surrounding.

"Crews of the Andromeda, this is the Captain." The Captain had seated and keyed in the code for the ship onboard communication. "We are going into general quaters now. I want all stations to be manned."

"Helmsman, keep to your direction and maintain warp speed." Captain Dimonsion had his focus on the wide screen again, as he read the numbers again. "Weapons, on my command; would fire with random spread."

He then sat back and sighed at his current predicament. It getting hopeless from his view. It was all a mistake to come here. There are unknown factors plotting against him. He may just....

"Dimonsion, truly a fine name you selected for yourself." The voice was everywhere and yet nowhere. Captain Dimonsion sat up and braced himself for the attack.

"I would not do anything to harm you. Not for now, but I must admired your ingenuity in letting me on this goose chase for so many timelines and reality."

Captain Dimonsion looked to his crews and saw all them are backed in the trance like looks while the craft was in a suspended in between space and time.

"Father Reality, I greet you." Captain Dimonsion leaned forth on his chair. "I would had never thought that you would had caught up with me before I could had returned...."

"Unnoticed by me? Truly, you took me for a fool, the one you named Dimonsion. I am the being of Reality; nothing evades me. Nothing could before, until you came along and manipulated the layers those fine fabrics in my works. You created multiple of realities of your own and corrupted the very essence of it."

Captain Dimonsion sat back and gave out a hearty laugh. He laughed so loud hat he forgotten all about his body urges to restraint control. Due to that, his physical self started to distort on the chair.

"Father, I must had given you a good time in defying your works. Something you would had never expected of me who works in your shadow and yet able to dispel your works under your ...reality."

"Dimension, enough of your ego rantings. As we speak now, I am still restoring the disturbances you created across the different layers. Do you understand the implications of your doing? Or are you still a dwarf in the growth of your abilities to comprehend your role?"

"Father, I am Dimension; a property of distance, a measurement of your works. I am not a being like you, but your tool. You placed me there to give it an infinite point and extend or redirect me with your fancy." Dimension explained himself. "Well, I grew tired of it. I needed to explored my own. I came loose on you biddings and created new marks of myself in your reality. I did not become the start and end but involved myself in it."

"In which, you tore into the delicate fabric of reality and created chaos...." Father Reality cautioned the carelessness of the other.

"And also restore certain realities with new orders that I changed the infinites to other infinity." Dimension correct the elder being.

"A process which disrupted my tasks., you fool. We cannot changed realities on the whims of our own. We are binded by it. I am bound by it. I am not the creator. I am just the messenger as you were mine." Father Reality sighed. "I have tracked you through seventy seven realities and corrected them. I have removed the taints you have created or changed, and now you are mine to detained back. You could had selected a better name; Dimonsion indeed. That's as corny as your accent in the fifty fourth reality. As a being of the Universe, you lack refined taste in certain areas."

"Father, before you punished me. Look to your current state. I am back at where you last left me. I was to complete this new dimension for them. Let me do it please."

"No, Dimension. They had to failed here. Its their last entry of their reality. They cannot progress beyond here."

"But you are condemning a galaxy to its death, with billions of living lives that dwell in this reality. Are we that selfish?"

"Reality is the layer of the Universe which we have no control but unfold as it was happened. Theirs end here. We can only guide them here. As you are to end their finite point of dimension here."

"But Father, I sensed the revival at his point. It could change their fate. Again, I begged of you. Are we that selfish when we may had that to extend their reality?"

"Dimension, you disappointed me. And yet you amazed me? Your disappointment was you never hear. We cannot change but adhered." Father Reality sighed. "Your amazement to me is that you have outgrew your role as the distance measurer to that of extending it so that the next phase of reality can be co-jointed. But unfortunately, we do not hold that in our influence. Only he has that influence and he won't act to change the charts that was laid here. Like the life we gave to mankind, there would always be an end time. Once that had expired, the being known as man leaves that reality to a different one. But they would never know where and how. As it...."

"Written in the books. You told me so many times." Dimension sighed. "We are beings of our own doing and yet we choose not to change for the betterment of those we care. That made us a very selfish beings. I would come with you, Father. Give me my task and let me be."

Captain Dimonsion woke up to find the raging star in his flight part. He was to lead the last of his people into the star in the drive.

"Heaven forgive me, for terminating all of Earth forever." Eighty five millions, the last survivor of Earth in five thousand stellar crafts escaped one raging star into another. Such was the reality that faced them as according to the rules set for them.

We are the pawns of the Universe creators. 

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