Wednesday, May 1, 2013

2030hrs Day One Killrock Part 1.3

1.          The Attack at the walls.

"Incoming!" Marc shouted out as he cowers down behind the wall. The Vampire guns have been blasting them since they came back. All the ten Vampires convened on the Rangers including the one with the damaged tracks. It had destroyed one ATT which came out to its range but its holding its position at one kilometer.

The Rangers are holding onto the walls for cover; losing two Rangers from Squad Four who were running from the bombed out ATT. Squad Two have joined up at the walls. 

"Marc, the Vampire." Basilus shouted out to the sniper. "Take out the crew. Shoot at their butts if you can."

Marc laughed behind his helm at the Leader gave him silly orders. Its a norm among them during the battle to bring some humor in. Another blast caused the sniper to cower again.The Ranger launched another Eagle missile on the besieging Draconian. They had launched five and have three more left from that Eagle. The Draconian are not attacking but laying the barrage with the Draconian.

"Why are they not attacking?" Mira asked as she used the top of the walls as cover. "We are on their flanks."

"I don't know, but I am not aiming to stay to ask." Basilus replied. "Move the wounded to the ATT, and the rest cramped in. We are going back. "

As they were boarding the ATT, they heard the barrage at the end. That could only mean the Rangers are engaging the Draconian. The Vampires are turning around and heading for the other front with only the crippled Vampire providing cover fire here. Basilus gave new command to re-engaged the Draconian.

2.          The Attack at the Twin Peaks

Two Juggernauts parked at the north of Twin Peaks opened fire at 0400hrs on the Draconian front. The nine CT's there then gunned up their engines and proceed out with 1st Company Rangers providing them infantry support. The CT's guns blasted off when they sighted the five Vampires there. The winds have dropped to a breeze but the dust on the ground have not really settled down as yet.

"Fangs incoming!' The comms crackled out as the tankers pushed the switch for the defending EM field. It worked this time with over twelve EM launched.

"Give them our love then, boys." Senior Tanker McKenzie aka Crazy Mac gunned his tank 'Virgin' forth after the Fangs attack while lining the guns on a Vampire turret. "Fire the HESH!".

The HESH projectile squashed against the surface of the target on impact and spreads out to form a disc of explosive while the base fuze detonates the explosive thus creating a shock wave through the material. The wave would cause pieces of steel to be projected off the interior wall at high velocity known as spall. The spall that occurred in the interior of the vehicle at high velocity could kill or injure the crew, damage equipment, and/or igniting ammunition and fuel. The later was the ultimate wish of the tanker crew. The Vampire on impact by the HESH blew up separating the turret from the hull.

"Hew Haw!" The 'Virgin' lurched forward as its tracks coughed up more dust.

Across the field at twenty metres was 'Poppins' under Tanker Commander Duncan also unleash his projectiles on an advancing Vampire tank. The Vampire had earlier took a hit on the CT with some damages to the right hull and tore off the sponson, but Duncan' gunner aim was at the driver seat with the APFSDS. He watched the projectile hit the front of the tank and penetrate into the tank hull before igniting the ammo storage. The gunner cried out in joy at his shot and was targeting another Vampire but the Big Banger had opened up; it was time to play run around the bends.

"Time to drive, driver." Duncan closed the hatch on the tank as they took evasive action to avoid the raining projectiles. The driver took the tank into a nearby crater which allowed it turret to be visible.

"Gunner, one thousand two hundred metres three o-clock." The Gunner trained his sight on the target; the Big Banger. He loaded in a HESH and then fire it. "Cochise, haul their heads down'"

The 60mm barrel spew its projectiles to keep the other supporting armors to stay away. The Vampires also replied with their projectiles. Cabot was one victim with two APFSDS; one after another on the turret. The Tank official call sign was Tank 1 with its crew all died in the blasts.

"Cabot gone." Duncan shouted out, as he watched for any Vampires who might be on target at them. He can see Crazy Mac or Tank 2 firing another HESH at a Vampire. The projectile hit the Vampire rear but it was still moving. Then it stopped as the engine at the rear starts to bellow smokes.

Suddenly, Duncan heard the familiar sound; its the Juggernaut. It just ripped apart the smoking Vampire. The next target was another Vampire; erupting into flames before the single Vampire retreated with the Draconian calling it off. The Rangers cheered on the retreat but later they were shocked as the Juggernaut exploded. A projectile from the BB must had landed on its top turret and blasted into the ammo storage.

It was the Prime; Colonel Jahangir' Juggernaut.

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