Thursday, April 4, 2013

COTN House of Micha Part 6

6.  Bloodline

The Raging Unicorn is not much to rage about as there is only one paying customer and she is drinking alone. There is the bartender and his two waiters but there are three tables occupied; the other two holds four person each. Of the eight persons, one of them is General Noah. He is sitting across the one which Medi is occupying alone.

General Noah is dressed in a simple tunic and around his waist is his sword in the scabbard. He is holding a dagger to poke it at the table top. His seven warriors mercenaries are all dressed up in leather armor and carrying various weapons.

Medi raised up her goblet of wine to finished it up in one long gulp. She swiped her sleeve against her mouth. That was the sixth she had drunk tonight.

"Good wine. Boys, do you know where a lady can go to have some privacy?" She winked at General Noah. "I don't supposed I could asked you all turned your back."

The mercenaries all laughed at her remark. Medi had the last laugh as she grabbed her spear and swung it over her head in a circle. When she swing the spear, the spear spurt out its magical flames across the bar. The flames caught onto the barrels of alcohol drinks and other things that can captured it. The mercenaries all jumped off their seats when the flame spread. Two of them got their clothing on fire and now rushing out for the nearest doors.

"I did asked you politely, but I guess you all are too hard headed to listen." Medi got up from her seat and walked towards the General who is now on the floor shocked by the pyro display.

"You bitch. This was my investment for my retirement. Who are you?" General Noah asked the lady as he withdraw his sword.

"The name is Medi. I am a companion of Cedi. You betray his friend, Jedi. I don't like traitors." Medi raised the spear over the General. "More to it, I dislike you poking that dagger at the table. Its irritating and I never like the dagger mis-used."

Medi thrust the spear down but there was something blocking her spear.

"Get out, Noah. I would handle her."

Medi looked up to see the one named General Darren standing over her.

"Damned!" That was the last word Medi remembered saying.

Medi woke up to the smell of the potion given to her nose. She tried to focus on the surrounding but find herself still groggy from the previous attack. Slowly her focus come around and she could make out the people standing before her. She is seated on a high back chair flanked by two servants who is holding her upper body against the seat.

"Welcome back, Medi of Micha. My name is Sorceress Pipa, and this is my father General Darren. We are pleased to be acquainted with you. I met your mother once before; the Councilor of Micha. Powerful lady in the seat, but she was rude to refused my offer of surrender. So what bring you to the Raging Unicorn? We just happened to be around and we saw the fire."

The Sorceress smiled at the warrior and then picked up the Medi' spear.

"I can sense Malech' works here. So he gave you the Flame of Ba; a noble and generous gift since he did not give it to me when I asked. Nor to Kiring who was his lover. He must had liked you a lot. Perhaps like a daughter he never had." The Sorceress laughed out loud and then glared at Medi.

"I hate Malech. And his family. If you are one of his, then you are also in my list."

The Sorceress raised the spear but the flames would not come out.

"Damned his magic. I need no flames to kill you." The Sorceress threw aside the spear and reached out with her hands onto Medi' throat. "I can always strangle you like what I did with the hare."

"No, Pipa. I need her alive. She can be of use to us." General Darren interjected in to stop the Sorceress.

"You are a weakling, Father." The Sorceress shot back at the General. "She would be our nemesis if we don't act now."

"Know your place, Pipa." General Darren slapped his daughter across the face. "I am still your Father and Lord over your actions."

The Sorceress fell to the flooring holding her bruised cheek. She looked up at her Father and then she got up to leave the Tavern. The General in turn looked at Medi.

"You caused me pain, Micha warrior. I hope you would consider my offer or I would have you pleading for mercy to die swiftly."

"I do not not fear you or your torture. I am an Elite Warrior." Medi did not experienced such pain before when the General pushed the hilt of his sword at her chest.

"Aargh! Stop it." Medi pleaded in tears. The pain that course through her body was more like a thousand needles all pricking into her at one time, and at frequent intervals.

"This is a gift from Lord Netsu. A gift should I need to handle people like you. " The General withdraw the Scepter. "Malech has sampled it and so have you. I asked you again, do you serve me now or I shall be forced to torture you more."

Medi glared at him with hatred in her eyes. She can still feel the pain but she knows she can withstand it more. She did it before when the Jhitai Masters punished her for leaving without permission.

"General Darren, I did not asked you to stop torturing me. I asked you to stop holding back. Do your worst as I can take it all. I prefer pain to blind servitude." Medi spat at the General. The General raised his sword hilt again, but a voice stopped him.

"Stop it, Darren. I would convince her myself." The figure stepped out. Its the Micha Councilor and mother to Medi. "She is our daughter."

General Darren stepped away, as the Councilor walked up to Medi.

"Hello Medi." Its her Mother and Councilor of Micha. "Darren is your birth father. His name then was Kenbi, a Senior Jhitai Warrior. We were lovers; against the House rules like yours. He left us after your birth, as he was called to higher needs that we cannot be part of then."

The Councilor stared at her previous lover. She felt the heart break then and also now as she recalled the past.

"Your father could not have us with him as we were not of his House. Just like now, he tries to use you for his own needs. Do not obey him. Death is preferred to slavery."

The Councilor kicked out with her right leg at the General but he was quick in reflex to block it. It was also his instinct then to draw on his sword and swing it upwards.

"Mother!' Medi' scream was loud but there was little she could do as the body of her Mother falls to the ground with the chest cut open. The Mother of Medi was dead before she hit the floor.

General Darren stood there transfixed with his eyes on the previous lover of his slayed by his own sword. He dropped the sword and ran towards the lifeless body. There was nothing to do but to grief at the death of his previous lover, just as his own daughter sobbed at the death of her mother.

"You killed her. I would get you for that." Medi screamed at him. "Nothing would stop me now."

"Take her away to my personal Chamber." General Darren asked of the mercenaries around the bar. "I would deal with her later. No harm must come to her or you answer to me personally. "

"All of you are to leave immediately or faced my wrath." The Sorceress stood in defiant at the road which the six mercenaries leading Medi was taking. "I would take the prisoner and the responsibility. Leave her personal belongings too."

The six mercenaries bowed and walked back towards the Tavern leaving Medi standing there alone still in her chains. The Sorceress walked up Medi and magically removed the chains.

"Medi of Micha, you may leave too. Take your spear with you. We would be meet again. The war is coming and I would like to fight you." The Sorceress motioned to the warrior to leave. "Just in case you may forget, I did not accept you as my half Sister, although it was your Mother who owns up to it. Darren is still my Father and I am his only daughter. Anyone else is considered a fake or an impostor. Either one would be punishable by death."

"Remember that, Medi of Micha." The Sorceress glared at Medi. Then the sorceress disappeared into the dark night.

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