Wednesday, April 17, 2013

1100hrs Day One Killrock Part 1.3

1.          The New Command Post

General Manning looked at the digital map and frown. Intelligence reports are coming. The Draconian are trying to outflank them as they continue the barrage. He had lost some of his Rangers from direct hits but its the sacrifice he had to make to sit out this initial battle. He relooked at the comms from Ranger Command; the comms tell him to hold him this position at all cost. If in the event of a possible defeat, the Black Box was to be concealed and not destroyed.

"General, there are massing at the north of Twin Peaks." Major Koenig reported in while adjusting his uniform. The General frown at the Major. He heard tales of this officer; a product of favored ranking due to his father's influence. He been kept at the back lines ever since he arrived from the Academy. He disliked such officers as they are hardly battle worthy to named as one. He await the next piece of update but the Major just stood there. 

"Get the frag out of my sight. I need more details. Go and get them yourself. I want them now." The General lost his composure. He does not care if the officer's father was another General. Frag his connection, the General need to know who is killing his men. The Major had taken off.

2.          Battle At Flat Top

Leader Basilus looked at the squad who was still making their way along the river bed, on the ATT while Mira and Marc used the LTT over on the left side top keeping an eye on the Draconian carriers. He does not want them to be ambushed down there. He suddenly stopped and listen hard.

"Hit the covers!" The Draconian BB guns had targeted their position with bombs. Its could had been one or two of the BB as the blasts came in spaced out intervals. "Move it to the rear. They got the range now."

The guns were accurate to hit at the river bed as the Rangers rode the vehicles in reversed. The casualty was the two Horsemen biker who had rode forward in the opposite direction. The blast from the bombs literally left nothing much to recover from the dead bikers. The ATT with the Rangers stopped ahead when the blast blasted the slopes and made it difficult to move ahead. 

"Leader, incoming troops at your 3 o'clock. I counted two load." Mira reported in. "They are downloading."

The Draconian are coming in to do the sweep now.

Basilus told them to dump the vehicles. They are making a run for the Flat Top. With the narrow space in the riverbed, its a suicidal to try to run the gauntlet with the Draconian troops. The Rangers responded to his command and climbed out on the right slope. They half crouched to run covered by the dust caused by the barrage.

"Mira, hold the flank." Basilus gave the order. "Kurata, assist her."

Kurata climbed up the left slope and took their position to lay cover fire while the squad ran for the Flat Top. Mira and Marc ditched the Wheeler. Mira joined Kurata while Marc slipped down to rejoin the others. Its was about half a kilometer in distance to the mesa but given the situation with the Draconian breathing on them, it was a very long distance to run. They ran for a hundred metres while Marc and Andrei took turns to cover the squad. Mira and Kurata then joined in to alternate with those two Rangers till the Squad made it to the Flat Top. That was the plan, but the actual one did go as planned.

Kurata got shot in the back during the final run; the projectile got him in the back of his left shoulder when he was just two metres to the boulder cover. He stumbled down onto his knees and rolled over to a nearby small cover. He tried to patch the wound but he was shot the second time. The second projectile hit him at the lower waist causing him keel over in pain. Mira who had seen him fall from the corner of her left eye but she could not pulled him in time. She went back for him and grabbed his right forearm but he was not moving. She tried to pulled him but she was dodging projectiles. Marc ran forth to help, and got grazed on the left forearm. 

"You okay?" Mira asked Marc who nodded. Marc crouched down and start firing his rifle. Mira looked at the Kurata but he was already dead. She reached for his ID tag and pocketed it. Marc stopped firing and helped her to pull the dead Ranger while Andrei covered them. Suddenly, there was a volley of fire from Flat Top towards the Draconian. Its the Fourth Company who had dug in there with their back to the mesa.  

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