Thursday, April 11, 2013

Mystery & Cops Special; Killer Elite's ( and also my 50th year of living on Earth Anniversary...)

"Anybody can kill another person; well said by someone, but not everybody can kill like somebody with the artistic moves that placed the unique signature of the killer on the victim. People died daily from causes of death; but the dramatic ones stayed in our mind. Jack the Ripper was one who did all his killings in the late 19th century, yet he killed only five victims, I rephrased, only five was attributed to his name although there was a similar serial killer during that time, the Whitechapel Murderer had eleven to his name, of which five was said to be canonical to Jack the Ripper."

"Why five and not all? Was Jack the Whitechapel Murderer but his modus differed? Why was it different? Was it the timing or the mood of his madness then? All the acts were gruesome? Severing the wombs and laying the uterus on the body? Or was it because he was made famous as he was never caught? The Whitechapel Murderer; he was never caught too."

"Members of the Press, I am standing here to tell you that your predecessors played a role in making Jack the Ripper stands out. They gave him coverage and attention more than any the others during the same period? Your action caused the killer to go free. Your reports make him disappeared soon form the scene."

"You can cower a murderer to go into the abyss if you worded it well. That is why I called you here to request your assistance in bringing not only justice to my daughter but stopped the killing of innocence. The power of influence lies in you. Take that challenge to fight this criminal."

I stepped off the steps of the City Police Departments steps and walked to my waiting car. I avoided the lines of questions thrown at me by the press then. Soon I was in my car and driven off by my trusted aide, Charles Larkin.

"To home, Charles." I told my aide as he slowly moved the car from the kerb to get into the traffic. It was then the siren blaring sedan driven by Detective Jimmy Barnes slipped in front of mine. His sudden stop there caused Charles to applied the brake in a rash manner, making me drop my cane which I held on my right hand. I saw the detective alighted from his car to approached mine.

"How may I assist you, Detective Barnes?" I asked as I lowered my rear side window after having retrieved my cane from the flooring of my car. The Detective dressed in his cheap bargain price suit leaned over and asked me to followed him.

"As to what was the reason I am compel to leave my car?" I asked back to him and which he handed me the document that tells me I am to adhered to his request. I never been served a warrant before; writs perhaps one too many in my office as I am a busy man in the trades, but there was always a first time for a warrant. Charles unbuckled his seat belt but I stopped him.

"No, Charles. We are in the public place now." I tapped my good aide to stand down. He was like my personal guard; the bulldog by my side, ever ready to attack on my command. "Call Anthony. Tell him to meet here."

I stepped out of the car and stood by the Detective side as the press officers all crowded by us. They are like blood hounds looking to get the piece of what was happening now. The good detective was ignoring the microphones jabbed near his face as he looked at me.

"I believe the steps to your office lies there."I pointed to the same steps which I had just made my speech. The detective nodded and we both took the short walk towards his 'fortress of Saint Petersburg', as I had named it.

An hour later, in the confines of the small room which they duly named the Discipline Room, or better known as the Interrogation Room, I was treated to a tirade of charges of which I was earlier expounding to the press to assist to stopped the murders. It was Detective Barnes who was doing the questioning as I remained silent on my side. He had read me the Miranda Rights and I am applying the Fifth Amendments Right.

"Mr..Baen, can you recalled your movements on the night of August 4th at the time of 1300hrs to 1900hrs?" I looked at the detective and refused to answered his question until I am legally represented. Soon Anthony Lane, my attorney at law arrived to challenged my detention. I was by then very upset at the long wait and had in my mind to removed Mr.Lane from my panel of attorneys and stopped the Christmas cards to his home.

Soon I was back in my own estate, with Charles attending to me. Mr.Lane was whimpering his excuses to me at the doorsteps of my manor but I had the butler to evict him immediately. I was in the library and took my first drink since my press conference. I could see the press having a field day with my detention on the wide screen there but Charles had the courtesy to mute the sound but not the captions on the screen.

"Movie Mogul, Publisher and Businessman, Ian Baen detained." I motioned to Charles to un-mute the sound.

"Movie Mogul, and Businessman, Ian Baen was today detained on the grounds of killing eight children in the last three months. This was the surprised statement of the investigating officer, Detective Jimmy Barnes. The detective did not elaborate but claimed he had a a witness."

I threw my wine glass at the screen and caused an ugly streak on the plasma screen.

"Preposterous!" I muttered to myself. I took up my cane by the coffee table and walked to glass door that lead to the lawn outside. Outside of the glass door, I stood there by the edge of the lawn, Charles had driven my electric cart towards me. I got into it and instructed Charles to contact MacLean as my new personal attorney.

"Tell Maclean, I want all the dirt on the detective and buried him deep if need be."

I drove off in the electric cart towards the eight hole personal golf course of mine. I drove to the fourth hole and parked the cart there. I walked to the rear of my cart and removed the three iron I have placed there for this purpose. I hand carried that and walked to the small club house I built next to the fourth hole. Its not a club house but actually an oasis in the green here. A dome structure, fully air conditioned inside, with the facility for ten person to sit and relax after some rounds of golfing. There was the full stocked bar and of course the three large bathrooms. The third one was reserved for me alone; I am conscious of where I may laid my buttocks. There was my destination as I closed the door to the large cubicle and proceeded to the full length mirror. I pressed the hidden switch to have it moved aside for me to slipped in behind it. It opened to a spiral staircase which led to the basement of the dome structure. It was dimly lighted but adequate for me to make my way to the three cells that I have constructed there. I have three guests with me; two young ladies in their late teens. They are all chained to the walls behind them; and naturally removed of any obstructive materials that would impede my works on them. I knew all of them very well; personal and intimate during their stay here with me for over a week now.

Its not easy to just grabbed someone off the streets; you needed to smart to do so. These are fine specimens who can fight, scratched it need be, but their worse was their screams. I am an older man of past sixty but I had the persuasion of an old fox. They are easily persuaded from their background and the novelty of material things does bent a number of rules. After all, who fears an old man with a cane. To them my cane would probably the only hardness on me, which I beg to differed. There are some parts of me still very persuasive to my mind thoughts.

Of my snare, the material items were the bait but the real trap was the tranquilizer tip I had built into my cane. A single tap was it needed to bring them down to their knees and soon on my lap. Of course, I had helped with my 'bulldog' always looking to flexed his muscles. Then it was the trip to my estate with Charles doing the initial bonding of the victims. He never take advantage of them as his preference was more homo-genic than mine. Once Charles had them secured, there was just the constant feeding of the sedatives to subdue their fighting tendency before I am to into the action.

Please, I am not your typical rapist. I am just into infliction of pain. I loved to battled on the unprepared ones with my tools. I used the golf stick much but never have I ever inserted myself into them. I am very careful with that; all surgical gloves and mask, even with the plastic suit on so that none of my sweat remained on them. They normally last three sessions with me before they are a wreck hanging by their skin. Charles would have them removed and processed in the small zoo which I kept some exotic animals. Oh, you may asked how do I deprived my pleasure from my victims. I do need the release. But I don't on them as I mentioned before. I have my ways with Charles assisting me. He was after all my bitch bulldog.

That day, I came to said good bye to the girls. They had been fun and now it was time to close the chapter on number fifteen and sixteen. I gave them a good tee off with the three iron, scalding the walls with their brains matter. Then I proceeded to my waiting Charles who had followed on his own cart. Soon I would be back at my library and having my second drink while Charles do the feeding at the zoo.

I spied my daughter's photo on the piano there. It was her taken when she was sixteen playing the Mozart number. I loved it but she went into a Drew mode of investigating my time spent there on the fourth hole. She caught me in the action and Charles subdued her. We had her imprisoned there for three weeks, not partaking but observing what her her demented father does. I was after all, fulfilling her curiosity on me. In the case of my daughter, I had clues of her scattered in the city to create false trails. Even detectives can be misled. She died later with the same stroke of my three iron. It was needed as Charles once told me, no one was above the law we set. My wife died that way too, and so shall all of them who visited my lair.

The phone on my piano rang. It was my personal line. I picked it up. It was the Mayor.

"Vincent, your term would be reduced if you allowed imbeciles of your enforcement laid those charges on me. I don't care how or when, just get it done." I slammed down the phone. Charles stepped back into the library in his new change of clothes.

"Charles, we shall have to let off here for a while. Do tell Susan to get my plane tomorrow to Europe. We have not been there for some weeks. Their news are getting mundane. We shall need to brighten things up on that side too." Unlike Jack the Ripper I am not bound by geographical constraints. I can be anywhere and be named by different continent, but no one ever linked them as one killer for all of it. After all, everyday some one may died of all causes but there are no set patterns for each state. Just like my tools, in Europe I go for older ladies and my preference was the crow bar. So was the use of the baseball bat in Japan.

As I took my third drink, I asked myself, why does no one asked me why I did those crime. If only they has asked why, I may had told them; I owned a business that sells what you all liked to produce. The more you produce, the more I gained from my publications houses and also my movie making outfit. There's no business like sensational business; it sells better.

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