Sunday, April 14, 2013

COTN Book 1 Completed

With the posting of COTN Book of Micah Part 10, I concluded on Book One; which was how they came together and formed the alliance to recovered the new Nation. Now once I would embarked on Book Two which would be battles to fight the threat and restored back the Nation.

I would also complete Killrock and their seige by the Draconian, before I opened up another tale.....maybe Crusaders II. Or Dorothy of Oz, the new Re-telling of the Tale. I still have Book II on the Circle of the Lords; the sequel to Circle of the Lords. There are still, the Tawa Incident; a parady of JB, Investigator Kantner ala a Sherlock time series, and another tale on the undercover in Wise Guy. Plus six other ongoing writes with COTN Book III, Circle Book III, Crusaders Book III among them. I guess Book III's maybe my achilles heel; other ideas stomping inside me when I have to complete them......sigh.

 I would continue on posting the tales on Cops and Mys in my Volume One series ( 20th standalone parts and three Short Tales done. ) I may go onto the new Volume later, after I cleared off some unfinished longer tales..... its all in my "I must do list".

 I have to admit, I am penning another tale now ( I should not be but the tempations was too great..... another long delayed idea that was on my mind for years. ); a Japanese Samurai tale. Its had all the honor and battles to go along with it. That's all I can say now, as I am not sure how I want to flow the many possibility but it has been fun to pen. I would capped it at 50,000 words and do the above list.

Cheers, and thank you.

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