Sunday, April 14, 2013

COTN House of Micha Part 10

10.  New Links

The ride back to the Judas Camp was long and quiet. The Judas warriors kept their distance from Kiring as they are not sure of her. She kept herself covered with a cloak and a hood like Medi. Medi also travel quiet although her mind is on her missing pet. The Wolf have not responded to her call since they left the cottage.

They came to rest at a stream and the ladies were allocated a space of their own.

"Kiring, they fear you." Medi was washing her face and then she looked up to Kiring. "Do you mind?"

Kiring was caressing a snake in her hand.

"I am sorry. It looked like my babies but I know this one is not. I can sensed mine." Kiring let the snake slither off into the grass. Her action was seen only by Medi but by the others.

"I guess I need more privacy space." Kiring then stopped talking. She is looking at the forest across the stream. Medi also sensed it. Medi ran to her belongings and retrieved the Scepter.

"Kiring, this is mine." Medi walked up the forest across the stream. She held up the Scepter high and she called on them.

"Come forth, your Mistress commands you."

First to come was a cougar, but this one is twice the size of a normal cougar. It also has a set of long fangs. Its also known as Sabertooth. The second was a horse mount but this one has a horn on its nose bridge mostly called an Unicorn. The one that has Man' frame but twice the size covered in brown furs and walked like a Man with a heavy upper chest supported by his bigger feet.

"I am your new Mistress. Welcome back. I can see that there are some of your friends missing. I am sure they would come if they knew I am here." Medi looked to the three creatures standing there. She walked over to them and she pulled them into the forest.

"I thought you were the odd one. I guess I was wrong." Jedi walked up to Kiring as he made his remark.

"No, Jedi. You are the odd one here." Kiring points to the Judas Warrior' lack of clothing to cover himself. He was taking aswim with his men just now.

"Pardon me." Jedi went back to his men.

"They would go and searched the land for the others. I suspect they could had joined Seti. They are the Basilisk, the Anaconda, and last the Man Scorpion who commands the Dark Scorpion. Then there is the Red Eagles of Highlands which nest on the High Mountains of Highlands. I suspect they could be still on their own but we can never tell. They are the arch enemy of the Basilisk." Medi explained to Jedi and Kiring on her meeting with the creatures. "Seti has the Gargoyles working for him."

"Gryphon, and large wolf. I thought I seen them all but today, I am asking if I am lucky to be alive or stupid to be alive." Jedi was trying to put up a strong front for his men but his hands are shaking as they held the plates for their late meal. "We would be at the Camp tomorrow. Sleep well."

That night Medi could not rest while Kiring thought of her children still out there. Jedi however slept well, as he had two guards stationed near him.

"Welcome to the New Nation Camp." The person who received them was Cedi with Malech standing nearby. "We don't have much time. I don't trust some of you but I have to as the war is already starting. Our new war with Seti had begun, and we are the ones to stop him."

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