1. Back to the Crime Scene
I knew it was going to be a trap so I had to think out some moves to counter it. The message was to meet at the Boiler and the exchange takes place. The building was Huang' and the fragging boiler was three levels down. I had a pal in the City Hall which helped me to extract the building plans. He would not sell me out as he owes me plenty for saving his life in the war. I studied the plan for over an hour and came up with the plan. It was my wartime experiences; the intel guy gives you his crap plans and you modified it to make it worked so that your men can come home. Or at least reduce the odds. I also pulled out my service rifles; the Thompson. I kept that in a secure place at the office.
Now I am ready for war.
At 2100hrs, I walked into the building rear entrance with the Maintenance Night crew; dressed like one but carrying a long duffel bag. Nobody asked and cared who I was except the Supervisor. I told him I was to cover for Duffy.
"Who's Duffy?" The fat man asked back as he looked at the list of names provided by the Maintenance Contractor. Nobody wants to do the cleaning job anymore so they hired it out to the Cleaning Companies who grabs whoever can holds a broom.
"How would I know? Supe' tell me to come here and I came. So do I sweep or walked?" I gave the fat man my snarling look. He was upset but he does not want to stand in between a hungry man and his only job. He let me through and I walked in to the restroom. I chose a clean cubicle and changed out of my working overall to the police uniform complete with cap. There I sat and waited for the time to passed. I must had fell asleep as next I heard was the door knocks.
"Who's in there?" I was awake by the shout and replied that I am coming out. I stood up and adjusted the service belt on my waist and took up the Thompson. I opened the door and walked out.
"Officer, I am sorry." The dark guy holding the broom looked at me. "I did not know you were in there."
The cleaner peeked in and I grabbed hold of his overall by the back of the neck to slammed him against the cistern at the rear. He was out cold and I left him sitting on the seater. I looked at my watch, and its showed me 2155hrs. I walked to the door and looked out. There was no one else there and the elevator was next to the restroom. It connects to the carpark but I was looking at the nearby emergency exit. That points to the staircase which was my ideal choice now. As I was to step out, I saw the elevator door opened. I sneak back in, and held the door ajar to peek out.
"You wait here with Ernie. If you see him, do not engage. Just let him go." The two hoodlums stepped out in their cheap suit. Ernie turned out to be the one with the blue suit while the other wearing the gray suit was named Mick.
"Why can't we just shoot the guy?" Mick spoke out as he lit the stick between his lips. "I knew him by reputation. Ex-army and detective before becoming PI."
"Mick, he's decorated with enough medals to hang on your prick." Ernie snide at his friend boast of the lengthy anatomy. Ernie wanted to retort but he heard the slamming of the restroom door. He motioned to Mick to followed him to check on the noise. They both took out their guns and proceeded there.
Ernie motioned to Mick to go in first, while he followed. He stood at the open door while Mick peruse the cubicles. Mick stopped at the one where the cleaner was sleeping out his painful induced sleep. Ernie stepped in to see the sight and heard the restroom door closed. He turned around to have his nose smashed by the Thompson buttstock. Mick moved to shoot but stopped when he saw the Thompson aimed at him. I had both of them tied up and placed inside one of the cubicle.
I stepped out and walked to the staircase. I was about to descend the flight of stairs when I heard the voices. I looked down and saw two more hoodlums at the last level. Like Mick, they are smoking that stick which would marked their health one day. I sneaked myself down two flights until I can even smell their cheap deodorant.
"Boys!" I stepped forward to their view pointing the Thompson. One of them tried to reach for the gun unde his armpit as I was stepping down. I jumped forward with the remaining steps and swung the Thompson into the face. I reacted fast to stop the second hoodlum from reaching his gun. I did the same to them as the others.
Now comes the difficult path.
There was five more of these hoodlums with the Oriental squat man standing there. There was another hog tied to the chair there; probably the one who murder Marilyn. Or claimed to be under duress from Huang. I had stepped out and spied the surrounding to see anymore hidden hoodlums. It was poorly lighted the area. I took out the M1 Garand and took my aim. They are getting edgy as it was past the hour now.
I timed the shots and took out two of them before they could react. My third shot was on the Oriental but to wound. I need him for later discussion. I ran to my next cover under fire, but these hoods did not fight in the war like I did. I took down the third hoodlum before the remaining ones threw their guns down and retreated to the exits.
"Help me!" The Oriental man was moaning from his leg wound when I approached him. I took a glance at the one who was hog tied to the chair. He was already dead from the earlier beatings and brought here for my show. I looked back at the Oriental man. I stepped on his wound., and he cried out in pain.
"Who order her killed?" The Oriental man cried out the name of the man in charge. That was all I needed. In the war, the soldiers killed the others like them, but as sniper we go for the one who issued the order. That's what I am going to do now.
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