Thursday, January 24, 2013

Killrock 48 hours to Day One descent to Killrock Part 1.2

1.          The Briefing on the Mission

General Carl "The Wolf" Manning adjusted his military tunic that was weighed down on one side with his medal of valors. General Manning, commander of the 1st Division looked at at his senior commanders; Colonel Ludwig of the Ground Infantry Company accompanied by his four officers with the rank of Major, Colonel Jahangir of the Armored Company with his two officers also ranked Major. Then there was the last senior commander of the Intelligence or named as the Recon Company; Captain Malik of the four Horsemen squads.

General Manning then took to the speech part. He hated this part as it means he was sending out his men to perish in some unknown planets before the battle. There was another officer following in his footsteps; an Intelligence Senior, one that does nothing but snoop into every data they can get their hands or mind on.

"Men of the 1st Division, the Wolf had been called on." The nickname for the Division was the Black Wolf. "We are to recover back our rights on a distant mining planet invaded just over twelve hours ago. As we are the nearest ship, we are going in fast and get the task done. The Destroyer would remain in orbit. Advanced squad to secure the landing and then we would go in with the full force. This mission is named Killrock. May the Federation lived forever. "

The officers roared out the same reinforced statement as needed by all that served the Federation. The men are keen to battle as they had completed their refurbishment of the numbers and supplies, and was en-route to join the armada when the call came in.

"Its a hostile planet but breathable atmosphere with some sunshine. The details are on your pad, and we are to takeover back the mining factory and its nearby settlement. Our enemy are the Draconian Regime; cannibalistic miscreants for a race. They been passive for over a century but lately have raided our remote colonies like Selvan VIII. This time we are going back in force."

The General looked at the Senior Intelligence Officer and then introduced him to the Division.

"Captain Dieter would like to add his squads in for some mission of his own. We are to support them." The Division commanders all went quiet. "Baby sitting does not mean they can't die."

That roared up the spirits of the Division but the Senior Intelligence Officer stormed off.

2.          The Squad beef-up their looks.

Squad Leader Basilus Kadir locked in the greave on his right wrist and then test its reaction to his signal from the implant in his wrist. The blade appeared instantly from the greave and then rotate anticlockwise. He then signaled it to retract and pulled on his left greave. This one does not have a blade but it housed the communication unit and onboard personal sensor for information. He then slipped on the shin and thigh guards before pulling on his chest plate which was colored camouflaged to match the color of the terrain on Selvan VIII. There is a processor which they can input in the codes and it would react on the surface it encountered. The plate also covered their dark gray uniform donned beneath it. The insignia of the Scouts are on their left sleeve; and its showed a Kerrin Wolf leaping upwards with the fangs bared. The wolf was one of the feared predator for its relentless and silent attack. The wolf was known to prey on even larger creatures and hunt in a pack. Among the feared ones

The breast plate slipped on over the head would given him cover for his front and back. He strapped on the waist belt which holds the PL450; personal handgun with a mean impact power, on his right side of his belt; the half metre length serrated rectangle blade with a short hilt. His other blade was in his right boot with its six centimeter gut cutter. It has a curved end like a partial hook. He later slipped on the ammo bandelier with the extra ammo clips and various grenades onto his back.

Next he picked was the standard issue PH375 with the extended ammo clip of sixty rounds before he donned on his metal helm with the sides that curved in to cover his cheeks and upper neck. It has the comms builtin to the right side which reads from the greave unit and the mini processor on the left which feeds the greave. The processor powers the display on the visor which covered his eyes and nose. Last component to be put on was the metal gloves with the metal studs.

The Squad Leader punched in the code on the right shoulders and the all the components of the suit come alive. The visor gives out the reading on all components are in working order. He then looked at the members of his squad which are in dressing up like him but some of them would be carrying specialized weapons like the PH750 or the blasted PH500 short barrel shotgun. 

He walked up to Ranger Mira Torre and help her to slip in her chest armor. Their eyes locked for a second before he grabbed Ranger PH375 rifle which was on the floor. He handed it over to her and walked on.

"Leader, do you think I can even up my score of Draconian kills this battle?" In battle, the squad does not addressed their commanders by rank, but nicknamed Leader. Ranger Marc Ante double checked his high power rifle to make sure the grease are well spread out.

"Marc, ten to one you would lose to me." That was the second sniper; Ranger Micheal Durant, a short squat man with a bald scalp which he covers with dark camouflage paint. He said its good for his scalp those cream.

Ranger Ante replied he's on to the bet. Basilus saw the frown on his co-commander Micheal Land with the rank of Sergeant, just before the Ranger put on his helmet. Basilus walked up to him and they hugged each other for support.

"You take half the squad and cover left flank." Basilus gave him the strategy for deployment. "I would have the two newbie. They need some time to get used to us rogues."

Squad Five was also named Rogue Squad as during battles, they tend to go rogue and come back with surprising results. Micheal nodded and looked at his other flankers.

Ranger Andrei Dukov; despite his genetics strain, he was a small man towering below two metres but build like a bull. He is the flankers brawler and nicknamed Wolverine. His younger sister; Ranger Tasha Dukov, diminutive in size but a brawler too like the brother holds the only flame burner unit in the squad. She claims that if not the Ranger, she could had been an arsonist. Her lover and co-Ranger was Kurata Mashi; an eastern descent with penchant to collect Draconian badges so he can sell when off duty. Then there was Ranger Silve Pani, another eastern descent but of a darker shade with the muscles of a runner; he does all the running for messages when comms get disrupted.

The new recruits are Ranger Luke Gareth and Rhonda Winslow. They just being brought in fresh from the training camps, and to be sent to the Rangers mean two things; they are hopeless or they are difficult to manage. But once they are in the Rangers, those who lasted turned out to be the best.

"Ranger Gareth and Winslow, you would stick close to Leader Basilus. If you failed to do so, you would be shot or be killed by the Draconian. Is that understood?" Micheal like to scared them on the first outing. Both the recruits smiled and salute.

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