Sunday, January 27, 2013

Killrock 48 hours to Day One descent to Killrock Part 1.3

1.          The incision of the Infantry.

Like other divisions, part of the infantry named as pathfinders or scouts are the first to be inserted so that they can create a landing pad for the rest. There were four squads given that task; Squad One to Four. The staging area was about six kilometres from the settlement.

They were further equipped with 'Thor's' personal four missiles launchers that the Ranger can fire from its shoulder, and mini twin barreled personal rotary guns nicknamed 'Loki' as its tricky to handle at times; the guns tend to get stuck on reloading.

"These are the initial reports that the Draconian have conquered the colony but we have new reports that there are resistance still at the colony. We need to trace those settlers, and relief them. That would be the job for Squad Five." Major Elijah Moshe briefed the five squads that was to be the advanced formation.

"Squad Leader Senior Sergeant Kadir, your squad would land on the area marked as 'Large Flat' while the rest would be at the foot of that mesa." Major Moshe smiled at Basilus. Then he added in the statement. "General asked me to you this. You are going to go rogue, please try to keep the casualties low."

Basilus salute his commander as the later walked over to speak to the others. His moment of silence thoughts was interrupted by Marc.

"Squad Leader, we are ready to go." Basilus nodded and followed the Ranger to the Trooper Carrier that carried two squads each but Pod 3 was with only one squad. Its a pod used to transport the infantry to war zone as its piloted by the craft system. It has no armaments as it not an attack craft but it does a have a solid shield in the front for those nasty guns that enemies used to shoot them down.

Basilus strapped in and close his eyes. He remembered all his descent in the pods; most of them ended up in a crash.

2.          The bronco ride never fails to surprise.

"System compensating. Auxiliary system kicking in." Basilus heard them all before. He wonders sometimes if the Intel section ever learned to filter their data before they released those reports. Most times, they get the blunt end of the damages and it cost them lives at times.

"Impact in five clicks"; The system kickbacks it thruster and tried to level on the nose of the carrier but Basilus knew its time to say prayer and hold the last meal down. He heard Marc voice on the comms; "nice to know all of you; just in case we do not meet on the ground."

"Shut up, Marc.'" That's Micheal; the ever confident squad member. He always doing the pep talks while Basilus screwed them from their butts to the eyeball with all the profanities of why we are going to die tomorrow. It helped with him around and those life saving speeches. Mist times the vets would just play no attention toit, but the new recruits were all numbed to which was more true.

"Impact in one click." The digital clock on the cockpit goes blinking as it does a countdown from sixty secs. Marc start his singing of the love he left back at the hills but no one pays any attention to him either. He had no love life at all; he just likes to sing the tune.

The impact came like any other; a whiff of signals rushing through your body and then the total silence as your senses shut down just before the vocal expression screamed for mercy but no sound would be heard. Then its all motion and black out in the vision. It would be a few clicks before the body suit system jabbed you to wake up with its fine pressure on the nerves centers on your body. Your mind would wake up first with a start and then slowly leveled down to trigger the movements on the body as the suit sends the drug into the body through the pressure points. It compensate your mind to the new surrounding and soon you are in for action.

"Aargh!" Basilus screamed out as he pulled at the straps on his seat which was holding him upright. Once the straps were off, he felt himself falling down. He landed on his face and then got up to crouch up for action.

"Damned!" The carrier had landed belly up but they are alive as he sees all his squad members are dropping like bird droppings from their seats. Micheal was faster in reaction as he gives out the orders to deploy. 

"Sniper to the perimeter." The four snipers of the squad all grabbed their gear and left by the side door which was opened on landing. "Gunners, take the guns and set up second line. The rest set up for recon on my mark."

Micheal walked up to Basilus while stepping on the original ceiling of the carrier and reported in.

"The numbers adds up." Basilus nodded and walked out of the carrier to have his first view of the hell hole they had just landed on that night at exactly 00:00 hours. The sensors tell him the air breathable, but its dry and filled with dust from the breeze of winds on the surface. Temperature was cooler than normal but with their suit, they are able to maintain at ideal working condition.

Basilus motioned for them to move out.

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