Monday, January 7, 2013

COTN House of Genoe Part 2

2. Secret of Aleria

Malech smiled at the young elf as she went around scrummaging for food. Its a sorcerer's working place so where you would expect food and drinks. The young elf was relentless in looking for food as she opened every container or chest to looked for it.

"There is none, " Medi looked at him " unless you can tell me where its hidden."

Malech looked at her and smiled. He then points to the side of the head and tapped it. Medi was not amused that someone tells her that she is without a clue. She walked up to him and points the spear at the older elf.

"Do not tempt me, Malech. I am a Jhitai. We also hunt sorcerer if the task called for it." Medi turned her back on the older elf. "I am here because of Cedi. I did not volunteer but........."

"You came on your will as a Jhitai as I am of Genoe too. More to it, I can be the one to resurrect the House. You know that." Malech glared at her. "I know you well, Medi of Genoe. You were with the Canaan for some time before coming back to us. Your acceptance back was because of your contribution of this."

Malech waved the wand known as the Oracle.

"Know this well, Medi of Genoe. I may be an old elf but I know more than you. Never show your mood to me. I can remove you like I did with the bones."

"I am sorry, Malech. I am just tired and hungry." Medi slumped her down on the flooring in defeat. She knows that her emotions can get her into issues like this. She should bend herself back to her training as a Jhitai. There is always time for the correct moves, even though she dislike being stuck in this dome.

"Come with me." Malech gestured to the center of the Dome and it opened up to reveal a staircase going down.

"We are going down? Would there be serpents?" Malech had stepped down the stairs and Medi followed quick. The stairs lead to a large hall with several chambers on the side. All the chambers had their doors opened and there was one which Malech is walking to. Its the one that contained food and drinks. The older elf took outa sealed container and two goblets. He opened the seal to pout the wine into the goblet and then drank it all for another fill.

"Good wine. Well preserved and aged with perfection. Good think, serpents do not like wine and cold meat. Medi, there are cold cuts in there; salted and able to withstand the long period here. Eat up and drink to your fill. Then we would rest our heads and let our mind do the planning."

Medi soon had her fill and she walked around the hall that lies below the dome. She noticed that the sleeping chamber of the inhabitants are down here and so are their hygiene needs well designed. She saw one door which is barred shut with three bars across the width of the door. She reached for the bar when Malech stopped her.

"Its unwise, young elf to open that door. I am not sure you want to see beyond that." Malech caution her, but she is ever reluctant to listen to him. She raised the first and then the second bar.

"Perhaps you hid treasures behind here." She mock the old sorcerer who just smiled back at the young warrior.

"You would do the Jhitai proud with your courage" Medi had then raised the last bar and proceeded to open the door. "But you may just be the result of their brash attitude too."

Medi closed the door immediately on opening. She is clearly shaken up by the sight that lay before her from the open the door.

"I warned you. But you are a Jhitai. So I let you be a Jhitai. Was it what you expected?" Malech laughed out loud.

Cedi shook her head and quickly barred back the door.

"There are serpents all over the place. Its like a next of serpents; big and small, all types and they are fighting among themselves. May the Gods preserved my life. Malech, you could had told me." Medi reached for the goblet of wine that was in Malech' hand. She drank it down to soothe down her nerves.

"How do you know this place so well?" Medi asked of the sorcerer.

"Well, I built it." The sorcerer sink his teeth into the piece of salted meat. "Aargh! That hurts. Pass me the knife. I need to cut my meat before I can chew on them....... Ah, yes, I built this dome and also the hall here. I did not build the city; it was done by those who believe in the arts of music and words. I only build this place."

Malech gestured to Medi to seat nearer as he tells the tale of Aleria.

"It was over two hundred years ago, when Aleria was still mentioned by all who had come and visited this place. Many came but few leave; Man, elves, dwarfs and even goblins. Wizards, witches and my own kinds too, they needed a place to ease their pain and the golds to spent on during those days. Aleria expand more and even when wars were fought, this place was spared of any invasion or killings. Once an overzealous young baron tried to take her for his own, but his army was later defeated by the tri-nation armies of Man, Elves and Dwarfs.The Goblins helped by providing information on the baron's army. Since then, no one dares to do the unspeakable here. You would be surprised that the city needed no army to protect it; its people was sufficient and their armies marched on its call.

You knew of the city's trappings of the arts and crafts by the so-called artiste but you did not know of the hundred over who lived here in my skills. I was one of them, and we liked this place. It had more than just the trappings of music and arts. It had magic in itself; I mean the city has element of magic in the structure, in its land and also in inhabitants like us. All of us had a part of sharing it and above all imparting it back. Its not we wanted to but the city is alive by itself. As we draw form it, we drew on us.

I was send by the Council from the Houses to learn the secret of the city. I came here with my son, Berhan. He was the one you saw above us. He was one of the six who stayed here to control the city. Maybe you would understand now, the city is alive except for where we are now. Let me elaborate more but first I need a drink.

Yes, the city is alive and I was the one who discovered it. It seeps the life soul of the people and discard the ones that does not fit in or fulfilled its purpose. I was trapped by it for a time and when I broke loose, I delved in deeper to check on the source of its power. That was when I was asked for two of my best apprentice to join me. They helped me with their combined power which I was to overcome the influence more and made my way to the core of it.

The city sits on the base nest of the serpent beasts. Their magic are more towards the dark sides and one of its strength was to draw on the light side to feed itself. It was govern by a serpent who turned to be one of Man in part and Serpent in the other. He sits in this inter-physical self and he has a army of serpent like guards. His name is unspoken of but I knew him as Seti. I exposed his evil deeds and the others joined me in fighting them.

That was the Serpent War then.

We won because we had him trapped in this city. He sought the city power to defeat us but the city absorb his power as well. We lost many of our friends then until we discover if we drain the source, the source may seek more from him. The six of them volunteered to go in stealth and led by the dwarf who took them by the tunnels. They hurt the source and as its get weaker, it seeps on from Seti and his army. We hit back hard and won on the weakened Seti and his guards. We could not kill Seti then so we imprisoned him here. The six who got us the victory had a price to pay; they were scarred by the battle, and as such cannot leave. When they tap into the source, part of their soul was held by it.

In the end, we resolved that since Seti may be defeated but he is not destroyed, there must be guardian to see that he does not rise again. The six volunteered ti be one and for my son's sake, I designed the dome. I placed spells on dome and also in some areas of the city. I used to come in on a regular basis to check until my betrayal by my two apprentice. I was weakened by them and later capture to the tower. They placed a spell there that kept me from doing my magic. More to it, the food and drinks were spiked so I could not fight off the spells.

Thats why when I had the Oracle I borrowed its power to fight off the spells and also the serpent guards. The Oracle without the amulet is like the source here. Its seeps you life soul away when you used it. That is why I took the amulet from Cedi. Its the only thing that can prevent the Oracle from taking my life soul when I used it.

You did not know. Yes you took both from the previous Guardian. Its a closely guarded secret of the Guardians and only the selected Guardian entrusted with the Oracle knows its secret. Cedi does not know as it was only his father who knew. Why did you give the amulet to Cedi?"

Medi looked at the older elf who asked her a question which she has not answer.

"I was told by the Council that the amulet protects the wearer but little did I know it was to protect when the users used the Oracle."

"Medi, there is more to your answer. I am not like Pipa. I cannot read mind but yours holds a lot of secrets. Are you hiding something from me? Or from Cedi?" Malech looked at the young warrior's expression and he finds nothing to tell him more.

"You are mistaken, Malech. I am here to help you and as for Cedi; he is my friend. We just happened to be together. Please rest, Malech. We have much to do here."

"I can agreed." Malech move to a nearby bench and lay his body down on it. As he close his eyes, his mind drift back to Berhan, but on sudden thoughts it would be on Cedi and Medi. He fears the two may not as what is seen here. Medi could be more than she appear to be. Medi reminds Malech of Kiring, his other apprentice. The one who actually subdued him and then hand him over to Pipa and her father General Darren.

"Kiring, you betray me when I actually liked you." Malech muttered to himself on his foolish action then to allowed Kiring to seduce him. In that moment of love submission, she poisoned him and he was helpless as she overpowered him. It was the only time he had betrayed his deceased wife's trust in him.

"Kiring, you are a whore." He shouted out. He then felt Medi' hands on his shoulder.

"Malech, are you okay? You just shouted in your sleep?" Malech move to sit up and nodded his head.

"What did I say? How long was I sleeping?" Malech rubbed his neck and looked at the warrior. "How long?"

"You slept through the night and you said nothing except to shout. Its morning now and perhaps you want to explore the place more." Medi helped the old man to his feet.

"Yes, there are more secrets to this place. We would explore Aleria, my young warrior. "

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