Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Killrock 48 hours to Day One descent to Killrock Part 1

48 hours to Day One descent to Killrock

1.          The complement of Federation Rangers 2nd Division.

The four two hundred thirty thousand of ceramic and metal combined material made up of ninety eight percent of the deep space cruiser series 'Valiant' but the important components are made from than those more than the above; its incorporate other non-metallic materials which are organic designed to heal by itself. The "Pantheon" was the last to be commissioned by the Federation Space Council as it was deemed to too expensive to built and they much prefer the bigger cruiser series 'Abrams' which fit in with the concept of larger deep space crafts that made up of the twenty five armadas. So the Valiant series were transferred to the Federation Rangers; the deep space front line troopers or the ones you sent when the casualty count is too high to be considered acceptable. 

Each Valiant deep space craft was home to a division of the Rangers numbered three thousand strong with armored support and tanks, plus the dreaded Juggernaut Tank which can bring down a city with its ten fold fire power with its sixteen personnels. Each Division have four Juggernaut but the slow heavier tanker lose out to the twin turret tank named the Chieftain or CT in speed for short. These CT's are limited with only twelve units divided into two company. Each CT carries seven Rangers.

The Rangers traveled in armored transporter with the twin barrel rotary guns in the dome cupola while the second set of gun was on the fore hull neat the driver compartment; they named Armored Troops Transporter or ATT in short. Each division would be assigned twenty ATT but three are kept for salvaging of parts. Each ATT can carry an Ranger load of twelve personnels including the driver and gunner.

There are the Light Terrain Transporter or LTT which carry four or five in a squeeze was the bare vehicle structure on a small but powerful engine to carry the Rangers. They are assorted of these and are mostly preferred to the Rangers as in the event they run out of ammo, they can always crash the LTT in a head-on collision.

The last vehicle was the super bike which carry one Ranger for fast attack or recon named Track Speed Bike or Bikes as these scouts travels in packs of four and they come in waves to attack their enemies using the mounted double automatic light rotary guns above their front wheel. There are only four squads of four riders each named as the Four Horsemen.

There are the Infantry which made of the four company of six hundred Rangers each, with three hundred Ranger Scouts and the remaining are the four squad of tank crewmen, medical, logistics and communication crews. The Ranger Scouts are made up of fifteen or ten men squad commanded by Squad Leader with one other senior as co-commander.

Squad Five was one such group with Squad Leader Lieutenant Basilus Kadir as the commander. He had a full squad of eleven Rangers during the descent. 

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