Sunday, January 6, 2013

Men falls asleep after sex

"Jon, you got to read this." I motioned to the news listing on the I-Pad. "Men cannot help but fall asleep straight after indulging in sexual activity because their brains are ordering them to do so, a new study has revealed. Scientists have claimed the male brain is programmed to switch off after orgasm whereas women are more likely to be left staring at the ceiling in frustration."

"Uh-huh~" Jon muttered under his breath as he adjust the pillow. I had to read this to him.

"In men, the entire cerebral cortex, the brain’s “thinking” part, shut down during orgasm. Wow! I thought it was only there. Gee, talk about rejuvenation. They need those blue pills to do more."

"Hum~" Trust Jon to be slighted when I mentioned on his performance charting; it does spike when I feed him well. \

"Its says here, women do not have such a strong refractory period." I looked over yonder; I wondered where it had snuggle underneath. Its ain't raging anymore. If I was a fireman, I would said it likes a back draft fire; all worked up and let off in a dramatic whoosh of event. And then ran out of oxygen to keep on flaming.

That left me nerve racking and I had asked on the other two doing across the room.

"Marjorie, you still on the tracks?" I am not being melodramatic but I guess with him snoozing away, I needed some other comfort.

"Ben, shut up." Marjorie got up from the other bedding and stood there naked like the day she was born. "We ain't men and we ain't staring at no ceiling too. So sleep yours' off while Susan and myself go for the records."

Marjorie pulled the curtain shut between us and got back to her workout with Susan.

Well, DIY ain't registering so that that leaves me one more thing to do.

"Dear Editor, I stand to question your findings on men falling asleep right after orgasm. Not all of us do sleep after orgasm. Not when you are sleeping next to the locomotive engine on the same bed."

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