Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I shot Lucifer

I felt the presence in the room when I opened my eyes. There he was sitting at the dark corner by my dresser, and holding his head in his hands. He was all dressed in white but he could not fool me with the horns on his forehead. I may be younger but I had Grandpa read me the Bible every night last summer. I knew a demon when I see one.

"When did you get in?" I asked him; well I guess he was a boy. I couldn't really make out his you know what, but he looks like any boy. Okay, I seen it beore although there are not many boys where I am staying. My Science Class did covered that section once.

More to it he looked like Eddie,my brother; all brawny; Mum said that means he's got brain and strong. Poor Eddie died last year due to some sickness. He was five then when I was four. I am five now and that's makes me a bigger girl. I been sleeping alone here in the room since Eddie died. I got to used to it after a few nights with the side light on, but now I sleep in the dark. We lived on a farm with the nearest neighbor more than a walking distance. The neighbors; kids are my only friends here; Paula, Mike and John but they only come over on weekends. I don't really like them; they take all my toys to play and leave them on the floor when they leave. I told Ma but she said its okay. But its never okay when I leave them on the floor by myself. I guess adults are crazy sometimes.

But since last week, he has been a frequent visitor to my room; always after dark and sitting in the corner. He hardly moved from there and only speak when spoken to. That day was was an exceptional.
"I just got in a short while ago. The thunders scared me." The little demon spoke up which broke me from my sleepy thoughts. "Can I come near you?"

He has never approached me before but sit here. I could not make out his expression but he sounded scared. I used to be scared of thunder, but since I became a bigger girl; nothing scares me anymore. Not even when John said he wants to punch me in the face last week.I caught him first for peeking under my dress. I stood up to him and he backed off. Pa told me never to back off from a fight but he does not argue with Ma. I guessed he's scared of Ma too.

"Yes, you can but you sit next to my bed here." I pointed to the flooring next to my slippers. "Ma said I cannot let boys come onto my bed."

The little demon crawled over and sat by the bedding, still holding his chin up with the palm of his hands. He was shivering, so I loaned him my extra blanket and also Teddy. I used to sleep with Teddy, but since I am a bigger girl; Teddy the Bear sleeps alone next to my pillow.

"Here. Hold Teddy. He would tell you that the thunder and lightning are just stupid noises. They don't scare you once you know it." I told the little demon.

"NO!" The little demon shouted out and then he looked all around. He startled me with his shout but now seeing him more nervous made me worried. And scared too.

"I am sorry. I did not mean to shout but you needed to warned." The little demon spoke up. "Lightning and thunders are made by God. He used it scared people like me. If he catches us out there, he would strike us down with the lightning. I seen him do it to some of my friends."

It was then a lightning struck the old oak tree near the house, and followed by the roar of the thunder.It always get struck by lightning.  Little demon cringed up with his feet drawn up to his chest. He had Teddy held tight.

"Let Teddy go. You are suffocating him." I pulled Teddy off the little demon and placed Teddy back into his place next to me. "Here. Hold the baseball bat. That way you can bash up God if he does that again to you. Its not fair for God to bully you in that manner."

"Thank you", The little demon held on the baseball bat I passed to him. "Call me Lucifer. What's yours?"

"Lilith. Everyone calls me Lil. You can call me Lil." I told him before when we met. I am not scared of the little demon; I have Eddie's space gun under my pillow. He would be zap off the planet if I shoot the demon. That's what Eddie used to do when he shoots at those aliens. he told me so then.

We spoke for sometime on everything that was curious to us then; who he's and why he's here. Lucifer told me he was one with the fallen angels and they left Heaven to come here eons ago. They can't go back as they have sinned and are banished here. Since then, they have wandered the place and made their home here. They do get hunted by the believers and punished for deeds not done by them. Some of those crimes attributed to them were done by others in their name, but they get the blame. In the end of his tale, Lucifer cried.

"I went to see God to tell him I have wished to come home, but he refused me. He branded me like them, and mark me for what I am not anymore. I tried many times, but each time, he sends the lightning to hit me. He does not strike me dead but to injured me. I am hurt most in my heart as I do love him." Lucifer looked at me. "We are all his children but he does not reclaimed me back. How would you feel if your Pa and Ma does that to you?"

I could not hold back my tears, but I remembered something Grandpa told me; demons are liars. I wiped off my tears and took up my space gun. I point at him and fired the gun. It blasted a hole in his chest where the heart was.

"Lucifer, you never learned after all these time. You are still a liar." I took another blast into his head; splattering his head contents. "Yesterday you told me your name was Satan. The day before was something else. When are you going to tell me the truth. You also promised me that you would lived with me here. You were to be the father of my children but now you want to leave me here. I shall not tolerate lies from you."

That night I shot Lucifer thrice; the last one was between his legs. Men are always liars; they only want to get into you and leave you all alone. Just like Pa who left Ma, when she was with little Eddie. Even little Eddie left us when the food was scarce on the table. I hate man. Teddy was an exception; he's a teddy bear.

I would clean up the mess in the morning. Or the sun would do it for me; suck it all up and burned the bits in Hell.

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