Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Lady in Red Part 4

1. Leverages can shift

The stuff I got from the briefcase was most intriguing. There were enough dirt to get to some big names to stepped down, but that was not my objective. I only wanted the red head murderer and this may be able to get it for me. I stayed the night in a motel in the shifty side of the city. I knew by then, the city was looking for me; I saw the evening headlines.

"Shoot out at City Building, Five Hoods to Two Cops", "Lawyer shot in the back by unknown assailant", "PI wanted for the murder. Gun found". There was my photo fit plastered on the page next to a young lady with her face blown off.

I knew it was forthcoming as among the names I read in the notes from the briefcase was the District Attorney. I knew Raymond Channing for five years now and he let off the mobster like selling Sunday games tickets; all inflated with the premium buildup.

Its time to move the stakes up.

"Operator, get me this number please." The call was brief and sweet. We are to meet at out of the city limits in a ranch. I loved horses. Especially mares.

In the 50's, if you do car jacking; you just needed guts and an iron piece plus some know how on the ignition. I had myself another Chrysler Saratoga same model as mine but this one ending soon on the scrap list. Thankfully, its tank was full and it can move to the place of my meet.

I loved the country; its air was fresh and above all, there would be the domesticated animals on the fields. The people are friendlier although they may take up their shotgun if you intend to leave their place without your pants on. My meeting was in a large country home that belonged to Micheal Huang. I got his personal number from the notes in the briefcase.

"Mr Blake, you are a persistent man. I like that." I was having morning tea with him on the lawn facing his latest acquisition; a mare named Tinkerbell. It was saddled and ready for its rider. Despite the cold weather, he still have his morning tea out here; I have to admit tea' not my morning drink, but I am in the man's home so I would bear with it. The place was surrounded with brazier burning embers and ferocious dogs with their handler equally menacing in looks.

Huang; he did asked me to go on first names, told me he bought the mare for ten grands. He wants it to bear him runners for the race.

"Tinker would be one fucked up mare if I can visualized your plans." I was being direct towards him. He looked very composed despite the fact I had still my .45 with me. I doubt I could draw and shoot while we are surrounded by five personal hoodlums packed with larger pieces beneath their armpits.

"Yes, that's my mare up there." Huang point to me at the arrival of a lady dressed in the tight red sweater and darker slacks. "I believed you knew her as Connie."

Ms.Connie joined us at the table.

"Shirley, I believed you knew Mike." Huang asked the lady to take the vacant seats at the table. I offered to seat the lady but Shirley ignored me and sat down herself. "Shirley, my latest mare. She rides well, and gives me the inspiration to be a better at the races."

I do not brag on sex life during morning although the ladies do give me the smug look like any housewives do to their husbands. Okay, I admit; my lay score are mostly them who lost their husbands to some skimpy seductress and I am the only available dessert left on the table. At my age, despite my brash looks, not many would go for my cheap perfume offers so I take them as they come with opened limbs. Shirley aka Connie did not speak while I was conversing with Huang, but she did not nudge my leg beneath the table. Damned, I hate it when ladies do that during my talks but I had Huang on the roll then.

"You are giving me ten grand for the notes." I don't make that much in a year but he was too generous to offered me that without hesitation tells me there was more to it than the names.

"Huang, initially I did not want your money at all. I started off on hunting down the hoodlum who shot the red head. But your hoods moved me up the scoreboard. Now I am a wanted fugitive courtesy of the mare of yours." I pointed to Shirley.

"Mr Blake, I am a businessman. I would add in the final amount of two times the money I offered earlier with a lift off the charges of murder. Do we agreed?" Huang did not bother to looked at me but stared at his new mare.

"No deal, Huang. " I grabbed Huang by the neck with my left arm and held him with the butter knife at his right ear held in my right hand. "Tell them to back off. I would fucked your brain if they move."

The five hoodlums reached for their guns but I had the man in charge as a shield. We backed up until I reached the mare.

"Huang, give up murderer and we are even.The classified would do. " I pushed him off and mounted the mare. I rode off towards the open field. Its one strong mare and would be produce some good runners. There were no gunshots but the place was noisy with shouts. No one pursue me and I let myself off near the rail tracks some ten miles away. I knew the place well as it was my turf of operation. The noon train came on time and slowed down on the hill; enough for me to get a ride back to the city.

It was all on the Evening papers; "Murderer confess to crime. Stole gun and shoot victim." On the classified was 'Boiler man ditched Marilyn 2200. "

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