Wednesday, January 30, 2013

COTN House of Genoe Part 10

10. Present, Past and Future

Medi has already left with Silver who came back for her after the wolf left Malech at the city. Malech was to move on to find Cedi when he heard the call. He turned back to see his ex-apprentice holding onto to the tree trunk for support. He rushed forth to assist her.

"Kiring, what happened? I did not harm you that badly." He looked at the lady who is now bleeding in some places as tatters of her dressing covers her body. She slumped into his hands and fell unconscious. Malech pulled her to the shades of the bigger trees and created a bedding for her body to rest. He examined the wounds and noticed they are not of serpent bites but of Man and magical forces.

"Pipa?" Malech muttered to himself. Could she had done all of this or was it her new Master Lord Netsu. Kiring stirred in her state of unconsciousness, that caused the ex-Master to looked back at her injuries. It can be healed but it needs some proper place and potions. These are not available here but he knows of a place nearby; about half a day's walk.

Malech fashioned up a small sleigh that he can placed the injured lady on it. He then lashed the sleigh to a long vine and he pulled at it to the new location. Its not an easy task for a person of his age but he persevered for his apprentice. He pulled and walked with the burden behind him.

"Father, you could not resist her. That is the truth of the matter." The image of his son, Berhan appeared in his thoughts. Berhan who was then younger and learning the same magic with the girls. As he was my son, they were affectionate with him, but he had eyes only for Pipa. That led Kiring to work harder for his love, but the son is like the father; merciless and cold in the heart.

"No, I did not ...resist her.I needed a woman' comfort; any woman then aas I missed your mother very much. She came on very strong and I was weak. It was my body and not my mind working then. She saw you in me, and she approached me." Malech' body surged forth with the burden on his mind. He has some spells that can assist him in this task but they are limited in scope.

"No, Father. You were shameless in your deed. She is young and could had been a daughter to you but you violated her. I saw it coming and I saved Pipa from you. I could not save her. That was my regret and my secret that I had to bring to the Dome. I locked myself there to prevent myself being you. I hated you, Father." He can feel Berhan' pain as the truth is finally revealed.

"I came out to see Kiring to tell her the truth that day from the Dome, but she had in her mind to betrayed me. She killed me, Father. A stab into the heart and into my soul. It was then, I realized that I am also like you. We know no love at all. We lusted at what was there. You made a monster out of me too."

"No! My son." Malech stopped and fell on his knees. " I begged of you to forgive me. I did not violate her or any of the others. I love them all, as they are part of me. When we are together, I drew a part of them with me; it strengthen my strength. Its the way of the magic. It can be emotions, or .....physical. The last being more powerful as its from the soul and mind. I am so sorry, Berhan. I did not tell you this."

The old sorcerer cried out in anguish at the fate of his life as a sorcerer. There is no such thing as magical properties in the air; its the living things around them that provides it. Just like how Kiring controls the serpents; she draws on their soul and body. In isolation, Malech could not draw on any, until he had the Oracle to amplify his search. Artoo tried that on the Unnamed but he got was the negative strength. That was why he could not find the cure as yet.

"I am so sorry......" Malech broke down into flowing tears.

"Malech, please get up. Its me, your love Annette."

Malech looked up to see the soul of his love floating before him. She is Berhan' mother.

"I am back as both of you are here. The two of you brought me enough strength to come back. Just this time maybe to see you. I could sense your grief, but know this, my love. It was worth the sacrifice. For you and for our son. Do not despair, as we cannot control all the things in our life, but we can managed what had happened to prepare for the coming ones. Trust me, Malech. I love you. And always do."

The floating image disappeared as just as she appeared.

"Annette!" Malech called out but she is not appearing. Neither is Berhan. He heard another voice calling him.

"Master.... Are you here?" Its Kiring and she is in a state of delirious. Malech rushed to her side and held her hand. Her body is hot and she is squirming. He held her down and spoke out a spell to ease her pain in her. He got up to pulled at the vine to dragged the sleigh. He then saw Medi and her wolf.

"Malech, that is our enemy and you are pulling her to where. She deserved to die here." Medi brought up her spear to strike but the old sorcerer stood in between her and the serpent Queen.

"No, she does not deserved to die. She seek me to be cured and I would do that. If she comes to my side, I would accept her but if she go back to Seti, I would not stopped her. The first I have decided and the second is for her to decide. If you go against my decision, I would kill you." Malech eyes are like a set of raging fire as they stared at Medi.

"If not for Cedi, I would had killed you and her. Do as you want, but on completing it, come to the Golden Circle. Cedi awaits all of us there." Medit turned to go and then she stopped. "Where do you want to send her to?"

"Not far. There is healer near the edge of Dark Valley. She can heal Kiring." Malech looked at the Genoe warrior with a plea for help. "I may not be able to reached in time."

The Healer stayed isolated here as its one place she can do as she pleases, and she is also close to her herbs and plants for the potions. She is of the House of Canaan, but she is known to heal all who comes, if they can pay her price. Her name is Shana the Healer and she is one very old healer who saw the Serpent war as a older lady.

"Master Malech, I would need the Oracle as the price. I know you have it as the forest tells me. That for her life."

Silver have left the sleigh outside the healer house before leaving with Medi. It was already dark so Malech waited outside with Kiring for dawn before they meet the healer. The healer did open her door at the break of dawn but she ignore the duo who was waiting for her. She went about her chores and then only at noon was she willing to look at the injured apprentice. Shana came over to viewed the injured lady and examined the injuries. She then looked back to the old sorcerer and smiled. She had named her price.

"If that would be your price to cure her, I am willing to part with it." Malech reached for the Oracle to hand it over but the healer did not take it.

"So willing, yet you are known for deceit, Master Malech. Tell me what ails you to part with such haste a treasure that many of your kind would die for." Shana eye the old sorcerer while the one on the sleigh is squirming in pain.

"Kiring is my apprentice and she is also the Queen of the Serpents. I cannot explain my situation to help her, but I felt that I must. She could help me in the fighting this war with the Serpents. And Seti. You may had known him as Set then." Malech reached down to hold the injured ladies hand.

"Spoken like a lover yet you are too old for her. Do you really love her, Malech? Or you are doing it for her love to you? A part of me can read the emotions. Which is yours?" Malech looked up at the healer, and his face was drawn tight in anger.

"Do not take advantage of my generosity, Healer. Heal her or begone." Malech stood up and reached for the vine.

"Was it worth it? Annette died for you. Your son, Berhan died for you. Artoo was raised from the dead for your works. So now you seek her too? Why not me? That would had completed the circle. After all, you done all three of them from my life. So tell me, was Annette worth your love then. Or she could do better" Shana points to the injured lady. "Do you have any emotions in you? Or there is none in the first place, since Malent was thrusted to be the main descendant and you second in place."

"Do not mentioned my past, Healer. You were not there." Malech' hand glowed and then he held it down.

"I was not but Annette was. You confessed your sins to her. Soon after you loved her back without conditions. You are the bastard here. She told me so one day when she found her mother's comfort was more reassuring. So did your son, but never you come here to pay me a visit until now. I may not be Artoo' love but I was his daughter's mother." Shana walked back to her home in the forest, leaving the two of them still waiting outside.

Malech got up and pulled the sleigh to move away. Then he heard the voice again.

"You are ever the proud one, Malech. You never could be second or be left out. You had to be in control. Be a true person for once. Ask her again, and tell her you love me." Malech heard the voice but not the floating soul of his love.

Malech dropped the vine and walked back to the Healer's home. He could not find himself to beg but he pleaded with her.

"Shana, for Annette's love please help to save another life that could be saved. I have nothing to offer you except my real love for Annette."

Two days later, Malech took leave of the two ladies in the forest. Shana did her best and Kiring would need sometime to recover. More to it, she may never be the same as the poison has done some damages. She would be without her left arm, and her face is badly scarred on her left.

"Malech, my skills are good but not the best. Kiring need more than I can offer. There is one which can cure her,and also remove the toxins of the Serpents. She can be her old self but not complete as you can see now. I would take her there." Shana reached out and touched Malech' face. "You go on your quest, and do your best. Annette and Berhan would always be with you."

Malech left the Dark Valley to go on his own quest.

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